pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 913 Jun Hua meets Jun Jiaoyan

Chapter 913 Jun Hua meets Jun Jiaoyan (1)
An Xin laughed haha ​​at first, then frowned and said, "Master? My father died a long time ago, where did you come from? Master Jun, did you remember wrongly? I don't have a father,"

She has never had a father since she was a child, she only has one father and mother plus An's mother, and An Youwei is honest, she is not worthy to be her father from the beginning to the end, she only has one father, which is the father of the previous life.

One sentence made Jun Qingyan a little speechless, and she didn't know how to go back?At first, I wanted to take the opportunity to talk, but I didn't expect to be blocked by others, and I was embarrassed.

"Then it's possible that I really made a mistake in my memory, don't be surprised," Jun Qingyan had a feeling when she saw whether An Xin was there or not. This An Xin should be extremely disgusted with that father, otherwise she wouldn't change her face as soon as she mentioned it. .

In fact, ever since the memories of An Xin and Erya were completely fused, when Arya disappeared, An Xin completely became Arya. At this moment, Arya is An Xin, and An Xin is Arya.

An Xin has completely accepted the injustice Erya suffered before, so naturally there will be some anger in it, but An's is better. An Xin just thinks that the other party is pitiful, and she doesn't need a pitiful person Comparing with Anshi.

When Qin Yihan saw An Xin's appearance, he didn't know what to say for a moment.Where is Dudu drinking? In fact, he understands the feeling of peace of mind. After all, he was abandoned by his parents in the beginning. If it wasn't for the master, he would have died early in the morning.

It's just that when he thinks of his master Qin Yihan, his thoughts become a little complicated. At this moment, when will this master wake up, he really misses her a little.

And after An Xin talked with Jun Qingyan ghost all night, they each went home. Jun Qingyan looked a little ugly when she saw An Xin leaving, this brat was quite clever.

The words she said were watertight, and she didn't get any benefits, but she was fine, delicious and delicious, and she was not polite at all, and the most expensive dishes were not stingy .

But at this moment when An Xin walked out of the restaurant, she was still dizzy, and her little face was flushed, but when she walked away, when she was a certain distance away from the restaurant, she immediately walked without shaking.

When Qin Yihan saw An Xin's appearance, he immediately chuckled, An Xin turned her head and opened her arms and said, "I'm tired, give me a hug."

When Qin Yihan saw this, he hugged An Xin helplessly, looked at Qin Yihan and said, "I told you, this wine can't make me drunk, Look, I'm not very sober at the moment, "

As he spoke, he dawdled in Qin Yihan's arms a few times, "This Jun Qingyan is really uneasy and kind, and she used a trick to inquire about my affairs, but I just didn't like him, oh,,,"

As he spoke, he kowtowed, and when Qin Yihan saw this, his brows were furrowed even more fiercely, how could he not look drunk?
"Han, I'm sleepy," he said and found a place to sleep. In fact, An Xin was really not drunk at the beginning, but he didn't expect that the wine from Junqingyan's family had a strong stamina.

When I was in the restaurant at the beginning, because I thought Jun Qingyan was plotting against me, An Xin was always tense. I didn't expect that when I just walked out of the gate and relaxed, I would suddenly feel drunk.

In fact, to be honest, if Qin Yihan wasn't by her side at this moment, An Xin wouldn't have allowed herself to be anesthetized by alcohol. Maybe it was too much peace of mind, which made An Xin feel very relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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