pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 916 Ready to leave

Chapter 916 Ready to leave (1)
After all, when seeing Junhua at this moment, everyone would think that all of this is caused by Junhua. After all, the Jun family and Junhua are already immortal.

When Jun Hua heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, she looked at her with a smile, "Then what do you think? What do you think the Jun family can do with me at this moment? Even if I instigated the food at this moment, what can you do? Even if Jun Qingyan is here, he is not qualified to say these things to me, let alone you, "

Facing Jun Jiaoyan's words, Jun Hua just looked at her. It's sad that some people can't see their own status, especially the woman in front of them at this moment, it's even more sad.

"What did you say?" When Jun Jiaoyan affirmed Junhua's words, she immediately flew into a rage, and the long whip in her hand was almost trembling in her air, "You bastard, the Jun family has raised you for many years, but now you are beating me up. You can be regarded as sorry for the ancestors of the Jun family, "

When she heard Junhua's words, Jun Jiaoyan was very annoyed, but soon she seemed to think of something, and the words she said were a little vicious, "Sure enough, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the sons born of a bitch are also worthless enough. , I should have let my father strangle you in the first place, "

As if she had found Junhua's sore foot, Jun Jiaoyan sarcastically said that she was really born of a lowly woman, and when her son grew up, he would also be very lowly.

And when Jun Hua heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, his eyes suddenly flashed a gloomy look, his hand clenched into a fist, and his face couldn't help showing a burst of anger.

But in the next second, Jun Jiaoyan was kicked by An Xin, "Master Junhua, you take it seriously, why are you talking nonsense to this shameless woman at this moment? She can't understand human language, She doesn't have a high IQ and doesn't understand the nonsense, since it's so straightforward, "

When An Xin saw Jun Jiaoyan scolding Junhua, she immediately became a little unhappy. After all, she is Junhua's partner at the moment, and Junhua has kindness to herself no matter what.

And the reason why she was being scolded by Jun Jiaoyan at this moment is that she has accumulated it herself. When she saw this, if she was appeasing and nurturing adultery, she would be too sorry for Jun Hua's past care.

After all, Junhua is An Xin's biggest partner, and the two of them can be regarded as one loss and one prosperity, so naturally they have to advance and retreat together, not to mention that she doesn't like Jun Jiaoyan in the first place.

How could Jun Jiaoyan not think of it?Unexpectedly, An Xin would actually make a move. At this moment, Jun Jiaoyan suddenly became more serious, with a faint pain in her abdomen, which immediately made Jun Jiaoyan's expression ugly.

"Stinky boy, if you dare to hit me, I will not let you go. This lady will definitely bankrupt your whole family and let you live on the street as a beggar. Even if you hand over the food at this moment, this lady will not forgive you. "One felt a dull pain in the abdomen, and Jun Jiaoyan's face suddenly twisted.

But at this moment, when An Xin heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, she immediately smiled slightly, "Miss Jun, my son, has already said it several times. Although the Jun family can cover the sky with one hand, it's a pity that it only Covering the sky with your hands is only covering your own part of the sky, but at this moment I am not under your family's management. I have to order this food. If you are not convinced at this moment, you can buy it at double the price. Use the Jun family to scare me, my son has been frightened since he was a child, so he is very timid, so timid that he can't help but kill people to silence him, "

Ha, since she dared to hit Jun Jiaoyan, she is not afraid that Jun Jiaoyan will ask the Jun family for help, not to mention that this woman is really arrogant at the moment, picking on her again and again, which annoys her very much.

(End of this chapter)

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