pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 921 Han’s Tracking and Reassurance What Are You Hiding

Chapter 921 Han’s Tracking and Reassurance What Are You Hiding (3)
It's just that at this moment, this family and career, although things occupy part of her heart, but she knows the man in front of her, and knows that he is the most important person to her, so An Xin doesn't want to deceive Qin Yihan at this moment.

It's just that An Xin knows very clearly that compared to An Qiao, An Youcai and others, this man in front of him is undoubtedly not the most important person to him, because he treats him well and likes him entirely because of him.

It's not because she is Erya, An Qiao and An Youcai like her, love her, take care of her, and care about her, all because she is Erya, although it hurts to say so, but she still In this way, Qin Yihan is the most important person to him.

When Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he was a little shocked, but the uneasiness in his eyes faded away, and when he looked at An Xin, there was a flash of light, "Well, I know."

Qin Yihan saw through An Xin's thoughts early in the morning, but since that was the case, he also gave in. After all, many people have said, love first and lose first, and he will naturally lose if he falls in love first.

There is no way to leave at this moment, so I can only hold on tightly, hold her hand tightly, and never let go for the rest of my life, because at this moment she is her own, and she also said that she is the most important person to her.

And after the two got bored here for a while, Qin Yihan also returned to his room. Night had already arrived. At the second watch, An Xin, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes .

Quickly picked up her clothes, opened the window and jumped out of her room, but An Xin didn't know that Qin Yihan also woke up at that moment when she just jumped out of her room.

Because he was paying attention to An Xin's room as soon as he heard it, there was a slight movement in the room at this moment, and Qin Yihan woke up quickly, especially when he heard the window open and people leaving, Qin Yihan couldn't help but also got up and followed. .

Soon Qin Yihan put on his clothes and followed An Xin, but at this moment, An Xin naturally didn't know that Qin Yihan was following him, An Xin checked all the way around, and when he didn't find anyone following him, he continued to walk forward.

At this moment, Qin Yihan, who was following An Xin's back, suddenly frowned when he saw An Xin's cautious appearance, what on earth were he going out to do at this moment?Why so vigilant?
Seeing An Xin's cautious appearance, Qin Yihan couldn't help but become suspicious. It wasn't that he didn't believe in An Xin, but that An Xin's actions at the moment hurt him a little. After all, what was it?Even he can't tell.

Soon Qin Yihan's eyes became a little gloomy, but also helpless. In fact, Qin Yihan knew that he should go back at this moment and should not follow An Xin. After all, An Xin hated others following her.

And if An Xin found out at this moment, even if it was him, An Xin would not be able to help being angry, but on the other hand, he was a little worried about An Xin's safety, afraid that something would happen to An Xin in the middle of the night?
In fact, the most common thing is curiosity, curious about why An Xin goes out in the middle of the night, and also curious about what An Xin is hiding from herself?Curiosity plus worry minus anger is equal to keeping up.

After the three-sided tug-of-war, he finally caught up with Qin Yihan who had won, and soon Qin Yihan followed cautiously, and at this moment, when An Xin looked around, she frowned, not knowing what to do Is it your own illusion?
At this moment, she always feels that someone is following her. When she thinks of this, a killing intent flashes in An Xin's eyes. No matter who is following her, he must not let him find out what she is going to do?
Soon An Xin led Qin Yihan around this Wankou town, and when Qin Yihan saw An Xin leading him around, the feeling of strength in his heart suddenly became stronger.

Such a vigilant mind, coupled with the strangeness of his actions, made it difficult for Qin Yihan not to be curious. An Xin looked around and found that the tracking seemed to have disappeared, so he walked quickly not far away.

And at this moment, because Qin Yihan had experienced An Xin's vigilance, he followed him from a very far away place, but when he saw that the direction An Xin was heading for was the granary, he immediately frowned.

Now it's midnight for An Xin, what are you going to do in the granary?You must know that the things placed in this granary are not all grains?Why is she going to the granary in the middle of the night at this moment?
But at this moment, when he arrived at the granary, he immediately felt that there were people in the dark, but at this moment, these people had no malicious intentions. As soon as he felt this, An Xin immediately felt relieved.

Because she thought that Qin Yihan should be the one who came to guard the granary. Thinking of this, An Xin frowned. The existence of these people is not a good thing, and she has to find a way to let them go to sleep obediently.

Soon An Xin covered her face with a black turban, then looked around, and ran directly to the granary. Sure enough, as soon as An Xin approached the granary, four people appeared in front of her.

And at this moment, none of these people's martial arts is weak. When the four of them saw An Xin, they immediately attacked An Xin. After all, the master said that no matter who wants to play against the granary, he must be killed without mercy.

As soon as An Xin saw the four people attacking her, she quietly sprinkled some powder around her, and then used her nimble and ingenious figure to spin left in front of the four people.

At this moment, Qin Yihan, who was following An Xin, frowned when he saw An Xin's appearance, and wanted to go out, but was afraid of being caught if he went out. At this moment, he was also very curious, what exactly An Xin wanted to do?
Not to mention going out in the middle of the night and sneaking around, but at this moment he would cover his face and fight with his own people. Although he was merciful when he shot, he was also somewhat cruel. No one else had seen An Xin's hands and feet moving in the dark.

It's just that Qin Yihan can see clearly at this moment. When he sees An Xin drugging his subordinates, Qin Yihan's eyes are very complicated. What are you hiding, An Xin?
(End of this chapter)

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