pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 929 You Burn, I Burn

Chapter 929 You Burn, I Burn (2)
And after An Xin discussed it with Qin Yihan, he planned to do it in the middle of the night, as the saying goes, when the night is dark and the wind is high, killing people and setting fire, and this moment has also verified this sentence.

As for Junhua and Qiye, when they rushed to the warehouse one day, after saving An Xin and Qin Yihan, they left in a hurry the next morning. After all, they also had their own things to do at this moment. manage.

Faced with the departure of Junhua and the Seventh Master, An Xin never felt much loss. After all, although she and Junhua were friends, they hadn't been there yet, and let Junhua delay his big event for his own.

And that night, An Xin changed clothes with Qin Yihan, and then left the inn. The Jun family has a lot of power and property in Wankou Town, but the guards are not strong.

After all, who would dare to take the idea of ​​Jun's family, and at this moment, a newborn calf like An Xin who is not afraid of tigers dares to blatantly mess around in Jun's house, and soon An Xin and Qin Yihan came to the Jun family's property.

At this moment, Jun's family has ten rice shops in Wankou Town, and five cloth houses have many scattered industries, large and small. When Anxin looked at these things, he looked at the surrounding people. The man waved.

"As long as it is the property of the Jun family, don't let any of it go, set it on fire for me," An Xin looked at those things coldly and said, and at this moment An Xin came, the place where Jun Qingyan invited herself to drink, looked Looking at the luxurious restaurant, he directly threw the torch on it.

Soon the fire lit up the Wankou town. When she saw the fires burning all around, An Xin's expression didn't change much. If people don't attack me, I won't attack them. If anyone attacks me, I will kill her.

At this moment, Jun Jiaoyan burned her face, and almost killed herself and Qin Yihan, how could she leave easily at this moment, that is too inconsistent with her own style.

An Xin looked at the red fire, with bloodthirsty cruelty on her face. At this moment, she didn't care how many things would be destroyed by the fire, and she didn't care if the Jun family would die in the fire.

After all, Jun Jiaoyan didn't pay attention to it at that time, so why should she bother, life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, if someone really died inside, then it's their own fault.

Soon An Xin rode out of Wankou Town with Junhua on horseback, and at this moment behind her, there were firefighting sounds everywhere, and the chaos of crying and crying made the Wankou Town fall into panic.

And when An Xin and Qin Yihan left Wankou Town, all the stewards of the Jun family came to this Wankou Town to settle the losses, but they didn't know if they saw it, and suddenly they knew what was burnt. There are many more of them.

Jun Qingyan looked at the surrounding ruins, and was immediately trembling all over her body, especially when she saw the shops that had turned into black coke, she immediately became angry. His face turned green.

"Brother must be the culprit of Young Master Ansan. If that stinky brat is Jun Hua, the brute must be the culprit of them." When Jun Jiaoyan saw all this, she was startled. I can't bear it myself.

And when Jun Qingyan heard Jun Jiaoyan's words, she immediately slapped her across the face, "Bitch, you will really cause trouble for us. I didn't care about you before. It seems to be my fault. You bitch, look I understand, all of this was caused by you alone. If you hadn’t set yourselves on fire in other people’s warehouses and almost killed them, how could they retaliate against you like this at this moment? You are clamoring for yourself, who are you really?"

(End of this chapter)

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