pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 931 Tricking Onkyo

Chapter 931 Tricking Onkyo (1)
On the main road, there were two men riding a horse together. The boy in front had a mask on his face, and the man behind him was dressed in a gray cloth. Although the material looked rough, it felt soft to the touch. The ingredients are excellent.

At this moment, the young man sitting in front, seeing a pigeon flying by in the sky, immediately stretched out his hand to catch the pigeon, and quickly took out a small piece of paper. After looking at it, he Throw the pigeon away.

And at this moment, the two are Qin Yihan and An Xin, Qin Yihan looked at An Xin, wondering what An Xin was thinking for a while? "Han, let's go home,"

An Xin leaned on Qin Yihan's body and said, but there was a gleam of coldness in her eyes, she had already guessed that the Jun family would not let it go, and sure enough this time there was no way to end well, but at the moment she was not afraid of the Jun family.

It's just that at this moment, An Xin felt a little sorry for Junhua. After all, he made such a fuss at the moment, and the situation on Junhua's side suddenly became a little embarrassing, and at this moment it was Junhua's letter.

In fact, An Xin had already told Jun Hua the news when she was about to start to do it. After all, she and Jun Hua were on the same front at the moment. If this kind of thing was concealed, Jun Hua might not like it. After all, she took revenge and concealed it. Junhua, it is inevitable that he will be under the black hand of this Jun's family without any precautions, so An Xin naturally has to be on guard.

After hearing An Xin's words, Qin Yihan never asked An Xin what happened?Instead, they rushed on the road at high speed, but despite the fast speed, the two of them played and played around on the road for several days.

And after the seventh or eighth day, the two finally returned to Pingcun Village, and when the people around saw An Xin and Qin Yihan, they were slightly taken aback. At this moment, Qin Yihan was dressed the same as before. , but this temperament has changed a lot after all.

And at this moment, Qin Yihan is leading An Xin's horse because he is concerned about An Xin's reputation, and when An Xin sees Qin Yihan leading her horse, there is a burning light in his eyes, after all, a man can do so much for you, Be a woman happy.

And when the villagers saw An Xin, they didn't recognize him at first. After all, An Xin was still wearing a mask at the moment.

Until An Xin saw An Qiao not far away, and called her sister loudly, when she heard An Xin's voice, each one of them suddenly realized that the young man in front of him was An Xin.

It's just that this girl has changed a lot, she has only been out for about a month, but she seems to have changed a lot, and when An Qiao not far away, when she heard someone calling her sister, she first turned her head and looked around. take a look.

When he saw An Xin on the horse beckoning to him, his eyes lit up immediately, "You are the one who has come back." Because it was already the season of spring plowing at this moment, and it was not a fertile land that An Xin bought, so at this moment An Qiao was preparing to deliver food to the workers on the construction site.

And when An Youcai, who was not far away, heard An Qiao's words, he quickly turned his head to look, and soon he and the little girl dropped the things in their hands and ran towards An Xin quickly.

"Sister, come back there (Sister An Xin)" At this moment, the two of them were like little peacocks in a relationship, and quickly jumped into the arms of An Xin who had just dismounted, and said coquettishly.

"Sister An Xin, little Yaya misses you so much, little Yaya thinks that you're not coming back, Sister An Xin, oh,,,," said the little Yaya and blinked at An Xin, her little eyes were a little red.

(End of this chapter)

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