pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 933 Tricking Onkyo

Chapter 933 Tricking Onkyo (3)
An Qiao looked at An Xin, and his eyes seemed to say, then this guy has twisted his elbows before he got married, and he's twisted so hard, he's afraid I'll bully her.

"My sister and I will go around and see how the flowers on this mountain are blooming?" An Xin looked at An Qiaodao, ignored the complaints in An Qiao's eyes, but took her hand and said affectionately.

Facing An Xin's coquettishness, An Qiao nodded An Xin's forehead, "You girl, I really can't do anything about you, well, I won't make things difficult for him in the future, but who told him to leave you for so long, is it possible? Allow me to say a few words to him?"

Although An Qiao had opinions on Qin Yihan, when she saw An Xin and Qin Yihan came back together, when she saw the smile on An Xin's face, An Qiao knew clearly that this sister had already been identified, and who Can't change it either.

Although An Qiao was a little disappointed about this point, he just didn't think too much about it very quickly. After all, as long as An Xin can be happy, everything else is not important. The important thing is that the man is good to An Xin. To An Qiao, this is the most important thing. important.

"By the way, Xin'er, where have you been all this month? And what's going on with your face?" An Qiao looked at An Xin and said, in fact, what she cares most about is An Xin's face, after all, women are born to rely on face and live.

Even if An Qiao doesn't care much about her face, it is still very important to her. There is no one in the world who doesn't care about her face, so An Qiao is very strange at this moment, why does An Xin wear a mask?
When An Xin heard An Xin's words, her face didn't change much. When she saw that there was no one around, she said tightly, "When I was buying rice, I accidentally offended the Jun family. I don’t want to check the warehouse, the warehouse suddenly caught fire, so,,,,”

When An Qiao heard An Xin's words, his heart subconsciously tightened, and then he saw An Xin take off his mask slowly. When An Qiao saw that An Xin took off the mask, he covered his mouth to some extent, and there were tears in his eyes. Spinning with tears.

When he saw the red scar on An Xin's cheek, An Qiao immediately hugged An Xin, "Xin'er, what's going on? Why did it become like this? Xin'er, are you okay?"

An Qiao stretched out his hand to touch An Xin's face, but his hands trembled a little. Then he looked at An Xin's body, as if he wanted to see through An Xin. Seeing An Qiao's panicked appearance, An Xin pulled An Xin hands to calm her emotions.

"Sister, don't worry. I have a way to heal the wound on your face. Don't worry. I'll show it to my sister. I just don't want you to worry about your wild thoughts. If your sister is in a mess all day long because of the peace of mind Thinking, then An Xin would rather not tell her sister anything in the future, sister, don't worry, I'm fine, can you see if I'm alright?" An Xin comforted her softly, with a smile on her face.

As soon as An Qiao saw the smile on An Xin's face, he burst into tears, but his expression calmed down a lot, "Silly girl, my sister just loves you, just look at such a beautiful face and ruin it, what will happen to you in the future?" Get married?"

Facing An Xin's words, An Qiao immediately wanted to cry. The younger sister was too sensible, but it made her feel ashamed, especially at this moment when she was the one who should be comforting her, but instead let An Xin comfort herself. She is really a failed sister.

"Silly sister, didn't I just say that I can cure the pimple on my face, not to mention that you know that it doesn't matter if I marry or not," An Xin said with a light smile in front of An Qiao's words.

It's just that when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he immediately put on a straight face, "What do you mean by that? Does it mean that Qin Yihan doesn't want to marry anymore? I really want to ask, didn't he follow? Why did you hurt me?" gone?"

Seeing An Xin's face, An Qiao couldn't help but blame Qin Yihan. After all, people's hearts are biased, and at this moment, An Qiao's heart is also biased. An Xin is her younger sister. Now, An Qiao will naturally favor An Xin and blame Qin Yihan. .

"Sister, you have wronged a good person this time. If it wasn't for Han, you wouldn't be able to see me today," An Xin put on the mask, said without blushing and without heartbeat, and what she said also had a hint of you blaming the wrong person. tone.

When An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he immediately frowned and said, "You're partial to him. I know you must have lied to me. You like him, so you don't want me to talk about him, do you?"

An Qiao has been managing the store and family business for a while now, so when he heard An Xin's words, he did not blindly believe it, but his eyes were unkind, as if he had a threatening look.

It's a pity that An Xin is old and mature. Naturally, it is impossible for An Qiao to confess completely after being frightened a few times, "Sister, what are you talking about? Although I like him, it's just that my sister is the most important thing to me. What's more, sister, do you think that if my face has something to do with Han, think about it, will your sister's personality make you suffer? Even if I don't hate him, I will blame him. After all, a woman's appearance is important to a woman. , That is the existence of fate, but sister, look at my sister and Han when they came back, but there was hatred and resentment, sister, you think too much, if Han didn't risk the danger to save me at that time, I'm afraid I would have died by now Forget it, don't blame Han any more."

An Xin looked into An Qiao's gaze, and said seriously, "You don't know that when I was injured, he blamed himself more than you, and he took care of me for three days and three nights after I was injured. He himself was seriously injured, but he still took care of me non-stop because of me. When I was crying and desperate because of my face injury, it was Han who took care of me and comforted me, and told me that he would marry me. Don't embarrass me, in fact, he treated me really well. If it was another man, seeing me like this, I'm afraid he would have run away early in the morning. Sister Xin'er was very happy and touched. After all, a friend in adversity sees the truth. Although I ruined my appearance, But I also know, whether that man is sincere or not to me, my sister is easy to find a priceless treasure, but it is rare to have a lover,"

(End of this chapter)

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