pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 936 Li Fugui has an invitation

Chapter 936 Li Fugui has an invitation (3)
An Qiao told An Xin one by one about what happened in the past month. After all, the cosmetics were made by one person, and the supply was really in short supply. At the moment, the four of them would only produce a few boxes all day long. If it went smoothly At that time, there were more than a dozen boxes.

"By the way, Shi Yueran went to look for the flower farmer that Xiner wanted for you a few days ago, and said that he would come over tomorrow, but the price is not low, but his flower skills are also very available. There is a large area on the mountain. The land, I asked those workers to plant flowers first, but later because the spring plowing came, many workers were busy going back to the spring plowing, so there were a lot fewer workers at the moment. When I saw this, I asked those workers to give us first. Let’s sow the dozens of acres of land, then we’ll talk about it.”

When An Xin heard An Qiao's words, she immediately looked at An Qiao. At this moment, An Xin realized that An Qiao had changed a lot. After all, from these things, she could be alone at this moment. It was arranged in an orderly manner, which really made An Xin feel very relieved.

"Well, sister, I understand. I will go to Li Fugui's house tomorrow to get what I want," An Xin nodded, but she didn't say thank you, because they are all a family, and saying thank you would be a stranger , "My sister has worked hard,"

It's just that hard work is necessary, and when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he nodded with a smile, "Actually, it's not hard work. If you didn't help me with these things, I'm afraid I would be in a hurry in the morning, let alone Xin'er, you are so capable, so naturally you have to work harder as an older sister."

Having said that, An Qiao still couldn't help being happy in his heart, after all An Xin praised her, she was naturally happy, not to mention that she didn't mess things up at this moment, it was really a happy event.

And when An Youcai on the side heard it, he also said, "Sister, I have also done a lot of things. My name is Xie Haitian Kung Fu, and I caught the thief in the middle of the night. Although I let the thief run away, but sister, I am Not great,"

When An Youcai saw An Qiao talking, she also rushed out and said, the little girl beside her was full of food, but when she saw An Youcai talking, she also stood up, "Sister An Xin, I have something too. Help, I go out alone to pick wild flowers when I hear it, and they are all very beautiful, very beautiful, "

Talking about the little Yaya, she also said freely, and when An Xin heard it, she pinched the little Yaya's cheek, "Sister An Xin of course knows that the little Yaya is the best, but the little Yaya cauliflower is fine, but don't go too far Let’s walk at the foot of the mountain, but no one is allowed to run up the mountain alone.”

After all, although it is spring now, there are still many crises, especially the beasts in the mountain, they have all woken up one by one, and the place where they are at the moment, although it is on the hillside, is also connected to the mountain. If the little girl makes a mistake, wouldn't that lead to a catastrophe?

And when Xiaoyaya heard An Xin's words, she also nodded obediently, "Well, Xiaoya knows, Xiaoyaya won't run around in the future, and won't cause trouble for my sister,"

And when An Xin saw this, she smiled, and quickly turned her head to look at An Youcai and said, "What's going on with the thief you are with?"

As he said that, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and An Youcai and others did not notice it for a moment. After all, she couldn't scare An Qiao and An Youcai. Do not infect your family members.

After all, you can do a lot of things by yourself, why bother to dirty the hands of your family members, and when An Youcai heard it, he said, "I have never seen it before. He ran very fast. I just chased him out, and he ran too fast." disappeared without a trace."

In fact, An Youcai never saw anyone when he caught the thief. After An Xin heard about it, he rubbed An Youcai's little head, "Okay, I will catch the thief by myself in the future. If you catch the thief , next time shout a few times, let everyone catch it with you, "

After all, catching thieves is a technical job. After hearing An Youcai's words, An Xin also guessed that this thief is not easy.

And after An Xin chatted with everyone for a while, they each ate their meals, and then returned to their own rooms one after another. After returning to the room, An Xin washed up, and then fell into a deep sleep.

And when she woke up the next day, An Xin had become famous early, but this time she didn't take anyone with her, but went to Li Fugui's house alone.

At this moment, Li Fugui was enjoying drinking tea, but he didn't expect to hear that An Xin was coming, so he quickly got up from the stool. This grandma finally came, and she would think that this girl was in the world if she didn't come. evaporated.

"Boss Li is safe and well, I haven't seen you for a long time, this body is really getting thicker and thicker now," An Xin entered the door and clasped her fists, only to see An Xin dressed in a white robe, brocade belt and hair, looking like a handsome young man .

And that Li Fugui was taken aback when he saw An Xin's appearance, this dress?Li Fugui looked at An Xin, but he really didn't recognize her for a while. When he heard An Xin's voice, he also paused for a while, and then he was a little uncertain, "Miss An Xin'an?"

Li Fugui tentatively said, after all, at this moment, this Anxin man is wearing a mask and is wearing a mask. No matter how you look at it, it is very different from the cute and delicate little girl in the past, so this makes Li Fugui dare not give up for a while.

"Boss Li, you are joking. If it's not a little girl, don't you think that there is a beautiful woman here?" An Xin joked when she heard Li Fugui's words, with a smile on her face.

And when Li Fugui heard it, he was sure that the person in front of him was at ease, but, "An girl, why are you wearing a mask when you have nothing to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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