pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 944 Ready to Shot

Chapter 944 Ready to Shot (1)
On the second day, when An Xin woke up early in the morning, she asked Chun Xia Qiu Dong to make barbecue spices, and when Chun Xia Qiu Dong heard about it, all of them seemed to be very related.

Even at this moment, Qiuyue also has joy on her face, but at the moment when making spices, four people do it together, and when making feet, they call separately. When Chun Xiaqiu Dong saw this, she never doubted anything at first.

Still following An Xin's steps, after making the spices, An Xin sent the four of them to Yuyue Tower respectively, but after the four maids walked away, Qin Yihan also went up with Mrs. Li.

And at the end of the day, Qin Yihan also arrived at An's house. When An Xin saw Qin Yihan, he immediately walked over, "Who among the four will come out of Yuyue Tower and contact other people?"

And when Qin Yihan heard it, he shook his head and said, "Never before, this maidservant seems to have returned home after leaving Yuyue Tower, and nothing else happened."

In fact, today An Xin wanted to give it a try, to see who was the ghost, but she didn't expect that the ghost was smarter than she imagined, but at this moment, the ghost was not connected.

The joint has never been discovered by herself, but she still has a way to know who that person is?When she heard Qin Yihan's words, An Xin frowned first, and soon a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Forget it, let the inner ghosts stay for a few more days now, so I don't believe they can hold their breath. By the way, Han, how is the person you found for me?" Then she shook her head, and let's not worry about this at the moment, she didn't believe that the maid could completely hold her breath.

"Don't worry about this, we will still arrange the arrangement in the courtyard. As soon as something happens in the courtyard, we will know it clearly at the first time, but don't worry, you let me drop the spices of those four maids. Why?"

In fact, An Xin still had one thing to get rid of Qin Yihan just now, and that was to switch all the spices made in spring, summer, autumn and winter. When An Xin heard about it, she smiled and said, "Hmph, you want to learn from me. Naturally, there is a price to pay, when I called them spices, I added a medicine to it, as long as the medicine enters the mouth, it will immediately cause stomach discomfort, and it is impossible for ordinary people to find out, "

Because the herb she gave would not cause any side effects when used normally, but once it was mixed with something, it would become a laxative.

And at this moment in spring, summer, autumn and winter, if someone takes this barbecue spice to Jun's Restaurant, it will definitely be a very interesting thing, and she is really looking forward to that day.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he smiled, and soon the two of them went downstairs, and then came to the place where the utensils were placed. At this moment, the room was ventilated from all sides, and there was mountain spring water under the blanket. When it is brought in, the water is extremely clear, and there will be some flower petals floating in the water.

And when An Xin saw this, he placed those utensils, and at this moment, there were several small rooms in this room, which separated the big room, and when An Xin saw this, he put the utensils in there. There are some words written on the school respectively.

One is how to arrange the petals, the other is how to polish the petals, the third is how to make rouge and gouache, and the last room, only An Xin and An Qiao can enter.

Although An Xin also has a place on the roof where how to make rouge and gouache, but no one can go up there, but the downstairs is different. After all, An Xin plans to buy a large number of workers. After all, making rouge and gouache requires people. Don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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