pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 950 An Xin’s Battle of Tears

Chapter 950 An Xin’s Battle of Tears (4)
This time she naturally didn't need An Qiao to worry, although she didn't expect that the Jun's restaurant would use a complaint to solve the problem, but it didn't matter, anyway, the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, so she didn't believe that the Jun's family could cover the sky with one hand.

An Qiao looked at the back of An Xin leaving, her eyes were full of worries, but she quickly calmed down, after all, it was useless for her to worry at the moment, the only way to do it right now was to take care of the house.

At the moment, An Shi, who was in the room on the second floor, opened the window and saw that An Xin was taken away by the government, he immediately felt worried, and soon sat back in front of the Buddhist hall, hoping that Guanyin Bodhisattva could come to bless her An Xin, unfortunately An Xin is an atheist. She has seen ghosts, but she does not believe in the existence of God.

Soon An Xin followed the yamen servant and got into the carriage, but just as An Xin got into the carriage, he saw Li Qinhua who was not far away running over, "An Xin, I will go with you, my father said, if it is serious question, maybe I can do you a favor."

Although I have no power at the moment, I am still a child. In addition, this year's scholar is about to take the exam, and I have a great chance of taking the exam. Maybe I will help her when I get there.

And when An Xin saw Li Qinhua, she was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head with a smile and said, "Brother Qinhua, you don't need to do this, let alone you are about to take the exam for a scholar, if you get involved now, Well, the gain outweighs the loss, Brother Qinhua, don’t worry, I won’t have anything to do, just prepare yourself for the exam and think, the village head can wait for your glorious return, "

An Xin was slightly taken aback by Li Qinhua's appearance, but she felt warm in her heart. No matter what Li Qinhua did to stand up at this moment, but at this moment he still stood up. From this point of view, Li Qinhua is really a very good person. friend.

In addition, Li Qinhua took good care of An Youcai, this An Xin's prejudice against Li Qinhua from the beginning has now turned into gratitude, there is no knot in the world that cannot be untied, it depends on whether you are willing to untie it .

When Li Qinhua heard An Xin's words, he nodded and said, "Then An Xin, be careful all the way, you are a talented girl in our village, don't let anything happen to you."

After several months of friendship with An Xin, Li Qinhua also discovered that An Xin still has some talent. In fact, An Xin is really talented at the moment, and of course, this aura of wealth is the wealth of the God of Wealth.

Soon An Xin nodded, and then sat in the carriage, and after entering the carriage, An Xin frowned, a sneer flashed in her eyes, and soon the carriage moved forward slowly.

But at this moment, Qin Yihan was doing another thing for An Xin, so he disappeared for a few days, so Qin Yihan did not follow An Xin at this moment, and soon An Xin came to the county office.

At the moment, there are still several weak patients with pale faces in the county government. When An Xin saw this, her eyes froze slightly. It was immediately apparent.

Soon An Xin didn't pay attention to those people, but directly knelt in front of the county magistrate and said, "Minister An Xin has met your lord," and when everyone heard An Xin's words, they were all stunned.

After all, isn't the person in front of me at this moment a boy?But even though he was puzzled at the moment, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, this person was brought by the yamen servant, so how could he bring the wrong person.

And when the shopkeeper of the Jun's restaurant, the shopkeeper Jun looked over when he heard An Xin's words, and when he saw An Xin, he was slightly taken aback, isn't this the young master who came to the restaurant for dinner someday?
(End of this chapter)

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