pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 952 An Xin’s Battle of Tears

Chapter 952 An Xin’s Battle of Tears (6)
"You bastard, you are making too much sense. You are obviously the one who stole it. If you created it yourself, who do you think you are? You are just a bratty girl, what can you do?" The shopkeeper looked at An Xin and said angrily. Suddenly twisted up.

And when An Xin saw this, she gave Shopkeeper Jun a blank look, as if she was saying that idiot? "Shopkeeper, I'm afraid you didn't understand what I said? This lady is a genius and can create her own dishes. If you are not convinced, go home and give birth to one. Let's see if she also goes out like this lady. The dragon gives birth to nine sons. If you have something good, don’t you allow other people’s children to be able to read and write at the age of three and paint at the age of five. Other children can learn to read at the age of three. This lady is a bit stupid. She didn’t know how to create her own dishes until she was eleven or twelve years old. Miss Shikimoto is already considered stupid, "

An Xin glanced coldly at the shopkeeper Jun, and when everyone present heard An Xin's words, they nodded one by one. After all, they had heard of the three-year-old prodigy who could read characters, and at this moment, the 11-year-old homemade dish Naturally, it wouldn't be such a strange thing.

After all, people just said that the nine sons of Longsheng have their own preferences. Now that others are allowed to read at the age of three, shouldn't others be allowed to create their own dishes? It was a little dark.

The stinky girl in front of him was even more absurd than he had imagined, and he was a little overwhelmed by the piles of fallacies. Seeing this, the shopkeeper suddenly became gloomy.

And the few patients who were present at the moment said, "Sir, don't let them argue, see a doctor first, our stomach is hurting to death, you are making her quarrel like this, I am afraid that we will all die in the next second here it is,"

At this moment, the patients looked at Jun's shopkeeper sadly one by one. After all, if they hadn't gone to them to eat barbecue this time, they would not have become like this at this moment. That's all, but I still don't know how to pretend to understand that I am harming others and myself at this moment, killing them.

And when the shopkeeper Jun heard what these people said, he looked at An Xin and said, "I won't let you talk too much, little bastard, you take out the antidote, and now our Jun family will forget the past."

Speaking of this, the shopkeeper Jun is quite generous and said, but when An Xin heard it, she immediately sneered and laughed, "Your Jun family is letting go of the past, but it's a pity I won't, you slandered this lady, and even stole it. Now, you have ruined other people’s stomachs, but you still want to falsely accuse this lady. You really think that this lady is made of clay figurines, and you can let your family decide, "

Speaking of An Xin, she looked at the magistrate with tears in her eyes and said, "My lord, you have to make decisions for the little girl. The little girl worked so hard and finally came up with a way to make money, but she didn't expect to be stolen by these wolf-hearted people. The little girl is really suffering. There is a mother to support and a younger brother to take care of. I didn’t expect these people to see the little girl. How will this make the little girl’s family live? Sir, you must let my little girl be the master. Get justice for the little girl, my lord,,, "

And at this moment, An Xin's crying is not to mention how desolate, the crying is so cute, even some women wiped their tears, when An Xin saw this, she cried even more desolately.

"The life of the grown-up and the little girl is so miserable. My father just left his mother in high school and married the bride. Our family of four was kicked out by our grandparents. In the cold weather, we didn't even have a decent dress, and it became more and more serious every day. It was to eat the leftovers, and when it rained, the whole family hugged each other. Even if it was terribly cold, there was no quilt. The little girl had to go hunting in the mountains in order to avoid disaster. At that time, the little girl was only 11 years old. When we saw the beast, the little girl jumped into the water to escape, and finally came out alive. Grandma Shanmen said that she would buy our third sibling and let my sister and I be someone else's concubine, "

(End of this chapter)

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