pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 964 Catch the Ghost

Chapter 964 Catch the Ghost (4)
When the old village head heard his son's words, he opened his mouth, but what did he say?It's just that there is a little dissatisfaction in my heart, after all, my son is always the best in my mind.

But at this moment, An Xin even had a probationary period for the deputy shopkeeper, so he looked down on his son at all, but when he saw Li Gui's appearance, the old village chief didn't say anything more?

When An Xin felt that the enthusiasm of the old village chief had subsided, there was no emotion in his eyes, and he was still drinking with a smile, as if he hadn't noticed anything.

It's just that there was a hint of ridicule in his heart, and after An Xin left, the old village chief sat down by the table with an unhappy expression on his face, and Li Gui sighed when he saw this.

"Father, what are you angry about? It's okay for people to do this with peace of mind, what else are you dissatisfied with?" Li Gui looked at the old village head and said, after all, he knows how much he owns at this moment, so naturally Will not seek big.

And when the old village chief heard Li Gui's words, he said, "I'm holding my breath. The village chief's grandfather usually yells so nicely, but now this little problem has changed his face. What are you really? Even a shopkeeper None,"

Li Qinhua at the side held the book and waved his hand to let Li Qiang's daughter-in-law, who had just brought in the tea, go out first, and then walked over to close the gate. At this moment, Li Gui frowned when he heard the old village chief's words.

"Father, listen to me first, and then talk after listening," Li Gui looked at the old village chief, sighed, and sometimes his father is so persistent, "You have to know a lot about father. , This is a lot of peace of mind for those who open philanthropic halls, not to mention, look, in normal times, when she treats others and treats you, you think about it, she is good for our family, "

Li Gui has heard the rumors about An Xin, so he naturally knows about An Xin and An's family. An Xin can be ruthless in the matter of An's family. It should be cherished.

"Father, think about it carefully. The facade of Anxin's shop is no smaller than that of Jun's Restaurant. What's more, if I go to Jun's Restaurant, they may not necessarily give me a position in charge. What's more, dad, you should think about it clearly." One point, I said it with peace of mind, it depends on my ability, as long as I have the ability, I can be the shopkeeper, I know this very well, your son and I are also in business, and I know that the businessman is talking about profit, at this moment There is nothing wrong with this peace of mind, "

After all, in the minds of businessmen, profit is always at the forefront, and at this moment, people have already had the opportunity. If they don't cherish it well, they will destroy their future sooner or later if they are too ambitious.
"I know this, I know I'm thinking, this An Xin is a bit unreasonable, how amazing a deputy shopkeeper can be," the old village chief said with his head down, but at the moment he has the appearance of a dead duck, after all, he was also Talk about moving.

"Father, I know you think that An Xin looks down on me, but it's just that in the world, where do you want others to think highly of you? Many people's face is not given by others, but earned by themselves. If you want others to think highly of you, then you have to show the results yourself. , when your son comes out with the results, then your son is called having face. Daddy, you just can’t figure it out. If your son is really good, then he won’t be cheated in Wankou Town, and he won’t even pay a penny. No, I was almost begging and went home, so father is more careful about many things, and take it step by step, your son is still young," Li Gui said to the old village chief in a sincere tone.

(End of this chapter)

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