pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 968 Catch the Ghost

Chapter 968 Catch the Ghost (8)
At this moment, she was betrayed by her master, so no one would dare to use her like that, not to mention that if there is a problem with the spice formula she gave to the Jun family, the Jun family will never let her go.

What's more, the traitor slave is being sold at this moment, and the only way out is to go to the military camp as a military prostitute. If she becomes a military prostitute at this moment, she will not survive a year at all. After all, there are some men who are like wolf and tiger everywhere. .

And when An Xin saw Qiuyue's appearance, she immediately pushed Qiuyue away, "You can betray us for your family this time, maybe you will betray us for others next time, so why should I keep you?"

As she spoke, she pushed Qiuyue away, and when Qiuyue saw this, she crawled to An Qiao's side again, but at the moment An Qiao didn't care, after all what An Xin said was right, keeping a white-eyed wolf by her side, That's just killing yourself.

When Qiuyue saw that everyone was ignoring her, she immediately cried even harder. When An Xin saw this, she was very upset, so she asked Xie Haitian to drag him out, and waited for this person to come over.

And when Xie Haitian heard it, he nodded, and dragged Qiuyue out directly, and when An Xin saw that she was dragged out, he glanced at the people in the hall and said, "If anyone of you dares to post again next time, I don’t mind selling you both, too,”

And when those people heard it, they quickly kowtowed, expressing that they didn't dare, after all, after seeing An Xin's unrelenting behavior at this moment, how dare these people talk more at this moment.

And after everyone retreated, Qin Yihan walked over, looked at An Xin and said, "Don't be angry, isn't it just a servant, it's worth your anger?"

And when An Xin heard it, she immediately smiled, "I wasn't mad at her at all, but at myself. I didn't make a good choice when I was choosing someone. Now it's time to bring ghosts in. It's really my own crime. "

Speaking of An Xin, she smiled, but the smile was very cold, and at this moment, a voice came from outside the gate, and soon someone shouted loudly, "It's not good, this Qiuyue committed suicide by hitting the wall,"

And when An Xin and An Qiao heard this, they immediately frowned, An Xin turned her head to look at An Qiao and said, "Sister, don't go out, just sit here, let me handle this matter." ,"

And when An Qiao heard An Xin's words, he opened his mouth and said, "But if An Xin is really dead, wouldn't it be us who killed her?" As he spoke, An Qiao had a bit of guilt and anxiety on his face.

After An Xin saw An Qiao's expression, she smiled, "Sister, you have to be clear, she betrayed us first, and now we have done our best to spare her, but at this moment, she is the one who wants to die and we have nothing to do with her." It doesn't matter at all, let alone sister, don't worry, even if she really dies, it's her own fault, sister, you are not used to the bloody scene, stay here for now, I'll take care of it, it's okay, "

Even though I said that, An Xin's eyes turned cold. That woman really wanted to die. I kindly let her go. It was just a sale. At this moment, it seems that I should pay attention to it. .

Soon An Xin walked out of the gate, only to see that there was a large bloodstain on Qiuyue's forehead at this moment, and the person beside her at the moment was Anshi, Qiuyue hugged Anshi's feet and cried loudly .

"Madam, slave, let's die. If slave is bought again, he won't be able to live. Madam, please do me a favor so that slave can go like this." But that hand was desperately hugging An Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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