pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 989 Visiting Invitations

Chapter 989 Visiting Invitations (2)
"Qin Yihan, answer me," An Xin looked at Qin Yihan and said, and when Qin Yihan saw An Xin, a sense of tranquility flashed in his eyes, and there was an indescribable hurt in his deep and deep eyes.

"I used to be looking forward to it, from a very young age, when I saw my father hugging my brothers and sisters, but I was left outside forever, standing at the door and watching their family happily, And I seem to be that outsider, whether it was just now or my younger brother regarded me as a bastard, only grandpa treated me well, it's a pity he died early," Qin Yihan looked at An Xin and said, his tone seemed to be reminiscing about something generally.

"When I was very young, I used to think that it would be great if my father would give me a hug too. Unfortunately, that will always be an impossible dream. Now? I don't know if I am still begging ?" It's been so long, and at this moment, he doesn't know if he is still begging, maybe he is unwilling in his heart, and he is unwilling to be the one who was given up.

In fact, Qin Yihan's family is his heart knot at this moment, how can the grudges left over for many years be resolved in a matter of minutes, after all, he has been looking forward to that family since he was a child, and it was the same as before before he met An Xin Everyone is looking forward to, that family can accept themselves.

But at this moment, after having peace of mind, it has become an obsession. He has been asking why he is the one who is hated?In fact, at this moment, he is just unwilling, and there is no such thing as easy to understand the unwillingness in his heart.

And when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she immediately smiled, stretched out her hand and put Qin Yihan's big hand on her own small hand, with a look of determination on her face, "Qin Yihan, I will help you, if this time your home still allows you If you regret it, I will end it for you, and giving you a hope is also a chance for them, if not, Qin Yihan, would you like me to make an end for you?"

An Xin looked at Qin Yihan, she knew that the man in front of her was very emotional, and also knew that under his cold coat, there was a fiery heart, but at this moment she was going to cut him off.

If the Qin family is not happy this time, then it will be broken. As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Breaking up this damn relationship now will save Tu Tian from worrying about it in the future, but this time An Xin intends to give those people a chance.

Because at this moment, he doesn't know whether Qin Yihan is looking forward to this opportunity, or whether Qin Yihan can let it go, and this time is for Qin Yihan and the Qin family, if he wants to break it, he will break it completely.

When Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he was taken aback for a moment, but quickly nodded, "You can do whatever you want, if you want, you can do whatever you want,"

As for An Xin, how could Qin Yihan not know what she wanted to do?After all, he also has the same mood, and he doesn't want to see An Xin continue to quarrel with An's, and An Xin probably has the same mood at this moment.

After all, the most hurtful poison in the world is not poison but relatives. No matter if it is family, friendship or love, they are the most poisonous poisons, and the peace of mind at this moment really hopes to give Qin Yihan a home.

Although An Xin was very disappointed when she saw the Qin family and Qin Yaya last time, but An Xin couldn't do it right now and killed a boatload of people with a bamboo pole. I hope that at this moment, there will be someone who treats Qin Yihan sincerely.

After all, the feeling of not having a loved one is hard. There are many things she can replace, but there are also many things she cannot replace. If she can, she hopes to give Qin Yihan the best, just like he wants to give himself the best.

And when An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, she nodded with a smile, but she didn't discuss the topic of the process, but gave Qin Yihan the jade pendant, sat beside Qin Yihan, and asked Qin Yihan to bring it for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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