pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 992 Visiting Invitations

Chapter 992 Visiting Invitations (5)
You are still called not angry, then if you are really angry, you still don't drive me out. When thinking of this, the old village chief has to say that this child really holds a grudge.

But at this moment, after thinking of An Xin holding grudges, he couldn't help but think of An Youwei. At this moment, An Youwei is enjoying the glory and wealth in the capital. I don't know when he thought about it. ?
But at this moment, the old village chief also knew that no matter whether An Youwei was thinking about it or not, it might be difficult to quiet the gate of An's family in the future, and at this moment, An Xin was also in despair.

An Fu's family was dying and going to jail, but at this moment, An Hua and An Youbao disappeared to nowhere, and although the An family's third wife was wanted after the incident, they still haven't been found at this moment. people.

The words of Mrs. An's family were already dead on the same day, and this An Hua also heard that he had left with a few foreigners, and at this moment, An Xin, who was once envied by everyone, was already torn to pieces.

But when the new An's family appeared, it was no longer the original An's family. Although the same surname was An, they would not go to worship the ancestors of the An's family after all. "You girl, you have a very temper."

The old village head looked at the man and said with peace of mind, "I just couldn't think about it last time, so I gave you a face, but then I also figured it out. If this noble son is really capable, then you don't need to promote him." , can also stand out, and if he can't do anything at this moment, it's just that the mud can't support the wall, so I'm sorry last time, you have to know that a father wants his child to get the best , don’t be angry, at worst, I’ll treat you to a drink of Nurhong.”

After hearing Li Gui and Li Qinhua's words, the old village chief thought a lot more about it. In fact, after thinking about it now, the old village chief became even more concerned. Those fools of his back then really hoped that they really deserved it.

After all, if I hadn't been angry, I wouldn't have apologized to the younger generation at this moment, but fortunately, this younger generation has a good heart and made a move, otherwise, the old village chief would really have to step down at this moment.

"Grandpa Village Chief, you are joking. How could An Xin be angry? Grandpa Village Chief, you are so polite. If An Xin is angry, it will be unreasonable. As for the next time Daughter Hong is talking," An Xin heard the words of the old village chief. After that, he smiled and said.

And when the old village chief was relieved when he heard it, he invited the old village chief to have dinner at home. After the meal, the old village chief also took Li Qinhua back after eating the meal.

It's just that when Li Qinhua was walking away, when he looked at Qin Yihan, he looked a little weird, but it was only for a moment, and at this moment, when the old village chief saw that An Xin was not angry with him, he finally let go of his heart. It's just that I was muttering in my heart that this girl is too vengeful.

Faced with An Xin's vengeance, the old village chief has learned something new. I am afraid that the old village chief will not dare to provoke An Xin anymore, but there is one good thing, that is, as long as you don't hurt her, An Xin is very happy. It's rare to be angry, which makes the old village chief behave a little bit.

And after the old village head left, and because it was just after spring plowing, Anxin invited those workers who were farming for his family to have a meal.

Because there are servants in the family now, and because he has never hired people in the village to do helpers at this moment, when he invites everyone to eat, An Xin let Xie Haitian go to the city to buy vegetables.

Because of the fate of the second pig
Therefore, he sent all the meat and vegetables that An Xin's family asked for every day to An Xin's family. This also saved An Xin's family from the trouble of going out to buy food. .

(End of this chapter)

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