pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 994 Visiting Invitations

Chapter 994 Visiting Invitations (7)
Although many things have been settled, it still takes some time for the finishing touches, so Senior Brother Qin can't talk too much, but when An Xin heard it, he nodded. One month is just enough to prepare a lot matter.

After An Xinzi bid farewell to Senior Brother Qin, he went to take a look at this beauty for you. When he came to Beauty for You, An Xin saw Shi Yueran. As soon as Shi Yueran saw An Xin came When it was time, he came up.

At this moment, Shi Yueran's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and many things are a bit inconvenient, but fortunately, there is a shopkeeper in the shop to help, and Shi Yueran can also relieve a lot of burden.

When Shi Yueran saw An Xin, she thought of the bet that day. She bet with An Xin that day, whether An Qiao betrayed An Xin, and now An Xin got her wish and caught the ghost out. Yueran naturally wants An Qiao to apologize for this poem.

However, An Qiao has been busy in Ping Village these days, and rarely comes to this city, so he never had the opportunity to apologize. In addition, this poem is very heavy, and it is impossible to go to Ping Village to apologize. After all, pregnant women have to be big after all.

And after talking with Shi Yueran for a while, An Xin planned to leave after it was a matter of your beauty, but when An Xin looked at Shi Yueran's abdomen, she immediately sighed.

After thinking about it, I still haven't told her what happened to Xunran. After all, I've told Shi Yueran about Xunran at this moment. I'm afraid this woman's mood will be even more unstable.

Although Shi Yueran's mood is not bad recently, she can still feel her peace of mind. This woman is impatient. A woman is pregnant but has no one to accompany her. It's no wonder how good her mood is.

An Xin looked at Shi Yueran and said, "If it doesn't work, you can ask Dr. Li to come over and show you. Now you are going to give birth in two or three months. It will be inconvenient to be alone after all."

After all, Dr. Li is Shi Yueran's uncle, with his help, Shi Yueran's life will be easier, not to mention that Shi Yueran is going to give birth in a few months, and it is impossible to have half a person around her. No.

What's more, at this moment when An Xin sees Shi Yueran with a big belly, it's really because of herself, who is also a woman, that she still has a bit of pity in her heart at this moment.

What's more, at this moment, Shi Yueran is also a stubborn master. No matter how many things she encounters, she hides them in her heart. She has never made any request to herself from the beginning to the end. This is why An Xin wants her as a pregnant woman.

After all, it is undeniable at this moment that this poem is very good. As a woman, she is very strong and admired by others. After all, in this era of unmarried pregnancy, how many people have to poke their spines, but at this moment, this woman chooses as always. Giving birth, and still showing up outside the shop, such courage is rare in this era.

And when Shi Yueran heard An Xin's words, she was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head and said, "No need, uncle is very busy, let alone this aunt is also very busy, so I won't disturb them. I can do it alone,"

When she heard that An Xin wanted to find Dr. Li for herself, Shi Yueran refused without even thinking about it. After all, she found her appearance by herself at this moment. Since she said she was going to have a baby, she shouldn't be here. Go to this uncle for help now and then.

After seeing Shi Yueran's refusal, An Xin didn't force her anymore. Instead, she ordered a female worker in the shop to take care of Shi Yueran. In fact, Shi Yueran is quite smart in business. .

(End of this chapter)

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