Chapter 138 The illegitimate child (1)
Jun Mubei yelled suddenly at the door: "Ah Hua! Let go of that man!"

The people in the room were startled by Jun Mubei's voice. They didn't know until they understood that it was Ahua's "boyfriend" who came again. Jun Mubei didn't know, so he made a fuss and yelled. voice.

After being yelled at by Jun Mubei, Jun Nuanxin realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and stuck out her tongue playfully.

Fortunately, there is the second brother, so dangerous!
Jun Zeyu and Ling Yue, who were originally called back for questioning, became the foil. The two of them looked at each other, but smiled and said nothing.

No wonder their son dared to go to get the certificate first without saying a word. It turned out that he had already drawn an alliance at home.

"Hmph! Even if this Tang Shishi is not a flirtatious woman, she can't have children, so she can't enter our house!" Mr. Jun didn't expect that he would ask his son and daughter-in-law to come back for questioning. Xin Xin, this girl would be so excited. I have a new understanding of Tang Shishi's attitude. Since Mr. Ling has insisted that she is a coquettish temperament, and the warm-hearted girl has also insisted that Tang Shishi is innocent, then this matter will not be discussed for the time being. He has eyes. Opportunity to see for yourself.

However, this Tang Shishi is barren and wants to marry in, so he can't nod his head in agreement!
Although his three grandsons are all about the same age, they are all old and not young, but they are not in a hurry to get married. After a while, one of them married a daughter-in-law, but married a barren one. What about his precious little golden grandson? Time to hug!

If you don't get married, you finally have something to look forward to. If you can't have children, you're useless in this life!
no!Just because of this, he absolutely cannot agree to this marriage!
"Grandpa, who did you hear that Tang Shishi was infertile?" Regarding this, Jun Nuanxin didn't have the confidence, after all, she didn't know the inside story.

"Of course I know this! Don't think that when I'm old, I'll be old and foolish. I don't know anything, and I'm just waiting to die at home! I haven't hugged my grandson yet, so I can't close my eyes so easily!" Mr. Jun said stiffly Say.

"Dad, where are you talking about? It's unlucky to be dead!" Ling Yue couldn't bear it anymore, and complained.

"You still have the nerve to say it! Kid Rui is stupid, and you guys will follow suit! No matter how good the girl is, if she can't have children, why marry her back?" Hearing Ling Yue's words, Mr. Jun immediately turned his cannon and rushed over.

"Grandpa, do you marry a wife just to have children?" Jun Nuanxin disagreed. "Besides, Tang Shishi is healthy and healthy. She is only 25 years old. How do you know she can't have children?"

"What do you know! We've been married for three years and haven't laid an egg. Why can't we have babies?" Mr. Jun stared at Jun Nuanxin!
"It's not just a woman's job to have a baby, maybe it's Lu Tao who can't do it!" Jun Nuanxin said with a curl of her lips.

"Lu Tao can't do it. What's the matter with the girl's belly in the Ling family? Isn't it Lu Tao's child?!" Mr. Jun slapped the table angrily. Go against him!
"Grandpa, you are really right. The child in the womb of the Ling family girl really has nothing to do with Lu Tao!"

Just as Mr. Jun was blowing his beard and staring angrily, and slapped the table, a word floated in from the door, making everyone in the room stand there in a daze!
"You, what did you say?!" Mr. Jun asked in disbelief, did he hear correctly?That girl from the Ling family actually... actually...

Mr. Jun looked at Jun Mubei with a serious face, and then he found that there was no hint of a joke in the other's eyes.

"Second brother, what you said is true?" Jun Nuanxin heard that the child in Ling Susu's stomach is really not Lu Tao's, his face turns green and then white, and his voice is a little fluttering. If it's not Lu Tao's, then it's his of—he actually...

Jun Nuanxin's heart instantly turned cold.

Not to mention Mr. Jun and Jun Nuanxin, even Jun Zeyu and Ling Yue were stunned and couldn't accept the explosive news for a while, especially when Ling Yue looked at Jun Mubei with a serious expression and said, "Mu Bei, You can't say these words indiscriminately!"

Ling Susu has always liked acting coquettishly and obediently in front of her elders. Although she often plays tricks that don't make it to the stage, it is harmless in Ling Yue's eyes. She has always maintained an image of a lady outside, knowledgeable and reasonable, If you abide by your duty, how could the child in your stomach not belong to Lu Tao!

Besides Lu Tao, who else?

Ling Yue glanced at Jun Nuanxin who was sitting on the sofa with his hands tightly twisted, and suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

"Oh, then treat me as nonsense!—You didn't hear anything just now! Everything is an illusion!" Jun Mubei glanced sideways at the four people with different expressions in the living room, and his eyes fell on the old man's With a blackened face, he immediately withdrew.

In fact, Jun Mubei accidentally found out about this matter because of Quan Shaobai's investigation of Ling Susu a while ago. He didn't intend to say it, but he was so sure that Tang Shishi couldn't have children. I really can't stand it. Yes, I just said it.

Although, he didn't know if Tang Shishi really couldn't have children, but—is it important?
The atmosphere became quiet all of a sudden, Mr. Jun and Jun Nuanxin were each in deep thought, with ugly expressions on their faces.Jun Zeyu and Ling Yue looked at each other silently and sighed secretly.

I didn't expect it to be like this!

"Ah Hua! Be more reserved! Don't think I can't see, you can hook up with men outside! When the time comes, you will have a big belly, and you won't know who it is!" The stick was thrown out, and the stick hit Ah Hua's "boyfriend" on the back, and the dog ran away with a howl.

"Woooooo!" A'hua growled dissatisfiedly at Jun Mubei, with a resentful light in her eyes.

what the hell!He has been this boyfriend from beginning to end, Second Young Master, don't scold Huai for accusations, and just slander my Qingbai if you insinuate, okay?
"What's your name! Come here!" Jun Mubei yelled at A'hua angrily.

Ahua reluctantly glanced at the male dog that was still wandering not far away, whimpered, and then looked at Jun Mubei in fear, and finally turned her head step by step, and ran to Jun Mubei with her tail between her legs in desperation. In front of Mu Bei, with his head facing the door, he lay down.

"Ah Hua! You have to understand, I don't agree with you two being together, you can't date him, even if both of you are purebred Labradors, but you are pure white and he is pure black Yes, I only like white, not black, so don't even think about being together, even if everyone agrees that you two are together, as long as I don't agree, I can't count! If you have a child, it is an illegitimate child Do you know about the illegitimate child?" Jun Mubei continued to give A Hua an ideological and political lesson with righteous words, and his voice clearly reached the ears of the four people sitting in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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