Chapter 143
I didn't go home all day and night, some people in the family must have gone crazy looking for me, right?

He didn't worry about the military affairs, because the people in their sharp knife troops all had a special number for contact, and he also had a mobile phone in his military uniform pocket, which was on standby 24 hours a day.It's just that the number is dedicated to the army, so no one in the family except the uncle knows this number, not even his parents.

As soon as the mobile phone was turned on, there were overwhelming missed calls. There were actually 180 two in Ling's house, and two in Jun's house.

Ling Rui looked at the time on the caller ID. The phone in Ling's house had never been called to him before four o'clock in the afternoon yesterday. There was a cold look in his deep eyes. According to the old man's understanding, he is not such a person who gives up easily. He must have found some way to deal with himself, right?Otherwise, he probably searched all over City B yesterday, and he would have to find himself out.

Looking at the call time in the Jun's compound again, Ling Rui's picturesque brows frowned slightly, which was about the same time as the last call from the Ling family. Could it be that these two old people reached an alliance behind their backs? up?

Ling Rui chuckled, but that smile was a bit cold. If his marriage with Shishi could make these two stubborn old people who have disliked each other for more than 30 years settle down, it would be a great thing!

After looking at his mobile phone, Ling Rui turned on Tang Shishi's mobile phone again, and then he found that Tang Shishi's mobile phone had a lot of missed calls and text messages, including Wang Yueshan's, Jun Nuanxin's, Liang Yue's, and Needless to say, it was Tang Yuan's boy, and there were two other unfamiliar numbers. They both made two phone calls, and then sent text messages to leave messages. The content of the messages was surprisingly similar, just like the twins, "I wish you Happiness!", the only difference is the punctuation, one is an exclamation point, one is three exclamation points.If he didn't know who the other number belonged to, Ling Rui would have thought that the two numbers belonged to the same person.

The one message on Tang Shishi's cell phone that made Ling Rui laugh the most was from Wang Yueshan, and it read as follows: Tang Shishi, you bastard, you bastard, turned off your phone, how hungry are you?I can't wait to roll the sheets!
You are good, you have a red book, and you are enjoying a 360-degree massage service from a handsome guy, but my sister, I was dragged by an idiot to accompany another idiot to wander around T, and the other idiot was drunk. Yes, I called you by your name when I dragged a beautiful girl, and we were almost beaten up by gangs a few times. This is not over, another idiot stayed up in the middle of the night, and ran to the magnolia tree on the campus of T University to hug you That tree howled with ghosts and wolves, throwing him to death!Sister, I want to escape from the earth!
well!Looking at another idiot like this, recalling the time when we were four of us, my sister and I suddenly felt a little bright and sad!

But when I think of your gentle and considerate Marshal Ling, my sister thinks this bitch is hypocritical again!When you were so devoted to him back then, he didn't take you seriously and let that old monster at home bully you, but now that you don't want him, he starts to think about your goodness again, regretting it?
Two words summed it up - it really deserves it!

In the end, my sister had to sigh: Tang Shishi, your peach blossoms are so good!

The corners of Ling Rui's lips curled up slightly, especially when he saw Wang Yueshan's words, "Bitch is hypocritical!"

After reading the text message, Ling Rui suddenly remembered something, called up Tang Shishi's address book, and the good mood just now was wiped away!

He originally wanted to change the three characters of "Mr. Rui" into two characters, but what did he see? !


Ling Rui looked back at Tang Shishi, who was sleeping extremely sweetly on the bed, and ground her teeth!

Where are you being stingy?It's obvious that the whole body looks very majestic, okay? !
Ling Rui glared at Tang Shishi angrily, and then changed the word "stingy ghost" into the word "husband"!
Looking at the word "husband" that is justified, Ling Rui's eyebrows beamed with joy!
Just as she was writing, Tang Shishi's cell phone rang. Ling Rui saw that it was Tang Yuan calling, picked up the cell phone, walked to the balcony, and connected the call.

"Tang Shishi, you really don't want to die. You dare to stay out at night. Let me tell you, I can't save you this time. Come back quickly and accept the old man's anger. You will die early and be reborn early!" Tang Yuan complained cracklingly.

It seems that after he went back yesterday, he was often cleaned up by Tang Guoduan.

Ling Rui's guess was right, Tang Guoduan was furious as soon as he returned to his residence, Tang Yuan was extremely thankful that his leg was injured, otherwise Tang Guoduan would have broken his leg last night.

"Shishi is my rightful wife now, shouldn't she live with me? Doesn't come home at night? Where do you start?" Ling Rui said in a low voice, cheerfully.

Tang Yuan didn't expect Ling Rui to answer the phone, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Where's Tang Shishi?"

"She was exhausted last night and was still sleeping." Ling Rui said lightly.

Ling Rui could hear Tang Yuan's teeth grinding loudly on the other end of the phone very clearly, but Ling Rui personally felt that the voice was indescribably beautiful.

"You clearly know that my parents are still angry about what happened yesterday, and you didn't let her go home to explain last night. You did it on purpose!" Tang Yuan growled, obviously scrupled, his voice a little suppressed.

"We'll go there later." Ling Rui thought for a moment and said.

"Just let her come back by herself, you don't have to come!" Tang Yuan said coldly.

"How could I let her face her family's censure alone? The two of us will go back, you ask Wu Hao to buy some food, and we go back to eat." Ling Rui ordered Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuanqi's mouth was crooked. Is this guy really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Now the old man can't wait to beat them up. He thought it was a visit, and he asked someone to buy vegetables to eat here!I don't even know how I died!

"You—hmph! I wish you good luck!" Tang Yuan hung up the phone angrily.

well!The old man doesn't know what's wrong this time, he's so stubborn, he's explained it to him countless times, but he's as stubborn as granite, he just doesn't make sense, he can't explain it!
That stinky fox!
Whenever Tang Yuan thinks of Ling Rui, his teeth itch with hatred!In the end, he threw the phone on the table, thinking, there will be something for you tonight!
Tang Shishi slept for another two hours, and was called up by Ling Rui. It was already 04:30 in the afternoon. Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi who was lazy and dazed, and felt very itchy in his heart. If it wasn't for a while, he would go back , he really wants to live here and never leave!
(End of this chapter)

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