Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 158 If You Don’t Come Down, I’ll Go Up

Chapter 158 If You Don’t Come Down, I’ll Go Up (4)
"It's just you and the girl from the Bai family." Geng Changsheng wondered, was the old man confused today?I can't even remember who I played chess with this morning.

"Of course I know that! What I'm asking is, besides me and the girl from the Bai family, who else has moved?" Old Master Ling glared at Geng Changsheng angrily, and asked.

Geng Changsheng shook his head, he is also very busy today, how could he pay attention to these things!
Old Mrs. Ling leaned heavily on the back of the chair, with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

After a long time, Old Master Ling said to Geng Changsheng: "Take this chessboard to me in my study, don't mess it up. And that—" Old Master Ling pointed to the gift from Ling Rui, "Bring them all, too. !"

"Hey!" Geng Changsheng happily agreed, and immediately followed suit diligently.

After a while, a master and a servant were unwrapping presents in the study.

"Are you sure this is what Kid Rui gave it to me?" Old Master Ling asked, frowning at the object in front of him for a long time?
Can this be a gift too?

"Master Rui has specifically explained it, I will not make a mistake!" Geng Changsheng looked at the gloomy face of Old Master Ling, and replied with embarrassment.

He also didn't expect that Master Rui would choose such an object to give to the old man.

Isn't this what children would play?
"Hmph!" Old Master Ling pushed the gift aside, looked at the thing swaying, and felt sullen.

"Where's yours? Let me see?" After a while, Old Master Ling turned his gaze to Geng Changsheng and asked.

Geng Changsheng quickly opened the half-opened gift box. Now he really hopes that his gift will not be too expensive, even if it is scratched, he will feel at ease!

When the gift box was opened, Geng Changsheng saw the black box inside, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes. After seeing Geng Changsheng's gift clearly, Mrs. Ling snorted coldly, finally calmed down a bit, and said, "That's it?"

That brat Ling Rui fell into a beggar's nest recently?Giving gifts is so shabby, it's probably the woman's fault, right?Can something like this be taken out?I'm not ashamed!

well!Sure enough, it can't be on the stage!
"That's it!" Geng Changsheng happily took out the small black box, and said with a smile on his face: "A few days ago, I wanted to ask the old grandson who is in charge of our property, where can I sell this thing?" Well, I didn't expect Master Rui to give me one!"

"Look at the bear who makes you so happy, as if you have never seen the world, how much does this junk thing cost? Just to make you so happy?" Old Master Ling sneered at Geng Changsheng.

"I've followed you all my life, old man. I haven't seen anything in the world? Just because I've seen it all, so it's not surprising. Don't think this thing is worthless, but it's a rare thing!" Geng Changsheng said and pressed the switch , there was an authentic Huangmei opera in it, and Geng Changsheng began to shake his head intoxicated.

Old Master Ling coughed heavily, and Geng Changsheng immediately recovered his serious face, and then pressed another button, and a storytelling came from inside, which was about the part "Qin Qiong sells horses", vivid and interesting .

Then Geng Changsheng pressed all the other buttons as if offering a treasure, and there were all kinds of things in it. Geng Changsheng was as happy as if he had obtained a treasure, and he couldn't put it down.

Old Master Ling looked at Geng Changsheng's complacent look, and felt even more depressed. He looked at the tumbler with Bao Zheng's black face and black robe painted on it on the table, and punched it again angrily. Damn, he was so angry that his beard was poking out and shaking!

Seeing that Mr. Ling was angry, Geng Changsheng quickly took a card in his gift box and said, "Mr. Ling, there are still cards I haven't read!"

Old Master Ling took the card with disdain on his face, and opened it. Inside was a line of powerful words: Grandpa Ling, I sent you a tumbler. I hope you will be healthy and stay upright forever!
After reading the words on the card, Mrs. Ling threw the card back into the box, and sneered, "Your intention is not right! Opportunity! I thought that giving such a bad thing and writing such a few words could fool me into changing her mind and agreeing to let her in." ?dream!"

Geng Changsheng picked up the card, opened it, and looked at it. This word was obviously not written by Master Rui, but the girl surnamed Tang wrote a good handwriting!
well!It's just that the old man has too much prejudice against her!

This tumbler is not an ordinary tumbler either. There are cassia seeds inside to refresh the mind and calm the mind. It is beautiful and practical when placed in the study!
Such an ingenious gift, but was reprimanded by the old man for being unscrupulous and opportunistic, what a shame for that child!
At least, he felt that the gift he received was very considerate and considerate. It was probably chosen by the girl, and Master Rui was not so careful!

Geng Changsheng saw that Mrs. Ling was concentrating on studying the chess game again, and knowing that he didn't like to be disturbed by others, he picked up Ling Weiguo's gift and quietly exited the study.

He is more curious now, what gift did Kid Rui's daughter-in-law give Dean Ling!
Ling Weiguo heard that boy Rui and his wife had prepared a gift for him, so he opened it cheerfully, and found that there were woods of different sizes and shapes inside, an album of pictures, and a set of carving knives. Immediately, I went back to the house with the box in my arms, and got busy.

When Geng Changsheng returned to his study, he saw that Mrs. Ling was still concentrating on studying the game of chess, so he plugged in his earphones and earplugs, and listened to Huangmei Opera.

About an hour later, Geng Changsheng felt that his ears were tired, so he turned off the small black box, and found that Mrs. Ling was still studying the chess game, so he went over to persuade him, saying, "Grandpa, why don't you take a break? Rest your mind?"

Old Master Ling leaned back on the grand teacher's chair, closed his eyes, and rested his eyes for a while, then said to Geng Changsheng: "Why do you think that boy Rui likes a prickly head?"

"..." Geng Changsheng didn't answer.

Old Master Ling opened his eyes and found that Geng Changsheng was listening to the Huangmei Opera with his ears plugged in with his ears squinted. How could he hear what he said!
Mrs. Ling is so angry!I feel more and more that Tang Shishi is a scourge!You see, just meeting him once has led the people around him astray!

Old Master Ling picked up his crutch and shook it in front of Geng Changsheng's eyes!
Geng Changsheng was so frightened that he quickly took off an earplug and asked, "Old man, what's the matter?"

"Don't let me see you carrying this thing again!" After the old master Ling finished speaking, he pointed to the small black box Geng Changsheng stuck on his belt with his crutch.

Geng Changsheng was so frightened that he hurriedly backed away, protecting the small black box with his baby-like hands, and said, "Got it."

"Look at your prospects! How many of these things can't be bought with your monthly salary, it seems like my Ling family has treated you badly!" Mr. Ling reprimanded with a look of hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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