Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 203 Tang Shishi, Let’s Remarry

Chapter 203 Tang Shishi, Let’s Remarry (3)
Tang Shishi shivered after hearing Jun Mubei's words, and couldn't help rubbing her arms with her hands. This second brother's words are really fierce!

Baimo, you always seem to be aloof, isn't it?

"It's not bad to study abroad and learn some Western culture, but it's not good to follow the example of Westerners' sexual openness! It's better for women to be more reserved!" After Jun Mubei finished speaking, he walked Steps, slowly walking towards the Jun's courtyard.

Tang Shishi's face flushed into a pig liver color, not because Jun Mubei said that Bai Mo was sexually open, but because Jun Mubei's words meant something, reminding her that she just lived in the Jun's compound That night, the bed collapsed.

This definitely does not belong to the reserved range that Jun Mubei said!
As soon as Tang Shishi came back to the compound, the second aunt Yunmo pestered her very enthusiastically, saying that she wanted to take Tang Shishi as her teacher, learn to cook from her, and practice her cooking skills hard!
Seeing Yun Mo's resolute expression, Tang Shishi didn't know where she was singing.

"Someone, I'm afraid that if I don't know anything about the kitchen, I won't be able to take care of my daughter-in-law in the future! Plan ahead!" Mother-in-law Ling Yue kindly explained Tang Shishi's doubts.

Tang Shishi blinked, blinked again, and then burst out laughing unkindly!This second aunt, isn't she thinking too far?

There is no daughter-in-law, so I thought of serving confinement!How jumpy is this thinking!
"What's so strange?" Yun Mo said disapprovingly of Tang Shishi and Ling Yue's fuss: "Rui boy can get married and come back with a daughter-in-law in a flash, maybe Mu Bei, a brat, will bring back a pregnant woman tomorrow. Fengzi is married!"

Tang Shishi was deeply surprised, but I have to say that the second aunt's words are very reasonable, that fellow Jun Mubei is not a master who plays cards logically at all!

"Mom, you like children so much, why don't you have another one with my dad, in fact, I really don't mind having a brother or sister who is much younger than me." Reliable, can't help but refute.

"Honey, my son bullied me!" Yun Mo shot Jun Mubei a gouged look, asking for help like Jun Shaoyang.

Who knew that Jun Shaoyang was uncharacteristically, instead of letting Jun Mubei leave smoothly, he put his arms around Yunmo's waist and said, "I think what this kid said makes sense, why don't we try?"

Yun Mo was stunned for a while, and after realizing what Jun Shaoyang said, he kicked him hard, pulled Tang Shishi and turned into the kitchen.

The people watching the show in the living room laughed together.

Jun Shaoyang was in pain, rubbed his thigh in aggrieved manner, glanced casually at Jun Mubei who was gloating, and roared angrily: "Stinky boy, get out!"

"Ah! The laws of nature are not fair! Why is it always me who gets hurt in the end?" Jun Mubei protested aggrieved!
Jun Shaoyang's eyes turned cold, so Jun Mubei was driven into the courtyard pitifully.

Tang Shishi was in the kitchen, and when she heard the father and son's contest, the corners of her lips curled up in amusement.

The kitchen, because of Yunmo's forced joining, was made into a miasma. Tang Shishi looked helplessly at Yunmo who was in a mess, but his enthusiasm remained undiminished, and he felt a headache.

Because breakfast was a bit late, Tang Shishi ate some in a hurry and urged her mother-in-law Ling Yue to leave for the hospital quickly.

Ling Yue was so urged by Tang Shishi that she had no choice but to reluctantly put down her chopsticks, and dragged Jun Zeyu out the door.

Seeing that Tang Shishi's family had gone out, Jun Mubei quickly filled his stomach and chased him out with the car keys.

"What are you doing this early in the morning? It's like performing "Desperate Pursuit"!" Yun Mo muttered dissatisfiedly looking at Jun Mubei's back.

Mr. Jun calmed down a lot, and continued to enjoy the nutritious breakfast Tang Shishi tailored for her, feeling very comfortable.

Rushing to the hospital in a hurry, Tang Shishi checked the time, took a deep breath, there was still time, and she was not late at all.

Although I told my mother-in-law Ling Yue that it doesn’t matter if I come late for the medical examination report, even if I don’t come in the morning, it’s the same if I come in the afternoon, but Tang Shishi is very punctual. point, then she will appear at the stipulated time.

"Doctor Pang, I'm Tang Shishi. I'm here to get the medical report." Tang Shishi saw the doctor's badge at a glance, knew that this was the doctor who called her yesterday, and said politely.

"Tang Shishi? Wait a minute!" Dr. Pang didn't seem to expect Tang Shishi to come here alone. He looked at Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu who were beside Tang Shishi, got up, took out a medical record bag from the cabinet behind him, and handed it to the doctor. To Tang poetry.

Tang Shishi took the medical record bag, exhaled secretly, and opened the medical record bag. Just after opening it, before she had time to take out the contents, her hands were suddenly empty.

"Who are you? Why did you snatch Geng Yang?!" Ling Yue was about to scold the rude person who stole Tang Shishi's inspection report, but when she took a closer look, she found that this person turned out to be Geng Yang!

This Geng Yang is Geng Changsheng's son, and he also works in the Ling residence.

"Why are you here?" Ling Yue frowned and said, "Give us back the things!" It's just an inspection report, what's there to grab?

Geng Yang didn't speak, but looked at the door.

Ling Yue followed Geng Yang's gaze and opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Dad? Why did you come to the hospital?"

It was Mrs. Ling who came, and standing beside him was the butler Geng Changsheng.

Geng Yang walked forward, and handed the medical record bag in his hand to Mrs. Ling respectfully.

Old Master Ling took it, took out the examination report from inside, put on the reading glasses hanging around his neck, flipped through the examination report, and then fixed his gaze on the final doctor's recommendation.

In the middle stage of cervical cancer, it is recommended to perform hysterectomy and ovarian lymphadenectomy as soon as possible!

Although Mrs. Ling didn't study medicine, he could still understand these words. A woman without a uterus, let alone having a baby, even has health problems!

When Old Master Ling saw the above diagnosis, his beard trembled with anger, and the hand holding the medical examination report also trembled. He looked at Tang Shishi with unfathomable hatred!

Seeing Mr. Ling's gaze like this, Tang Shishi's heart sank, and she pulled herself up.

"Dad! What are you doing!" Seeing Old Master Ling's unkind gaze, Ling Yue instinctively stood in front of Tang Shishi.

"What are you doing? What do you think I'm doing? Tang Shishi! You vicious woman! You're trying to make my Ling family a successor!"

As Old Master Ling said, he threw the inspection report on Ling Yue's face, pointed at her nose and cursed: "Take a good look! What kind of woman are you protecting over and over again?"

(End of this chapter)

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