Chapter 208 Sleepless Night (3)
"Where's Susu?" Ling Hao sat alone in front of the chessboard, studying the chess game, interrupting Huang Xiaojuan.

A woman's view!

Do you think that this will completely defeat Ling Yue's branch?

"Susu called and said that she will stay at Lu's house at night and won't come back." Huang Xiaojuan told the truth, and then said excitedly: "Lu Tao is really careful, and he assigned a driver for Susu. The kind that is on call at any time, there is still one month left, Susu and Lu Tao will get married, and I finally have something on my mind, and I am waiting to hold my grandson!"

On the surface, Huang Xiaojuan said she was high-sounding, but in her heart she was looking forward to her bright future. Every time she met Wang Fengzhen, the jewelry on the other party's body was never the same. The jade bracelet on Wang Fengzhen's wrist last time she saw it was good. There are more than 100 million, and soon, I will have these things myself!
"Having a driver makes you so happy? Doesn't our family have a driver?" Ling Hao said displeased.

This woman is still so superficial, a little petty profit can make her face moved!

"How can it be the same?!" Huang Xiaojuan retorted disapprovingly: "This shows that Lu Tao attaches great importance to Susu!"

The son-in-law treats his daughter well, and he will treat himself, the mother-in-law, the same way in the future!

"If there are any major projects in the city in the future, you should pay more attention. This Lu Tao belongs to our own family!" Huang Xiaojuan has completely regarded Lu Tao as her own, and began to plan for him.

"He mentioned this to you?" Ling Hao asked in a deep voice, holding a sunspot, hesitating.

"How can he mention this to me! We don't see each other very often!" Huang Xiaojuan looked dissatisfied at Ling Hao, who was scrutinizing.

"You women don't meddle in men's matters!" Ling Hao warned, still holding the chess piece in his hand, not knowing how to proceed.

Huang Xiaojuan was thinking about reprimanding Ling Hao, but saw a car driving in. Under the orange light, Ling Rui's cold eyes made her heart tremble!
It's late at night, what is this family doing here?
Huang Xiaojuan was worried for a while, then she figured it out, and gloated in her heart again, the whole family mobilized, this time it can't change God's original intention, a good show will be staged soon!
As people get old, they sleep surprisingly little. Mr. Ling was wearing pajamas, facing a game of chess in the study, thinking hard, getting older, and his memory is not good. Yesterday he overturned the game of chess in a fit of anger. Put it out again, but it is difficult to recover even if you rack your brains!
It is said that life is like chess, and chess is like life. Looking at it now, it really is so!

"Master, Master Rui's family is here." Geng Changsheng heard the sound of a car stalling in the yard, went to the window and saw that it was Ling Rui's family of three, reporting to Old Master Ling, with a hint of reminder in his tone.

Old Master Ling let out a cold snort from his nostrils!
At this time, think about it with your toes, and you know why?
This family is confused?dizzy?Letting a little vixen influence her can cause a catastrophe!
The sound of going up the stairs was direct and arrogant.Without knocking, the door of the study was pushed open by Ling Rui.

"Presumptuous! Brat, you don't even have basic manners?" Old Master Ling's heart skipped a beat when he saw Ling Ruisen's cold gaze, and he yelled sharply.

"Cultivation of manners? That also applies to the right person, what about the person?" Ling Rui said straight to the point.

On the way here, Ling Rui went through the ins and outs of the whole thing. There are too many coincidences in this whole thing.

First of all, Bai Mo should not have appeared in the hospital by such a coincidence, let alone entered the bathroom with Ling Susu and then came out by coincidence.

Then, if Bai Mo didn't know anything this morning, she wouldn't be so sure to say those provocative words to the little wild cat.

And then, the old man Ling in front of me should not have appeared in the hospital at that time, and became the chief culprit of the little wild cat's disappearance!

In the end, how could someone coincidentally wait in that surveillance corner and take the little wild cat away!

When these four coincidences are connected, it's hard not to make Ling Rui think that this is a complete conspiracy!

They first forged the inspection report, and then kidnapped the little wild cat, the purpose is to force the little wild cat to divorce themselves!
What cervical cancer?What removes the entire uterus?All are fake!And the ultimate behind-the-scenes mastermind of all this is the person in front of you!
Ling Rui looked at Old Master Ling with disappointment. He never expected that someone he respected since he was a child would be so cruel and would do such crazy things to his wife!His little wild cat would definitely feel overwhelmed with guilt now!

Ling Rui suddenly remembered the inexplicable heart palpitations he had on the way back, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped and kneaded by an invisible big hand!

"Who? You don't sleep at night, who do you want when you come to my place?" Old Master Ling was annoyed by the strange look on Ling Rui's face, and he became more and more resentful towards Tang Shishi in his heart!

"I'll ask again, where's the person?" Ling Rui's cold tone was like a sharp sword, piercing Old Master Ling's heart with blood.

"Dad, no matter how dissatisfied you are with Shishi, how can you arrest him and let him out!" Ling Yue's choice has always been to support her son unconditionally.

"You—" Mrs. Ling stretched out a finger, pointed at Ling Yue tremblingly, and then pointed at Ling Rui, with a breath stuck in his throat, he uttered two words with difficulty: "You—" He almost rolled his eyes in anger To pass out.

"Old man!" Geng Changsheng saw that Mrs. Ling was not in good condition, so he hurriedly stepped forward to give him comfort. Ling Yue originally wanted to go forward, but Geng Changsheng took a step faster and blocked him.

"If you don't tell me, I can find out. I will never let this matter go!" Ling Rui left a word and turned to leave.

"Stop!" Old Master Ling regained his strength and stopped.

Ling Rui turned around, his gaze still cold.

Old Master Ling pointed to an invitation card on the desk, and told Geng Changsheng, "Give that to him!"

Geng Changsheng took the invitation and sent it to Ling Rui, but Ling Rui didn't intend to accept it, and still looked at Old Master Ling coldly and mockingly.

"If you want that woman to be good, you must attend the Bai family's banquet on the 1st of next month, and you are not allowed to be rude!" Mrs. Ling quickly made a decision in her heart. Anyway, the scapegoat has already been blamed. It's better to make mistakes and make mistakes!
This brat, one day he will understand his painstaking efforts!
Ling Rui sneered!

(End of this chapter)

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