Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 215 Regret!Banquet Gathering

Chapter 215 Regret!Banquet Gathering (1)
Tian Ming sneered, looked at Huang Liang who was still unresponsive, and said teasingly: "Brother, how can you do it like this, I kindly help you with your bridal chamber, and kindly help you serve women, look, sister-in-law is now This way!"

As Tian Ming said, he grabbed Shi Yun's hair, pushed Shi Yun's face towards Huang Liang, and said, "Tell your husband, how am I?"

Shi Yun licked his tongue and said sweetly, "Honey, hello!"

"Haha! Big brother, did you hear that?" Tian Ming's smile was crazy with a twist.

"You—you're going to die!" Huang Liang's eyeballs were already congested, and the originally small eyes were wide open, bulging out so big, as if they would fall out in the next moment.

"Brother, you are the one who will die badly! You have fucked so many women, and you have to realize that your own women are being fucked! Now, I just let you recognize the reality!" Tian Ming didn't understand Huang Liang's words at all. Taking it to heart, when he thought of his girlfriend who committed suicide after being insulted by Huang Liang, the expression on Tian Ming's face suddenly became horrifying!
"Don't worry! I won't just let you die like this. I'll let you watch how I brought down the Huang family step by step. Let the Huang family who bullied me, the Huang family who bullied my mother, a Everyone will die! The first one is you, and the next one is your femme fatale mother!" Tian Ming said cheerfully seeing Huang Liang was already gasping for breath.

Tian Ming was officially renamed Huang Ming after the historian came to the door, and the reason why the historian was able to stop pestering him was of course because Huang Ming played around with it, because whoever made the eldest lady of the historian, Shi Yun, is now utterly devoted to him What about?
Originally, the Huang and Shi families belonged to a commercial marriage. Now that Huang Ming has been recognized by the Huang family, the historians will not care about Huang Liang's matter anymore. Anyway, what they want is a stronger mutual relationship.

It turned out that after Huang Liang and Shi Yun obtained the certificate, Shi Yun first moved into Huang's house and lived with Huang Liang. However, Huang Liang's body was no longer capable of having sex. Staying here will not destroy the alliance between Huang and Shi's two families, so the Huang family came up with a way of Li Daitao's stiff, and on the first night Shi Yun lived in Huang's house, they drugged Shi Yun and Huang Ming and sent them to Zuozhuo. , And staged a good show of catching rape.

However, Shi Yun and Huang Ming are unwilling to be fooled like this. From then on, they can only spend the rest of their lives guarding a waste lying on the bed, especially after she first tasted the love of Yun Yu, she has to deal with herself in the future. The other was resentful, and this action of the Huang family aroused his stronger desire for revenge. From Shi Yun, he felt an unprecedented pleasure of revenge.

So, the two uncles and sisters-in-law began to communicate secretly under the eyes of the Huang family, and then intensified, and even went to Huang Liang's bed. At first, the Huang family was angry about this, but later, after Shi Yun There was a big fuss, the Shi family came to make a fuss, the old man of the Huang family acquiesced, after all, this Huang Ming is also a child of the Huang family, if Shi Yun is pregnant, he is also a child of the Huang family!
The rest of the Huang family also turned a blind eye, and Huang Liang's father had taken over Huang Liang's wings when Huang Liang was bedridden.

Huang Ming proposed to send Huang Liang to Tingyunju to recuperate, and the Huang family agreed without saying a word, because the current Huang Liang is worthless to the Huang family, and he is already an abandoned child!It’s also good to send it outside, out of sight and out of mind!

It's just that Huang Ming was willing to let Huang Liang go so happily, so he took Shi Yun with him every now and then, and played big plays in front of Huang Liang, and Shi Yun absolutely cooperated!
Huang Ming has become addicted to humiliating Huang Liang. He keeps humiliating Huang Liang. Every time he sees the look in Huang Liang's eyes that wants to tear himself apart, but he can only watch helplessly and can't do anything. Huang Ming felt extremely relieved!

After Tang Shishi looked through the binoculars for a while, she felt that she had lost interest. Huang Liang now has a body waiting to die, and there is no threat at all. Thinking of what he did in the past, Tang Shishi only felt refreshed!

The former Huang Jingliang was a prostitute and did all kinds of bad things. I don't know how many women's lives have been ruined by that kind of low-level means. Now that he has ended up like this, it is really a clear and unreasonable retribution!

"Sun Huaiming, you are not human!" Mo Xiaohui cried and slammed the vegetables she just bought from the market in her hands on the shamelessly entangled dog and man on the sofa in the living room!
She left work early today because she wanted to cook a good dinner to celebrate the first anniversary of her relationship with Sun Huaiming. Who knows, when she got home, she saw Sun Huaiming on the sofa with a woman. The child was stunned, thinking that he had gone to the wrong house!

When she saw Sun Huaiming's distorted face and the provocative gaze of the woman under him, she suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning!

The miscellaneous things in the plastic bag spilled all over Sun Huaiming and Bo Nana.

"Brother Ming—" Bo Nana shouted Jiao Didi and hid herself in Sun Huaiming's arms with all her strength, with a frightened expression on her face.

"Mo Xiaohui! You crazy woman! What are you doing!" Sun Huaiming didn't have the embarrassment or remorse of being caught for something bad, but scolded Mo Xiaohui impatiently!

"I would rather go crazy! Sun Huaiming, how could you treat me like this? How could you treat me like this?!" Mo Xiaohui's eyes were stained with madness, and she shouted hysterically!
For this man, she did not hesitate to take risks and do things that violated her conscience and professional ethics, but what about this man?This morning, before I went out, I was flirting with her, and when I turned around, I was able to do such shameless things with other women!
Mo Xiaohui saw Bo Nana teasing her unabashedly in Sun Huaiming's arms, and even proudly puffed out her breasts, she just felt like vomiting blood in her heart!

Obviously, this is not the first time that Sun Huaiming has been with this woman!

They have been hanging out together for a long time, fortunately she still has extravagant hopes for Sun Huaiming and plans to live a good life with him!
"What are you calling?! How did I know you came back so early today!" Sun Huaiming's expression became more and more impatient. He got up from Bo Nana's body in disappointment, picked up the clothes he had thrown on the ground, and dressed slowly and as if no one else was there. up.

"It turned out to be my fault that I went back to my home after get off work?!" Mo Xiaohui roared in disbelief. Can this man be more shameless?
"Brother Ming? Isn't this your house? When did it become her home?" Bo Nana said sweetly, she just sat on the sofa without shame, exposing her body.

Mo Xiaohui's heart was startled by what Bo Nana said, she slowly shifted her gaze to Sun Huaiming, and then her whole body became cold!

(End of this chapter)

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