Chapter 226 Two Years Three OR Three Years Two (3)
"You said that check—you are talking nonsense! It's impossible!" Under Ling Rui's teasing, Lu Tao finally couldn't help but punched Ling Rui's face. He wanted to shake off the pain on Ling Rui's face. Smiling, I want to beat up this slanderous guy, and I want to vent my anger on Tang Shishi's unfair treatment tonight!
"If you dare to do it, don't be afraid of others poking your spine. I'm just telling the truth, and you will become angry from embarrassment! Tsk tsk, you really have no grace!" Ling Rui quickly dodged Lu Tao's attack, and a flash of success in his eyes flashed in his heart. Dao, this is what I was waiting for!So he punched with his backhand, aiming at Lu Tao's left cheek.

Like Lu Tao, Ling Rui has long wanted to teach this bastard a lesson!
Damn!Dare to covet the wife of the master, if you don't let you know the color, you don't know why the flowers are so red!

"You nonsense!" Lu Tao's fist is not as fast as Ling Rui's, and his dodging speed is also not as fast as Ling Rui's. Naturally, he couldn't dodge it. Although he dodged a little, his fair face was still red and swollen. There are traces of red liquid at the corner of the mouth, which flowed out.


Lu Tao managed to dodge, and took the opportunity to kick.He has also practiced some taekwondo at least. Although he can't compare with Ling Rui's skills, he will definitely not be stage fright, especially when the opponent is Ling Rui. Even if he tries his best to be beaten to death, he will never admit defeat!

Tang Shishi didn't expect these two big men to come to this barren mountain and wild place to fight without sleep at night, but she can't help anyone, so let's try to persuade them. According to the temperament of these two men, it is estimated that no one will fight. will listen!
Forget it, what does it have to do with her if they hit them!Out of sight out of mind!

Tang Shishi just left the two fighting men at the door, opened the door gorgeously and entered, and Lu Tao and Ling Rui didn't notice that Tang Shishi didn't say a word or express anything until the sound of closing the door, just like that Leaving the two of them fighting to the death and entering the house, the two of them couldn't help being stunned!
"It seems that she doesn't love you too much!" Lu Tao looked at Ling Rui sarcastically, and punched him unawares, which finally added color to his face!

"So what? At least she doesn't love you at all now!" Ling Rui grabbed Ling Rui's arm and threw Lu Tao far away, saying coldly.

This is his true strength, right?Lu Tao, who was thrown to the ground by the sudden explosion, had such thoughts in his mind, then his performance just now... Lu Tao's fire-breathing eyes fell on Ling Rui's slightly red and swollen face.

Ling Ruiju looked at Lu Tao with a high time, and looked at his doubts clearly. He touched his face and was just stunned by Lu Tao. Her heart is soft!"

Lu Tao yelled angrily, "You - despicable and shameless!"

This man really has such bad intentions!
"No matter how shameless I am, I can't compare to you. Don't forget, who pushed her into my arms step by step!" Ling Rui snorted coldly, and didn't even look at Lu Tao anymore, but set his eyes on Lu Tao. On that door.

"Hmph, she won't open the door for you!" Lu Tao was suffocated by Ling Rui's words. This man, with his vicious mouth, picked out other people's pain and stomped on them. !
But when Lu Tao saw Ling Rui's eyes on that door, his eyes filled with pride again!He is still very confident about this.

"Breaking a door together won't be an obstacle to our love as a husband and wife!" Ling Rui deliberately put a heavy emphasis on the word "love", seeing Lu Tao's face change and his eyebrows raised evilly, his eyes were full of pride.

"Hmph! You can't even get into the house, and you still want to climb into her bed. You are dreaming!" Lu Tao was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and insisted.

The two of them are like children scrambling for candy. Neither of them wants to make the other feel better. Seeing the other suffer makes him feel very happy!
"Is it a dream? I don't need to bother you. Get out of here quickly. Don't disturb our husband and wife's business!" Ling Rui didn't take Lu Tao's pediatric attacks to heart at all. Seeing that Lu Tao was sitting on the ground and didn't plan to get up, Said lightly: "Don't forget to send us the real estate certificate of this house. We won't get up tomorrow. We won't get up early tomorrow. The day after tomorrow—forget it, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed. You should find a courier company and send it to Jun. Let's go to the compound!"

"Ling Rui! You bastard, don't go too far!" Lu Tao was really spat out by Ling Rui this time!
This man is really shameless!shameless!

Although Lu Tao knew that Ling Rui was completely retaliating, but when he heard him say such ambiguous and thought-provoking words in a calm and breezy manner, and what he said was so natural, his heart throbbed. Endless!
This kind of showing off, a man can't stand it!
"Huh—is this too much? I think it's normal! We are a legal couple who have obtained a certificate. If you like me, I would like to do some bed exercises that are good for physical and mental health as well as for future generations. How can it be called too much? "Ling Rui said with an innocent expression of anger.

"You—" Lu Tao pointed at Ling Rui, and almost lost his breath, and fainted from the anger, but he changed the subject and said, "This house is mine, why should I give it to you? It's a dream!"

He can no longer keep the topic on the bed or not, otherwise I will be pissed off here today!

Not only can this house not be given to him, but it cannot be sold, no matter how much money it costs!

Tang Shishi lived here before, and there is her breath in it, at least these belong to him!

"It's not for me, my lord. I don't think much of your family background! But it's similar to giving it to me. After all, we are a husband and wife. What's hers is mine, and what's mine is hers. There's no difference." Ling Rui still With that tune, Lu Tao would vomit blood angrily after seeing a few words, of course he will spare no effort to continue his efforts.

"Then I won't give it either!" Lu Tao gritted his teeth and said.

"Then we'll only meet in court. I believe everyone in City B will be very interested in the matter of Mr. Lu writing a bad check to his ex-wife after a divorce. Tsk tsk, is it true that the Lu family has been unable to make ends meet and has an economic crisis, and even this small amount of money is taken away?" I can't come out anymore, it seems that if there are any big projects in City B in the future, the Lu family will have no chance!" Ling Rui said lightly.

Lu Tao raised his head abruptly, seeing the murderous look in Shang Ling Rui's eyes, his heart sank suddenly.

He could understand the meaning of Ling Rui's words, especially the big project in City B, didn't it allude to Yutian International? !

Could it be that Ling Rui's hand can be stretched so long that he can even intervene in the affairs of the city government?
(End of this chapter)

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