Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 240 Laughing and Cursing! 3 Huang Xiaojuan

Chapter 240 Laughing and Cursing!Three Huang Xiaojuan (1)
"It's a little inconvenient." Tang Shishi pondered for a moment, then said with a light smile.

"Can you be more specific?" When the reporters heard Tang Shishi speak, their eyes lit up, and all the shutters and cameras gathered in the direction of Tang Shishi, with an expression of finding gold, excited and looking forward to it.

"How should I say it?" Tang Shishi looked at the reporters with pretentious embarrassment, and finally smiled and said, "Hearing them call me little aunt, I actually feel a little awkward in my heart. After all, I am younger than my niece Ling Susu." It's even smaller, but there's no way, who let the seniority be here!"

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she blinked her eyes without being familiar with the world, with a very embarrassed look, which made people feel that this question really caused her a lot of trouble, because women always care about themselves age issue.

Ling Rui burst into laughter in his heart, and applauded the way the little wild cat pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger to tease the reporter.

Geng Changsheng was also slightly surprised, just now he was really afraid that Tang Shishi would miss something out of the world, which would attract those gossip magazines to scribble, but he also felt happy when he heard what Tang Shishi said.This girl is definitely not a good match.

Tang Shishi's words changed Ling Susu's expression. She pinched her palm with her nails and forced a smile on her face, because a blind reporter was asking her annoyingly——called Aunt Tang Shishi Did you feel the same way as Tang Shishi when you were young?

Seeing the arrival of Ling Rui and others, Ling Weiguo breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw Tang Guoduan beside Ling Rui, suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Tang Guoduan looked at Ling Weiguo with a stern look in his eyes.But this is not an ordinary place, so he tried his best to control his emotions.

The reporter realized that he was being teased by Tang Shishi, but he couldn't grasp what to say, so he asked unwillingly: "I heard that Mrs. Ling did not agree to Ms. Tang's entry, and this time Mrs. Ling was hospitalized, is it because The reason for this marriage?"

This topic is really sharp!
Because of this question, the atmosphere became tense.

"Unexpectedly, this reporter friend really cared about my affairs, and even thought of such a thing. I have to express my admiration for your extraordinary imagination. You shocked us all!" Tang Shi Shi always smiled lightly, but her witty and witty words made the tense atmosphere at the scene a lot easier.

"Mrs. Ling, is this considered avoidance?" Unfortunately, the reporter didn't know how to accept as soon as he was good, and instead became aggressive.

Ling Rui's expression changed, and when he was about to speak, Tang Shishi gently tugged at his sleeve.

The smile on Tang Shishi's face remained unchanged, she looked at the reporter and said, "This reporter friend, this is not a court, I don't have to answer your question, but since you are chasing after me, then I can also tell you—— "

All the people looked at Tang Shishi, and some even held their breath slightly nervously.

Tang Shishi saw the schadenfreude on Ling Susu and Huang Xiaojuan's faces, she sneered in her heart, she said with a smile: "There is a way that it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework. I am a relatively simple person. What I ask for in marriage and relationship is nothing more than loyalty. I didn't expect the first A marriage was disturbed by the mistress. Although I took the initiative to propose a divorce, it seems that most people do not look at this matter from a fair perspective. Because I have no barriers, any dirty water can be poured on me I believe everyone has seen the entertainment newspapers and magazines in the previous stage. When I married Ling Rui, I wanted to live a peaceful and low-key life, but some people just couldn't get used to it and insisted on pushing me away. Come to the stage, now even things like grandpa's illness and hospitalization insist on having something to do with my marriage, jealousy, isn't that the way to be jealous?"

Tang Shishi said at the end, her tone was stern and stern, but she always had a smile on her face, making people have to reflect, this woman who has been hidden by the president of the Lu family is really as rumored, and she can't take it. Let's do it?

With doubts, everyone looked at Tang Shishi carefully again. They dressed decently, dignified but not frivolous, and when they spoke, they were calm and generous, calm and witty, coupled with outstanding facial features, and an outstanding man like Ling Rui Standing together, no matter in terms of temperament or imposing manner, people feel that they are an incomparable couple. How can such a woman not show her hand?

I'm afraid Dong Lu is hiding her beauty in the golden house, so he is not willing to let her be exposed in front of the media, right?

"It seems that everyone is really paying attention to my marriage. It is also my fault. I have been busy with work at this stage, and I didn't even give my wife a honeymoon. Although she can understand the difficulty of my work a lot, But I didn't expect it to cause such a lot of pressure on her, but the parents of both of us are already discussing the wedding, I believe it will not be long, and I hope everyone will join us!" Ling Rui didn't want to be so low-profile at first. , but hearing someone questioning Tang Shishi in public so aggressively, of course he had to earn enough face for his own wife to come back.

After saying this, Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi guiltily, and said affectionately: "My wife, I'm sorry, this is all my negligence. I didn't expect that because of my work, I couldn't hold the wedding in time. Here's to you There's been so much pressure."

Tang Shishi smiled slightly, shook her head indifferently, and didn't say anything about not caring, if she understood, she just hid all this in a pair of talking eyes.

Seeing that Ling Rui and Tang Shishi were eyeing each other and getting along with each other tacitly, some reporters pressed the shutter one after another to capture this wonderful moment.

Of course, those who have been teased will not give up so easily, and a few of them wanted to speak, but were quickly interrupted by Geng Changsheng who was at the side, saying, "Everyone, I am the old man's personal assistant." Butler, this time I brought Mrs. Ling's family to discuss the marriage."

As soon as Geng Changsheng finished speaking, everyone looked at him, and then at Tang Guoduan beside him. Tang Guoduan kept frowning in displeasure, as if he was angry and didn't want to speak.

But these reporters can also understand, after all, no parent can put on a good face when they see their children being questioned and made things difficult in public.

Behind the reporters, Lin Meijuan, Huang Xiaojuan, Ling Susu and the others who were left out gritted their teeth angrily when they heard that Geng Changsheng called Tang Shishi Mrs. Ling instead of Mrs. Ling Shao.

Holding Tang Shishi in his arms, Ling Rui led Geng Changsheng and Tang Guoduan towards the hospital, and the reporters consciously made way for them.

Ling Rui didn't even look at Lin Meijuan, Ling Hao and the others, but when he passed by Ling Weiguo, he called out, "Uncle."

Never said anything else.

"Ling Rui!"

(End of this chapter)

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