Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 249 I don't like to talk, I only like to do it

Chapter 249 I don't like to talk, I only like to do it (5)
Old Master Ling held the receiver that was beeping continuously, and after a long time of stunned, he slowly put down the phone, then slowly sat down on the grand teacher's chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Ling Rui hung up the phone and said nothing more.

Tang Guoduan got out of the car first, and asked them to take him to Mr. Xiang Jun. Obviously he didn't want them to go up. Ling Rui nodded to Tang Shishi, and then drove away.

Not far from the Huibo Garden, Ling Rui pulled over suddenly. Tang Shishi knew that he was in a bad mood, so she took his hand and said, "Actually, it is possible to expose their hypocrisy in front of so many people. Masks, scolding them for being shameless, I really feel very content."

"But, I don't think it's enough!" Ling Rui looked a little frustrated. Now when he thinks of the Ling family, he feels repelled from the bottom of his heart!
"This family can't continue to be so noisy. Didn't Huang Xiaojuan be driven back to Huang's house today? Ling Hao's family was also kicked out from Ling's house. I think that's enough." Tang Shishi really thinks that Mrs. Ling is like this It was already fair to do it. As for the media exposure, she hadn't thought about it. After all, family ugliness should not be publicized, so there is no need to make it too public!

"You are obviously the biggest victim, why are you soft-hearted than me?" Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi displeased, and complained.

"I'm not soft-hearted, but I feel that if this matter is exposed by the media, we will lose face. After all, your surname is Ling, and I am Mrs. Ling, right?" Tang Shishi leaned back in her chair, pretending to be arrogant Said: "If they dare to provoke me again next time, Auntie, I won't just talk about it, let them taste the power of my iron fist!" Tang Shishi stretched out a fist after finishing speaking, Shaking in front of my face!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi amused, and said, "Sit at the front."

"I don't want it, there are wolves in front!" Tang Shishi said coquettishly, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Then I'll go to the back!" Ling Rui said, and he was about to get up.

"Don't! Drive quickly! I want to go back to sleep!" Tang Shishi quickly waved to Ling Rui.

"What time is it, why are you sleepy again?" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and yawned, with a layer of bright water in his eyes, and couldn't help but said.

"It's not your fault, I'm in heat early in the morning!" Tang Shishi said with a trace of resentment on her face, "During the few days I lived outside, I didn't sleep well at all, so I will naturally make up for it now .”

"Okay, I'll make it up with you!" Ling Rui smiled evilly, then patted the seat next to him, and said, "Are you sure you don't want to sit here? You can't park for a long time here!"

Tang Shishi shot Ling Rui angrily, and this guy threatened him again!However, she was really afraid of being caught by the traffic police and issued a ticket, but she didn't bother to go down the detour, so she planned to sneak through the gap between the driver and the co-pilot.

With a quick copy, Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's body in his arms, bowed his head and sealed her mouth before she could protest.

This kiss had a bit of domineering and tender taste, Tang Shishi was quickly fascinated by Ling Rui's breath, and involuntarily stretched out her hand to hook his neck.

It wasn't until both of them were out of breath that Ling Rui stuffed Tang Shishi back into the co-pilot's seat, and then took a bite of Tang Shishi's softness while fastening her seat belt.

"Oh! Hooligan! How disgusting!" Tang Shishi couldn't hold back, she said softly, and looked at the slight saliva mark left on the clothes on her chest, her face was full of embarrassment!

"Honey, why don't we find a place with beautiful scenery and no one to bother us to play car vibration?" Ling Rui suggested while starting the car.

"Can you think of something else in your mind? Other than sperm or sperm!" Tang Shishi was really helpless, this guy Ling Rui was full of this!

"No! Staying with you, all other functions in my mind will be useless! Only this is left!" Ling Rui replied flatly, neither blushing nor out of breath.

"Boring!" Tang Shishi said angrily, rolling her eyes at Ling Rui.As long as the Great Wall is, this guy has a thick skin!
"I also find it quite boring, so most of the time, I don't like to talk, I just like to do it!" Ling Rui said with a chuckle.

Tang Shishi: "..." Talking to this guy will never be cheap, so she simply shut her mouth tightly, leaned on the seat, and closed her eyes comfortably, so that she can't see her eyes, mind her heart, and her ears can't hear her heart. No mess!

Seeing Tang Shishi like this, Ling Rui smiled gently, his little daughter-in-law is still too thin-skinned!

Besides, Ling Susu took a special car all the way to Lu's Building and entered Lu Tao's office.

Lu Tao was finalizing the matter of Yutian International with several executives, when Ling Susu broke in so abruptly, with tears on her face and red eye circles.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were busy." As soon as Ling Susu entered the door, she also knew that she was impulsive, so she quickly apologized in a low voice and stepped back.It's just this appearance that makes people feel that she is so complacent and sensible at the moment.

"It's okay, you can come in!" Lu Tao concealed the disgust in his heart, and waved to the group of executives to signal them to go out.

One of the executives said embarrassingly: "President, we can't delay this case any longer!"

Lu Tao frowned displeasedly, and scolded: "Didn't you see that I have more important things to do now?"

The executive was not convinced and wanted to say something more, but he was grabbed by a person next to him and dragged out. When he walked past Ling Susu, the executive gave Ling Susu a rude look.

Ling Susu naturally sensed the dissatisfaction of these executives with her sudden appearance, so she lowered her posture again and said, "You, you guys go ahead, I'm fine, I'm not in a hurry."

Lu Tao frowned in displeasure, looked at Ling Susu and said, "It's all right now? Nothing is as urgent as yours now!"

Ling Susu's heart was filled with sweetness because of Lu Tao's words. Looking at the anger on Lu Tao's face, she felt that sweetness spread into her blood and flowed all over her body.

Lu Tao looked at Ling Susu looking at himself, his eyes were blurred and stupid, and he snorted coldly in his heart, but his face became more and more gentle. He stepped forward, took Ling Susu's little hand, and brought her to the sofa to sit down. Ask: "What's the matter, who messed with you? Tell me! I will vent my anger on you!"

As soon as Ling Susu heard Lu Tao's words, the grievance in her heart burst out. She threw herself into Lu Tao's arms and began to cry.

Lu Tao's body froze, and then relaxed. He no longer needed to hide the disgust in his eyes. His hands were originally hanging by his side, and he instinctively wanted to push Ling Susu away, but in the end, he changed to hug her because Pregnant and obese body.

(End of this chapter)

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