Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 260 Framed: Roll Down the Stairs

Chapter 260 Framed: Roll Down the Stairs (1)
"For my own good, I will listen." Tang Shishi stood a little tired, and walked to a soft chair in front of the desk and sat down, feeling much more comfortable.

Mrs. Ling's study room is completely different from Mr. Jun's layout. Mr. Jun's study room gives people a solemn feeling, while Mr. Ling's study room makes people feel comfortable and relaxed and want to sleep.

Tang Shishi raised her eyes to see the big tumbler on the desk, stretched out her hand and pushed it, seeing how he was swaying, she felt better again.

Old Master Ling had no objection to Tang Shishi sitting down by herself. In fact, it was quite laborious for him to talk to Tang Shishi just now with his neck raised.

"What do you think of this Go tournament?" Feeling embarrassed, Mrs. Ling brought the topic on the right track.

"Boring!" Tang Shishi replied simply.

"Are you sure you will win?" Old Master Ling frowned because of the disdain in Tang Shishi's tone, and then asked.

"There is no competition, how do I know?" Tang Shishi felt that such a topic was uninspiring, so she couldn't help but really yawned a little.

This is very impolite, Tang Shishi is naturally aware of this, and hastily covered her mouth.

Seeing Tang Shishi's appearance, Old Master Ling asked with concern, "Didn't you rest well? Did Old Man Jun order you to work?"

"No!" Seeing that Mrs. Ling didn't scold herself, Tang Shishi put down her hands and said.

"Hmph! This old man Jun, if you let me know that he treats you harshly—huh!" Old Master Ling didn't say the result, but used a displeased cold snort, covering thousands of words.

"Grandpa Jun can't!" Tang Shishi couldn't help defending Grandpa Jun, thinking to herself, you are the fiercer one!
"What do you know! You know people, you know the face, but you don't know the heart!" Old Master Ling scolded Tang Shishi displeasedly when he saw Tang Shishi turned to Mr. Jun again.

Tang Shishi simply stopped talking. If this kind of quarrel continued, there would be no results for a few days and nights. She would not do such time-wasting and meaningless things.

"From now on, I will send a driver to pick you up every afternoon, and you come to play chess with me!" Seeing that Tang Shishi didn't speak, Old Master Ling said on his own initiative.

"Every day? I don't want it! How can I have so much time to do these boring things?" Tang Shishi immediately refused when she heard Old Master Ling's words.

"We can't lose this competition!" Grandpa Ling said angrily regardless of Tang Shishi's objection!

"Then you don't need to come every day, do you?" Of course Tang Shishi didn't want to lose, but she didn't play chess with Mrs. Ling every day, so she felt that it was really unnecessary.

What's more, she really can't compliment Old Master Ling's chess skills!

"Young people, guard against arrogance and impetuosity!" Old Master Ling saw through Tang Shishi's thoughts, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his old face, but in order to achieve his goal, he still behaved solemnly and said with a serious attitude: "I Although your chess skills are not as good as yours, I have fought against the girl of the Bai family many times, so I still have some understanding of her moves."

Tang Shishi looked at Mrs. Ling with a strict face, so she nodded.

In fact, Tang Shishi didn't have much reluctance. What old lady Ling said was not unreasonable. She must win the match with Baimo!Whether it's for himself, for Jun Nuanxin, or for the face of the Jun family and Ling family!Her goal is not to be the champion, but to defeat Baimo!

Seeing Tang Shishi nodding, Mrs. Ling felt complete.A big stone that had been pressed in his heart for many days was removed, and he felt indescribably relieved.

Old man Jun, don't think that if you keep my granddaughter-in-law in the compound of the military region all day long, I won't be able to recruit you!hum!
"This is for you!" Tang Shishi didn't pay attention, and she didn't know where Old Master Ling took it out. As if by magic, he had a beautifully packaged box in his hand. He put it on the table and went to Tang Shishi's room. Pushed in front of him.

"For me?" Tang Shishi looked at the box curiously, looked at Mrs. Ling, and asked.

"Well, take it apart and have a look!" Old Master Ling looked at Tang Shishi with doubts in his eyes and encouraged him.

Tang Shishi heard the words, gently and carefully opened the layer of purple thick and gorgeous wrapping paper, and then saw a pink-purple crystal box inside.

Tang Shishi opened the crystal box, and there was a small box in the shape of a treasure chest inside.

That box is very pleasing to look at, rose gold, small treasure box style, very delicate, on the four corners of the box, there are many three-dimensional roses inlaid with red gemstones of different sizes, gorgeous and dazzling, and In the middle of the box, there is a big blooming rose. There are rose patterns protruding from the whole box. There are some small gemstones inlaid around the box, which are also arranged and combined into the shape of roses. The treasure box The abdomen is also a blooming rose inlaid with rubies, but it is much smaller than the one in the center of the box. The keyhole is at the center of the flower, and a rose gold key is inserted in it. The shape is small and retro, and there is a little bit of red light on the key handle. The whole treasure chest is radiant, gorgeous and dazzling.

Tang Shishi frowned as she looked at the gift from Old Master Ling. She would not doubt that the gems on it were all fake.

"Don't like it?" Seeing Tang Shishi, Old Master Ling just looked at her, frowning slightly, and asked with an ugly expression. In fact, he was still a little uneasy at the moment.

Tang Shishi felt a bit of a headache facing the uncertain old man in front of her. She picked up the small box, and found that the small box was not big, but it was heavy. Oh, what's inside—— Tang Shishi couldn't help but choke when she thought of this, can she refuse to accept it?

Holding the small rose-gold key with your fingers, twisting it lightly, the mechanism was activated, and a song "Dream Wedding" slowly sounded, and the rose convex surface made of rubies on the small box cracked all around. Opened, a rose-gold platform studded with precious stones slowly rose up, and in the center of the platform was a pair of men and women in wedding dresses, dancing to the music, with happy and sweet expressions on their faces.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a music box!

Tang Shishi held the uniquely shaped music box in both hands, and looked at the two small figures standing in a rose bush on it, dancing to the music. The male looked like Ling Rui's Q version, and the female was her Q version Looking around, he showed the first happy smile after coming to Mrs. Ling's study.

It's not for the precious gem above, but for the exquisite design and the thoughtfulness of Mrs. Ling.

Looking at Tang Shishi's undefended smiling face, Old Master Ling relaxed a little nervously just now.

At the end of the song, the rose-gold table slowly sank, the mechanism on the small box moved again, and the convex surface of the rose returned to its original state. Tang Shishi held the small box, looked at Mrs. Ling and said sincerely: "Thank you, I I like it very much. It is too expensive! This is probably the most expensive music box in the world so far!"

(End of this chapter)

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