Chapter 281 Who Is Better Than Who (4)
Ling Yue studied it very carefully, and she was instructed by a special person. Unexpectedly, this soup-making skill is also remarkable, which makes Yunmo envious.

Everyone sat at the dinner table, and Ling Yue's nutritious soup came out of the pot, and the mellow smell from the kitchen quickly permeated the entire restaurant.

"Son, hurry up and deliver this soup to Shishi while it's hot." Ling Yue yelled in the kitchen after filling a bowl of soup and putting it in a food box specially prepared for Tang Shishi.

"Give me a bowl too!" Yun Mo sniffed vigorously and said to Ling Yue.

"I cooked a lot, do you want sister-in-law?" Ling Yue filled a bowl for Yunmo, poked her head out and asked Chang Guiru.

"Then I'll try your handicraft too, just smelling it will be delicious." Chang Guiru said with a smile.

"It tastes even better!" Seeing that the soup she cooked was so popular, Ling Yue became happy.

When Ling Rui took away his and Tang Shishi's dinner, Ling Yue also filled a bowl of soup, went to the dining table and sat down.

Yun Mo took a sip of the soup, squinted her eyes, and began to flirt with Ling Yue.

"Ling Yue, what's the name of the chef who taught you how to make soup?"

"Second sister-in-law, why are you asking this?" Ling Yue was puzzled.

"Famous teachers make great apprentices. I just want to know who taught you to make your cooking skills improve by leaps and bounds." Yunmo said doggy.But the little abacus was crackling in my heart.

"It's an old chef in our hotel." Ling Yue didn't know what Yun Mo's plan was, and she said defensively, afraid that she would poach someone.

"Come on tomorrow, can he also guide me?" Yunmo smiled flatteringly, and stated her purpose.

All the people on the table looked at Yun Mo and thought to themselves: This guy has always been evil!Still want to poison them!
"Second sister-in-law, cooking also depends on talent. Although I'm not very talented, I specialize in this area anyway. I have some research experience, so forget it." When Ling Yue heard Yunmo's request, she immediately Resolutely refuse, let Yunmo go to learn art, no matter how many kitchens she has, she is not enough to cause harm.

"I just learn to make soup, and I don't learn anything else!" She doesn't expect to cook or anything, but she thinks that she can still cook soup for her daughter-in-law like Ling Yue.

"Second sister-in-law, please spare me!" Ling Yue was very afraid of Yun Mo's entanglement, and immediately asked Jun Shaoyang and Mr. Jun for help.

"Second brother's family, during this period of time, don't make any more trouble!" Mr. Jun was also worried that something would happen to Yun Mo, which would make the family uneasy, so he said immediately.

"Dad, I'm hard-working and studious, how can I be called a troublemaker?" Yunmo was unhappy, looking at the face of Mr. Jun and said.

"Wife, what Dad means is that during the time when Shishi is recuperating, you should not think about learning how to cook. You see, the couple in the third family are so busy all day that they can't take care of you." Seeing that Yunmo was unhappy, Jun Shaoyang immediately intervened.

"Yes, Second Sister-in-law, if you have time, you can spend more time talking with Shishi. You have seen a lot, and Shishi must be very happy for you to chat with her, and it will make her gain a lot of knowledge." Ling Yue immediately Said in a pinch.

Yun Mo's eyes wandered around the table, and found that everyone seemed to agree with Ling Yue's statement, and nodded readily.

Seeing that Yunmo agreed, the rest of the people were secretly relieved.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui ate dinner in the room, and everyone was sensible enough not to disturb them, because when he just came home, Mr. Jun was worried, so he wanted to go up and have a look, but when he opened the door, he found Ling Rui He was "feeding" Tang Shishi in a way that was not suitable for children, and he made Mr. Jun blush with embarrassment. Since then, Mr. Jun issued an order that no one is allowed to go upstairs when Ling Rui and Tang Shishi are having dinner.

During the meal, Jun Nuanxin didn't come back, Tang Shishi was very disturbed, she told Ling Rui about Jun Nuanxin's abnormality in the afternoon.

"Nothing will happen. She is an adult and has her own ability to judge." Ling Rui said lightly after hearing what happened to Jun Nuanxin.

"However, I always feel that my mood is very wrong in the afternoon when I warm my heart." Tang Shishi was still uneasy.

"Don't worry, she is always followed by someone." Ling Rui replied absently, then scooped up a spoonful of soup, blew it carefully, and brought it to Tang Shishi's mouth.

"When will I be able to eat by myself?" Hearing Ling Rui say that Jun Nuanxin was protected by someone, Tang Shishi finally felt relieved, and then began to complain about Ling Rui again.

This guy is simply going to turn himself into a useless person!As long as he's here, he doesn't even let himself eat. He just needs to sit down obediently and open his mouth cooperatively. A two-year-old doll doesn't take her like this!

"Wait until grandpa's ban on you is lifted." Ling Rui continued to be busy in an orderly manner.

Tang Shishi was extremely speechless: "Didn't you say you were going on a mission last time? Are you still going?"

Ling Rui paused while holding the spoon, and looked at Tang Shishi with deep eyes. Tang Shishi immediately felt nervous, and quickly apologized and said, "I'm not afraid of delaying your work, grandpa will discipline you!"

"Why do I feel that you want me to go on a mission and won't come for ten days and a half months, so that you don't get in your way every day?" Ling Rui's tone was dark, with accusation and a little dull anger.

"No!" Tang Shishi retorted loudly, with a grievance on her face.

Ten days and half a month is too long, one or two days is fine.Tang Shishi secretly thought in her heart.

"Obviously there is!" Ling Rui was angry.

"Really not!" Tang Shishi quickly clarified.

In Ling Rui's eyes, there was a sense of scrutiny, and he looked at Tang Shishi quietly. It was not until Tang Shishi was almost unable to hold on and was defeated, thinking about confessing and striving for leniency, that Ling Rui spit out lightly. One sentence: "It's better not to!"

Tang Shishi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.This guy's aura is so strong that just by being glanced at by him, he feels like Alexander.

After eating, Ling Rui carried Tang Shishi to the bathroom and took a simple shower. After wiping her clean, she put her on the bed and gave Tang Shishi a massage as usual to relieve her fatigue from lying in bed all day.

"Husband, why don't you consider your mother's suggestion and sleep in the study." Tang Shishi moaned comfortably, and suddenly felt a discordant guy on her thigh making trouble, so she said to Ling Rui.

"Why? I can't sleep well if I don't hold you in my arms!" Ling Rui's big hands continued to be busy. It was obviously a cool weather, and he just sweated himself out.

Looks like I'm going to take a shower again soon!

Because of Ling Rui's words, Tang Shishi's heart was as sweet as eating honey. In fact, these days, she has been too hypocritical, and she has to sleep in Ling Rui's arms to be sweet.

However, thinking of that disharmonious guy, Tang Shishi still kindly suggested: "Go to the study to sleep, so you don't have to work so hard. I'm not afraid that you will hurt your body if you always drink cold water at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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