Chapter 285 Who Is the Child (3)
"Liang Yue, you vixen! Stop!" Seeing that Liang Yue ignored her at all, Xu Manlin yelled again, attracting many surprised looks.

"I think it's better not to use the word vixen indiscriminately. After all, not everyone has the courage to seduce a married man!" Liang Yue stopped and turned to look at the man and woman in front of her.

"How dare you say you didn't seduce him?!" Xu Manlin rushed in front of Liang Yue angrily, pointed at Liang Yue's nose and cursed: "You didn't seduce him, how could he come to such a dubious place? Come?"

"Xu Manlin, be careful what you say. What is nonsense? And if he wants to come, that's his business. What does it have to do with me? As for seduction? Heh! Not everyone treats him as a treasure, he You are not qualified to be seduced by me yet!" Liang Yue said coldly.She looked at Xu Manlin's face distorted by hatred, and sighed inwardly. In the past few years, she had fought against such a woman for three years, and ended in a disastrous defeat?

Xu Manlin was choked by Liang Yue's words. She didn't expect Liang Yue to say such words in front of Jiang Fei. She turned her head to look at Jiang Fei's angry face, and felt a chill in her heart!
Isn't it what I imagined?
"Then who is qualified? Jun Mubei?" Jiang Fei asked with a gloomy face.

When he went to the military compound to fetch things for Ling Yue a few days ago, he heard Yun Mo asking Jun Mubei about Liang Yue, and he said that he didn't mind Yun Yun being pregnant first before marriage, but he never mentioned women at home. Jun Mubei didn't refute, which made Jiang Fei stunned!

He didn't know how Jun Mubei got involved with Liang Yue. He thought that maybe they had the same name and surname, but these few days, he asked someone to check Liang Yue, and found that she was one of the behind-the-scenes owners of the Moonlight Bar. One, and Jun Nuanxin and Tang Shishi are good friends!The woman who accompanied Jun Mubei to the Bai family's blind date banquet that time must be the woman in front of him.

For the first time, Jiang Fei felt that the woman he had slept with for several years was actually so strange. He had always thought that he knew her well enough, but who knew it was not the case!

Jiang Fei looked at Liang Yue, who had changed into the professional attire that hadn't changed in the past few years, and sadly found that during the time of the divorce, she was not as irritable as he was every day, but instead got along like a duck in water. The younger you live, the younger you look!
"Speaking of which, he is indeed more qualified than you!" Liang Yue looked at Jiang Fei's eyebrows and stated lightly.

"You—Liang Yue! I didn't expect you to be this kind of woman!" Jiang Fei was so annoyed by Liang Yue's lukewarm attitude that he didn't know what to say.

"Like you, I didn't expect you to be this kind of man! You're divorced, and you bring a successful mistress to my place to make trouble?" Liang Yue said mockingly.

"A Fei, let's go, we have nothing to say to this kind of woman!" Xu Manlin saw that there was a misunderstanding, and Jiang Fei's expression was obviously wrong, so she immediately came up and took Jiang Fei's arm, and led him away.

"Go slowly, don't send it off!" After Liang Yue finished speaking, she turned her head and left!

Jiang Fei looked at Liang Yuejue's back and clenched his big hands tightly. He pulled his arm out of Xu Manlin's arms and said indifferently: "I said, don't pester me anymore! You and I, from beginning to end, Impossible!"

After Jiang Fei finished speaking, he strode away!

Xu Manlin looked at Liang Yue's back, her eyes were gloomy and cold, she turned her head to look at Jiang Fei's back, stomped her feet, and chased after him.

Liang Yue was arguing with Jiang Fei and Xu Manlin, who suddenly appeared inexplicably, and felt that she was in no mood to do anything, so she went to the bar and ordered a glass of red wine, said hello to Jun Nuanxin, Quan Shaobai, and explained to the manager on duty, I went back to my room.

She needs to be alone for a while.

Without Liang Yue staring at him, Quan Shaobai looked at Jun Nuanxin, who continued to drink non-stop, and had a strange thought in his heart. It seems that there will be a show tonight!
Ever since being tortured to death by Jun Nuanxin every day these days, Quan Shaobai found that it is not a solution to be so stalemate all the time. He knows very well that this girl has her own in her heart, but for some reason she is so narrow-minded, she keeps treating herself and Ling Susu I have to be rigid with myself for that part of the past that I have been brooding over!

Quan Shaobai has been thinking in his heart recently that if he wants to take this girl down completely, he must take some tough measures, extraordinary means. If he turns this girl into his own woman, he'd better get pregnant again. Can you reach your own Wuzhishan by running?
At the great opportunity last time, he miscalculated the girl's drinking capacity, underestimated her, and missed it!Tonight...hehe!
Thinking of this, Quan Shaobai politely poured Jun Nuanxin a glass of wine, and said, "Drink! Let's see who gets down first!"

Jun Nuanxin picked up the wine glass without hesitation and drank it down.

Quan Shaobai also drank up his own cup in one gulp. He put the empty cup on the bar, looked at Jun Nuanxin's blush face, and smiled like a fox, so cheap!Special thief!
When Quan Shaobai poured the sixth cup for Jun Nuanxin, Jun Nuanxin's hand holding the cup began to shake. She looked at Quan Shaobai drunkenly, grabbed his clothes, leaned forward, He burped and said, "No more, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, I'm listening! Talk while drinking." Quan Shaobai suddenly approached warmly for Jun, his heart was beating wildly, this girl's rosy face was even more attractive at the moment, Quan Shao Bai couldn't help bringing his face closer, and his breath became entwined with Jun Nuan's heart.

"She had a miscarriage!" Jun Nuanxin grabbed Quan Shaobai's clothes and pulled them in front of her. The tips of their noses touched each other, almost touching their cheeks.

Quan Shaobai was hurt by Jun Nuanxin's action, and his breathing stopped for two seconds, and he immediately became short of breath with excitement. He stared at Jun Nuanxin's eyes, and his tongue was about to stick out restlessly for a while. Suddenly, I heard Jun Nuanxin say something nonsensical.

"Who?" Quan Shaobai asked carelessly, all his thoughts were on Jun Nuanxin at the moment, and with a movement of his lips, he got closer to Jun Nuanxin's bright red lips. This kind of ambiguity made his heart almost want to go Jump out of the throat.

"Ling Susu!" A hint of bitterness flashed across Jun Nuan's eyes so quickly that Quan Shaobai didn't catch it.

"What's none of my business?" Quan Shaobai frowned in displeasure, this girl's jealousy is really strong, how many times he has explained, he and Ling Susu have completely passed, now he is full of feelings It's all this girl, but the atmosphere is so good now, this girl actually uses these old sesame seeds and rotten millet to spoil her mood!
"The child is not Lu Tao's!" Jun Nuanxin took a deep breath, looked into Quan Shaobai's eyes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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