Chapter 290 Good Morning Kiss (4)
Ever since Ling Rui went out with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Tang Shishi has been restless at home, thinking wildly, restless.

Mr. Jun came up to see her twice, and his second aunt Yunmo also came up to chat with her for a while, but because she had something on her mind, she couldn't concentrate at all. When chatting with Yunmo, she was either distracted or answered irrelevant questions. So Yun Mo only stayed for a while, then took the opportunity to slip away.

Tang Shishi opened the music box on the bedside, wanting to listen to a nice tune to calm her irritable mood, but she found it was futile.

Just when she didn't know what to do, Jun Nuanxin pushed open her door with a loud bang, then closed it again with a bang, threw herself on the bed beside her, and burst into tears.

Grandpa Jun's angry reprimand came from the living room, but Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin are not in the mood to pay attention to it now.

"What's wrong with this early in the morning? Did Quan Shaobai make you angry again?" Tang Shishi asked worriedly as she watched Jun Nuanxin tuck her head into the quilt, crying out of breath.

Jun Nuanxin didn't speak, just kept crying.

Tang Shishi became impatient, grabbed Jun Nuanxin's hand, and asked impatiently: "What's the matter? Are you talking? Did Quan Shaobai bully you? Tell the third sister-in-law that I will teach him a lesson for you!"

"Sister-in-law three! Woooooooooooooo..." Hearing Tang Shishi repeatedly mentioning Quan Shaobai, Jun Nuanxin cried even louder, unable to restrain her grief.

"Don't cry, your eyes are swollen like peaches, what's the matter, tell me, let's find a solution together!" Tang Shishi coaxed Jun Nuanxin softly while handing a tissue to Jun Nuanxin.

"Sister-in-law three! Woooo..." Jun Nuanxin raised her head, looked at Tang Shishi with a worried face, tears fell down again, and said whimperingly: "I and Quan Shaobai, woooo... ...It's impossible for me and Quan Shaobai to be together again! Woohoo..."

"What's the matter?" Tang Shishi asked distressedly while wiping Jun Nuanxin's tears with a tissue, but her eyes stopped when she inadvertently saw the ambiguous marks on Jun Nuanxin's neck.

She is someone who has experienced it, so how could she not know how those traces came from and what they represented!
"Did Quan Shaobai do it?" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin's neck and asked, feeling a little relieved. Quan Shaobai, a bastard, had taken extraordinary measures against this woman. It seems that these two enemies finally got married. Good things are near.

Jun Nuanxin noticed Tang Shishi's gaze, and she hugged her body tightly in horror, tears blinded her eyes again.

At this moment, how much she hopes that the person last night is Quan Shaobai, but no!no!

When she opened her eyes this morning and saw Jiang Dongli sleeping next to her, she was so shocked that she almost fainted.

"Jiang Dongli! Get up! What's going on? We...why did we do this?" Jun Nuanxin pushed the sleeping Jiang Dongli awake, crying and questioning.

Jiang Dongli was awakened by Jun Nuanxin, first he frowned, then looked at Jun Nuanxin who was sitting on the bed with the quilt in his arms, and then saw himself naked, sat up in surprise, looked at Jun Nuanxin stammered, "I...we..."

"Why am I here? Why are you sleeping on my bed? Tell me! Tell me!" Jun Nuanxin pushed Jiang Dongli's body, weeping, and asked heartbroken.

"We all drank a lot of wine last night, you asked me to take you away, but when you got to the door, you said you didn't want to go home, so I..." Jiang Dongli recalled, then looked awkwardly at Jun Nuanxin, Said: "I don't know, how did the two of us, how did this happen!"

Jun Nuanxin hugged the quilt and began to cry.

The facts are right in front of my eyes, and it couldn't be more clear that she and Jiang Dongli had sex after drinking!

"Nuan Xin, don't cry, I panic when you cry! I will take responsibility!" Seeing Jun Nuan Xin like this, Jiang Dongli quickly expressed his attitude, feeling a little sore in his heart.

"Jiang Dongli, you bastard, who wants you to be responsible! Do you know what you are talking about? We are brothers! Brothers!" Jun Nuanxin cried and shouted.

Jiang Dongli's heart throbbed because of Jun Nuanxin's words. It turns out that for so many years, she has always regarded herself as a friend, and she has no love for men and women.

"Warm heart, in fact, I have always liked you for many years, I will marry you, will you marry me? I will treat you well for the rest of my life!" Jiang Dongli hugged Jun tightly and said affectionately .

Things have developed to this point, the so-called open bow has no turning back, Jiang Dongli at this moment doesn't want to let go even more.

Jun Nuanxin was completely stunned by Jiang Dongli's sudden confession, she was dumbfounded, she stared at Jiang Dongli for a long time, then suddenly yelled and pushed him away, picked up her clothes and ran to the bathroom, After putting on his clothes, he fled in disregard of Jiang Dongli's obstruction.

"Sister-in-law three, what should I do? I... woo..." Jun Nuanxin told the story, and then fell into Tang Shishi's arms, her body twitching from crying.

Tang Shishi didn't expect things to be like this, when she thought of Jiang Dongli who was full of sunshine, Tang Shishi sighed faintly.

"Warm Heart, you are to Jiang Dongli..." Tang Shishi tried to ask.

"I have always regarded him as a good friend, just like a buddy!" Before Tang Shishi finished asking, Jun Nuanxin answered quickly, and then remembered the words Jiang Dongli said that he liked her for a long time, and tears flowed again Breaking the embankment: "If I knew that he actually thought like this, I... I would definitely keep a distance from him! Woohoo..."

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't be drinking so much! Huh..." The more Jun Nuanxin thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she couldn't help but feel sad.

Tang Shishi patted Jun Nuanxin on the shoulder and asked, "Have you never had the slightest idea of ​​a man-woman relationship with Jiang Dongli? Actually, from the first time I saw him, I could see that he liked him very much." you!"

"How is it possible! Ever since I was a child, the only person I like is Quan Shaobai!" Jun Nuanxin stopped her tears because of Tang Shishi's words, and said sobbing.

"But, you have been with Jiang Dongli for so many years, do you always feel a little different about him?" Tang Shishi asked.

"What do you mean?" Jun Nuan asked, blinking her wet eyelashes in confusion.

"For example, what did you feel when you found yourself and Jiang Dongli, uh, doing it this morning?" Tang Shishi simply pointed out: "Do you have the feeling that you can't wait to kill him?"

Jun Nuanxin was stunned for a while, with a misty red on his face, and said awkwardly: "No, I couldn't accept this fact at all, and even now I feel like I'm having a nightmare, and I don't think about other things at all. .”

(End of this chapter)

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