Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 296 The old friend returns; hospital visit

Chapter 296 The old friend returns; hospital visit (2)
But Tang Shishi's little tricks are limited to this, and at other times, Mr. Jun is tight-lipped.

Grandpa Jun completely regarded Tang Shishi as a porcelain doll, even she was nervous about watering a flower, let alone doing other things.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Ling's birthday is coming up soon, do you think I should go shopping for some clothes or something? There are many people going there that day, so it's too casual, isn't it good?" Tang Shishi asked tentatively.

"Why did grandpa let you dress so casually!" Mr. Jun cocked his eyebrows, and said braggingly, "Grandpa has already asked Kid Rui to customize clothes for you to wear for the banquet. You should trust Kid Rui's taste, right?"

Tang Shishi was really moved and disappointed in her heart. She scratched her head and thought about it for a long time before she thought of such a good excuse to go out. She dismissed it.

"Grandpa, you are really thoughtful! But Ling Rui is a man after all, how can we women understand the matter of choosing clothes." Tang Shishi said her thoughts sweetly with her small mouth.

It's not that she wants to deliberately slander her husband's vision, it's that she has a reason to go out today.

Hearing Tang Shishi praised him, Mr. Jun was very happy, but Mr. Jun also had a good reason to respond to Tang Shishi's later remarks: "Grandpa thought of it a long time ago, so I asked your second aunt to accompany him to order it. I also brought your photo, so it must be no problem!"

"That's it! Then I can rest assured!" Tang Shishi said shyly.I didn't expect everyone to be so thoughtful, and even took photos!She didn't even know when these people secretly photographed her!

"Well, you should go back to the house quickly and take care of yourself at home. Don't worry about these little things like sesame seeds and mung beans!" Old Master Jun said with a smile.

Tang Shishi nodded, and turned obediently into the room. Just as she turned around, her little face collapsed, and her little hands tightly squeezed the phone.

Today's travel plan is bankrupt again!

Mr. Jun looked at Tang Shishi's back with a smile, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

After lunch, Tang Shishi greeted Mr. Jun, and obediently went back to her room to sleep.

About an hour later, Tang Shishi quietly opened the door of the bedroom, observed the "enemy situation", and found that there was no one downstairs, and Mr. Jun's door was closed tightly. , holding her bag in one hand and shoes in the other, quietly went down the stairs and walked to the door.

God help me too!

Apart from Ah Hua, there were no other guards at the gate. Tang Shishi walked to the gate and happily put on her shoes. Just as she was about to cheer silently and take the first step towards her own freedom, a loud voice came from behind: "Girl! , where are you going?"

Tang Shishi's body froze, countless black lines slid down her forehead, she turned around slowly, and twitched the corners of her mouth, but she felt extremely resentful in her heart - why didn't grandpa sleep!
Seeing Tang Shishi's small appearance, Mr. Jun was very happy. This girl even played the trick of officers and soldiers catching robbers with him. Back then, when he first joined the army, he was the best scout!

"Grandpa, I really have something urgent to go out." Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Tang Shishi had no choice but to confess honestly.

"Then go out and let Xiao Li drive you!" Mr. Jun said lightly.

"What?! Grandpa! You allowed me to go out?" Tang Shishi couldn't believe what she heard.

"Huh! What do you want to do, say it openly, what is it like to be sneaky!" Mr. Jun snorted coldly.

Tang Shishi lowered her head in shame, saying that she would not do it next time.

"Go early and come back early, don't worry grandpa, do you hear me?" Mr. Jun asked.

"Yes! Chief!" Tang Poetry Master, with a warm heart, saluted Grandpa Jun and said.

She didn't expect to be able to go out so easily, Tang Shishi couldn't help regretting that she hadn't been honest with Mr. Jun in the morning, causing her senior to wait for nothing all morning.

The senior Tang Shishi is going to meet is named Shen He, who she met when she was in college. She is a top student in the School of Mechanical Design. When she was in college, Tang Shishi was obsessed with mechanical design, and she received a lot of guidance and help from Shen He. At that time, everyone in T University knew that Shen He, the school's schoolgirl, had a very precious elementary school girl.

But since she married Lu Tao, Shen He also went abroad for further studies, and the two lost contact.Yesterday, Wang Yueshan called herself, saying that she met Shen He in City G, and told Shen He Tang Shishi's contact information.

Who knows, Tang Shishi received a call from Shen He this morning, saying that he was already in City B and asked her to meet.

"Senior, I'm already out, where are you?" Tang Shishi called Shen He excitedly as soon as she got in the car.

"I'm in the coffee shop in Fenghua Plaza." Shen He said with a smile on the corner of his mouth when he heard Tang Shishi's voice.

Shen He is born with a good skin, with a pair of sword eyebrows, and his streamlined phoenix eyes are always slightly raised, and he is amorous in the blink of an eye, but today he specially brought a pair of gold-rimmed flat glasses to meet Tang Shishi, adding an extra touch of beauty. With a refined and noble temperament, Shen He unconsciously smiled just now, which has already attracted the attention of countless beauties.

But Shen He was used to this kind of situation, he still drank his coffee gracefully, but the indifferent air around him made several women who were about to strike up a conversation shy away.

After about half an hour, Tang Shishi arrived.

"Here!" Shen He waved to Tang Shishi.

"Senior!" Tang Shishi walked over quickly with a smile on her face.

Shen He stood up, gave Tang Shishi a big hug, and let go of her when Tang Shishi was stunned.

Tang Shishi was slightly embarrassed, but soon relieved.

It's just a friendly hug. Fortunately, the senior didn't follow the example of Westerners and just come up with a kiss or something, otherwise Ling Rui would find out, and I would suffer!

The two sat down, Tang Shishi ordered a glass of mango juice, Shen He saw that what Tang Shishi wanted was not orange juice, his eyes flashed.

"Senior, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you are still so young!" Tang Shishi joked happily after taking a sip of the mango juice.

"Why, am I very old? I'm only 31 years old!" Shen He asked with a straight face pretending to be angry after listening to Tang Shishi's words.

"No, no!" Tang Shishi stuck out her tongue mischievously. How could she have forgotten that the senior is very concerned about her age, and it is almost as good as hers. What's more, the senior is a year older than Ling Rui years old!

(End of this chapter)

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