Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 306 The Death of Ling Weiguo

Chapter 306 The Death of Ling Weiguo (2)
She wanted to marry Lu Tao even in her dreams. In order to marry him, she had done too much and sacrificed too much. How could she give up such a great opportunity in front of her.

"Ling Susu, you're dreaming! I won't marry you!" Lu Tao growled, he had already decided that he would never marry any other woman in his life!

"It's up to you!" Ling Susu's attitude was resolute, there was always a manic and stubborn aura on her face without the usual soft camouflage, which made her bloodless face even more distorted.

"Do you think everyone will believe you? Do you think Ling Rui will spare you? I advise you to recognize the situation and stop as soon as possible. I can give you a large sum of money so that you can live comfortably for the rest of your life!" Lu Tao said with a sneer.

"What I want is your man, and what I want is Mrs. Lu's name. What is the money? I'll know if this video is real or not. Don't use Ling Rui to scare me. Even if I die badly, I will definitely I will pull Tang Shishi as a backing, and I will die!" Ling Susu did not hide her ruthlessness and hatred for Tang Shishi at all.

"You lunatic!" Lu Tao's eyes wished he could swallow Ling Susu alive!

"I've been crazy for a long time! From the moment I met you, I've been crazy! Lu Tao, you are the only one in this world who can make my love go crazy!" Ling Susu said, her face softened a little, and she stepped forward to try to hold Lu Tao's back arm.

"Go away! Don't touch me!" Lu Tao shook off Ling Susu's arm vigorously, and threw Ling Susu to the ground with great force.

Ling Susu took a deep breath in pain. She sat on the ground, looked at Lu Tao who was indifferent and disgusted, and laughed in a low voice, and couldn't help laughing: "Lu Tao, you don't have much time to think about it. It's about to hit the climax!"

Lu Tao didn't speak, the veins on his forehead were throbbing violently, his eyes full of anger stared at Ling Susu's disgusting face, his fists were tightly clenched.

This woman who looks like a poisonous scorpion actually has a video of her falling down the building with Tang Shishi in her hand, and the shooting angle is very tricky. No matter how you look at it from above, it can be seen that Tang Shishi pushed her downstairs!

Just now, she used this to blackmail herself, saying that it had already been arranged. If he did not agree to this woman's request, this video would be played on the electronic screen in the banquet hall after a while!
He can't let this happen, he can't let Shishi get hurt again!
"Anyway, it's impossible for you and Tang Shishi to marry. Besides, after marriage, I won't restrict your freedom. You don't have to worry about heirs!" Ling Susu ignored Lu Tao's anger and continued to lobby. .

"Is that why you want to marry me?" Lu Tao looked at Ling Susu and suddenly smiled coldly.

"A Tao, I really love you!" Ling Susu felt the softening of Lu Tao's attitude, and immediately looked at Lu Tao with tears in her eyes. Today she was dressed in white and her face was pale. The weakness this time is real.

"You're right, it's impossible for me and Shishi to marry anyone! Just, I remind you, don't regret your decision today!" Lu Tao looked at Ling Susu and said resolutely.

"I won't regret it! How could I regret it!" Ling Susu got up, stepped forward and hugged Lu Tao vigorously, and said excitedly: "In this life, my greatest wish is to marry you and be your wife! A Tao, Trust me, I'll be a good wife!".

Lu Tao froze, resisting the urge to shoot Ling Susu away, and said indifferently: "After you get married, give me all the video materials, remember, everything!"

"Okay, as long as you marry me, all these things will be given to you, but you also have to sign an agreement, unless I propose, otherwise you will not be able to divorce me in this life!" Ling Susu obviously thought that Lu Tao would say this for a long time , have long been prepared to deal with it.

"Yes!" Lu Tao's breath became colder and colder!

"Then let's toast to grandpa quickly! It's too late!" Ling Susu deliberately ignored Lu Tao's emotions, took his arm, and walked towards the banquet hall.

So what if he is angry, anyway, she has got her wish!
Tang Shishi, keep your eyes open for me, I, Ling Susu, will not lose!This man can only be mine!
When Ling Susu and Lu Tao left together, the door of the storage room opened, revealing an evil face with a half-smile but not a smile--ha!It's getting more and more interesting!

Just when Tang Shishi and Ling Rui got up to toast Mrs. Ling, an unbelievable and tentative voice came from next to her ear: "Tang Shishi?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Tang Shishi immediately turned her head, facing a delicate and gentle face, the surprise on that face at this moment was undisguised, and her phoenix eyes were full of shock.

"Senior?" Tang Shishi didn't expect to meet Shen He here, and was a little surprised, but immediately returned to normal, and said enthusiastically, "Senior, why are you here?"

"I came with my friends." After Shen He finished speaking, he raised his hand and pointed to the rear right. A middle-aged man raised his wine glass in their direction.

"Are you... who is this?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, then shifted his gaze to Ling Rui, looked at Tang Shishi calmly, and asked.

"Ahem! Senior, let me introduce you, this is my husband Ling Rui!" Tang Shishi was a little embarrassed by Shen He's puzzled gaze, and said with a light cough: "Honey, this is Shen He, the senior of my university." , a doctoral student at the School of Mechanical Manufacturing!"

"Happy meeting!"

"Happy meeting!"

Under Tang Shishi's introduction, Shen He and Ling Rui shook hands politely.

"Shishi, are you trying to hurt me? Just after divorcing Lu Tao, I found a man who is better than Lu Tao. Don't I have no chance at all?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi resentfully and said.

"Senior, what are you talking about!" Tang Shishi said embarrassedly.

"Come on! Who said you should treat me well, but you never showed up after one time, you are a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends!" Shen He complained like dissatisfied!
"Well, I really have something to do these two days!" Tang Shishi bowed her head in shame when Shen He said this, and argued weakly.In other words, she also felt that she was neglecting her senior. After all, when she was in school, the senior treated her very well, just like a brother and sister.

"If the senior is free this weekend, give Shishi and I a chance to show our friendship as a landlord!" Ling Rui opened his mouth to relieve Tang Shishi.

This Shen He, he heard Tang Shishi mention it two days ago, since he is the senior of her own wife and gave her a lot of help and guidance when she was in school, he should treat her well.

"Shishi, you have a good vision this time, this man is much better than Lu Tao!" Shen He said with satisfaction when he heard Ling Rui's words.

(End of this chapter)

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