Chapter 311 The truth is revealed (2)
"Pfft!" Someone outside the crowd took a sip of wine unsteadily. Tang Shishi followed the voice and looked over. It was Shen He, her philandering senior. He didn't know when he came to the main table.Tang Shishi glared at him angrily.

Shen He returned Tang Shishi with a charming smile!

Ling Rui saw that Tang Shishi was "eye-eyed" with Shen He, and his face, which was full of smiles because of Tang Shishi's words just now, suddenly darkened!

"Okay! The girl is right! This is an analogy, easy to understand!" Mr. Jun slapped the table excitedly, cheering Tang Shishi.His old man has long seen that this girl is really good at fighting!
It's a good seedling!
Many people around obviously did not expect that Tang Shishi would scold Huang Xiaojuan tit for tat. In their expectation, as a new daughter-in-law, Tang Shishi should naturally be reserved and restrained. , instead of such a straightforward eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth!
When Jun Nuanxin heard Tang Shishi's words, she showed the first smile at the banquet today, thinking that the third sister-in-law is really amazing!Now she is the only one left at their table. Quan Shaobai and Jiang Dongli followed Jun Mubei to appease the guests. She looked around, but she didn't find the person she wanted to see. It came to Baimo's face corroded by jealousy.

As soon as their eyes met, they moved away tacitly.But now Bai Mo even hated Jun Nuanxin!
Tang Shishi was interrupted by Mr. Jun, and her momentum weakened a little. She slowly recalled what she just said, and her ears burst into red!

Uh!It is quite easy to understand!
It's all my fault that I was too angry just now, and I made such an indecent analogy at such an elegant banquet for the upper class!Sure enough - enough popular!

Woohoo, I'm losing my mind now!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi, who was majestic just now, suddenly turned into a blushing little sheep, and was amused in his heart. He stretched out his big hand from behind the chair where Old Master Ling was sitting, and gently clenched Tang Shishi's little hand.

Tang Shishi's heart was shocked, she looked up at Ling Rui, found the smile hidden in those deep eyes, calmed down, looked at Huang Xiaojuan and others, her eyes showed a sharp edge.

"Respect the old and respect the old? It also depends on what the other party has done, whether it is worthy of our respect!" Ling Susu gave the old lady Ling a contemptuous look, and then met Tang Shishi's gaze, a flash of swords and swords!
Tang Shishi, today's matter will not be so easy to forget!
"Forget it! Don't talk about these useless things! Let's go, don't get in the way here anymore!" Lin Meijuan wiped her tears and said to Ling Hao and Huang Xiaojuan who were beside her with sobs: "Bring your dad, we... we Walk!"

That appearance is simply disappointing and heartbroken!People can't help but feel sympathy!

Tang Shishi sneered in her heart!The acting skills of these people are simply more exquisite than the other!
"You are right, you really don't need to respect me!" Hearing Ling Susu's words, Old Master Ling said with a long sigh, his gaze fell straight on Ling Weiguo, looking at his open eyes, his heart was full of sadness.

Unexpectedly, when Ling Weiguo left, their father-son relationship would come to an end!
"Dad, we just want you to treat us as a family. We don't want the same status as Ling Yue in your heart, but at least we need to make us feel like we have a sense of existence." Lin Meijuan immediately took over the words when she heard Mrs. Ling say this. Come on, let's get off the donkey. I don't know why, what Old Master Ling said before always makes her feel uneasy.Now that her goal has been achieved, I believe that today, on this occasion, in front of so many people, Mrs. Ling will not fail to give them a "reasonable" explanation!

It's better to accept it as soon as you see it, it's good to have a start, you can't become a fat man with one bite, everything has to be done step by step!
Besides, she didn't want to wait here for the police and the doctor, so she had to leave quickly!

Old Master Ling looked at Lin Meijuan's face, with perceptive shrewdness and ridicule in his eyes, he said coldly, with a tone of ridicule and desolation that had never been seen before: "One family? A joke! Weiguo is not my blood at all! Where is the family from? Who is your family?"

In the past, for Ling Weiguo's sake, he didn't want to tear his face apart, but Lin Meijuan and these people touched his bottom line today. These wolf-minded people can even take advantage of Ling Weiguo's death, and use this to spread rumors !It really made him intolerable!
Old Master Ling's words were like a bomb, blowing everyone's heads in the banquet hall to buzz!
Dear!Are you sure today is Mrs. Ling's birthday banquet?Why does it look more and more like the Ling family is putting on a court drama, thunder is everywhere!

Except for Mrs. Ling at the main table, and Ling Yue not far away, everyone was shocked. Even Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Tang Guoduan, Cai Xiaofen, Mr. Jun and others looked at Mrs. Ling in disbelief. , None of them thought that the fact would be like this!

It turned out - not his own!

All the actions of Mrs. Ling have been given a reasonable explanation. To be able to support a person who is not his own flesh and blood by his side for more than 70 years, support him all the way, and take care of his family, this Mrs. Ling is really not ordinary open-minded!
Those who were dissatisfied with Mrs. Ling's actions just now have completely turned their backs!
well!Unexpectedly, this matter is really full of twists and turns!More twists and turns than gossip Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas!

"No! It's impossible! Dad, how can you joke about such a thing!" Lin Meijuan screamed as if someone had poured a basin of ice water on her head. She sat down on the ground and looked at Mrs. Ling.She never dreamed that it turned out to be like this!
"Grandpa, even if you are angry that we have nothing to say today, you shouldn't say such unfeeling words in front of my father. How can you let my father go away at ease!" Old Master Ling's words seemed to give Ling Hao a blow in the face, but he Anyway, he is also a person who has been struggling in politics for decades, and his mind immediately reacted.

Old Master Ling looked at Ling Hao disappointedly. At this point, he still refused to bow his head and admit his mistake. It seems that today he is determined to discredit him!Really unrepentant!

Ling Susu and Huang Xiaojuan were stunned for a while, unable to recover for a long time.

"It's impossible! It's not true!" Ling Susu murmured after a long time!

"Yes! It's not true! It's not true! It's not true!" Huang Xiaojuan echoed with a guilty conscience. It was like self-hypnosis!It seemed that if she repeated it several times, what she believed in her heart became the truth!

Old Master Ling laughed at himself. He struggled to stand up from the chair, but the hand holding the cane was shaking so badly that he couldn't exert any strength at all.In the end, it was Tang Shishi and Ling Rui who supported him from left to right to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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