Chapter 336
"That's right! Chicken and egg fight! You describe it very well!" Lu Tao said with a wry smile, but he looked straight at Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi felt uncomfortable being looked at by Ling Rui, she awkwardly grabbed Ling Rui's hand and said, "Let's go! We agreed to see Senior Shen He today."

"Yes." Ling Rui nodded in response.Holding Tang Shishi's hand, she turned and left.

"What's wrong with the senior?" Wang Yueshan heard Tang Shishi mention Shen He.Quickly followed their footsteps, she was always more interested in handsome guys.

"I was hit by a car two days ago to save me." Tang Shishi explained.

"Heroes save the beauty?!" Wang Yueshan showed the look of discovering adultery again, "Senior is mighty!"

Hearing Tang Shishi's words, Lu Tao nodded to Du Haoze who looked back at him worriedly, and then watched them go out.

Ling Rui, Shen He is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, I want to see, what will you do this time!
As soon as she left the Longmen Hotel, Du Haoze forcefully dragged Wang Yueshan into his car to do ideological work. Tang Shishi smiled and saw Wang Yueshan's awkward, helpless and compromised expression, and finally felt relieved.

"Unhappy?" Ling Rui saw that Tang Shishi was silent after getting into the car, and then heard her low sigh, stopped starting the car, and asked.

"I'm not unhappy, but I'm not very happy either." Tang Shishi frowned, trying to consider her own words to speak truthfully.Her mood today is really complicated!
"Husband, did you do the video?" After a moment of silence, Tang Shishi asked.In fact, she already had the answer in her heart, but she just wanted to confirm it again.

"Why, seeing Lu Tao being cuckolded, do you feel sorry for him?" Ling Rui's breath approached, his brows and eyes were cold, and he ground his teeth, as if as soon as Tang Shishi admitted, he would bite her unceremoniously. Taste the blood.

"I don't know what kind of feeling it is. It's not enough to feel distressed, but I always feel a little depressed and panic in my heart. I feel that things shouldn't be like this." After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she realized that Ling Rui looked worried, and she left She curled her lips and asked cautiously, "Aren't you very angry when I say that?"

"What do you think? What do you think it should be like? They are self-inflicted and cannot live, and they don't deserve sympathy at all!" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, his tone cold.

"But this is the true feeling in my heart. I don't want to lie to you! I think Lu Tao is actually quite pitiful!" Tang Shishi lowered her head and muttered, not daring to look up into Ling Rui's eyes.

"Poor people must have something to hate!" Ling Rui gritted his teeth, expressing his disapproval of Tang Shishi's attitude!
Is Lu Tao pitiful?If he hadn't been too conceited, if he hadn't taken little wild cats too seriously, if he hadn't had a mother with eyes above her head and a stalking mother, things wouldn't have come to this point at all. In the final analysis, everything now can't be blamed other people!
"Their business, let's stop here, okay? I think it's enough!" Tang Shishi looked into Ling Rui's eyes and asked softly.

"You! Let me tell you what's good about you!" After a long time, Ling Rui sighed helplessly, and took Tang Shishi into his arms.

He likes the frankness of the little wild cat, but he is hurt by such frankness!
At the same time, Ling Rui also understood very well that the reason why Tang Shishi did this was because she didn't know that their first child was gone, so she naturally felt that what happened today was a bit overdone.

"Husband, I really have nothing to do with Lu Tao, I swear!" Tang Shishi buried her head in Ling Rui's broad chest, sniffed the exclusive breath of Ling Rui greedily, and said seriously: "Since the divorce, I have I don't intend to have anything to do with him!"

"Hmm! I don't know who is hugging and kissing him so passionately!" Ling Rui remembered the first time he went to Tang Shishi's residence, and saw Lu Tao chasing Tang Shishi into the stairs and pressing her against the wall About the deep kiss, I started to turn over old accounts, and my tone was full of sour bubbles!
Tang Shishi's expression froze, and she suddenly remembered that Ling Rui was talking about that time, and then asked in surprise: "You didn't like me since then, did you?" This man actually played stalking!
"Nonsense! No!" Ling Rui awkwardly denied it!He wouldn't admit it, but when he saw Tang Shishi was kissed by Lu Tao but didn't push him away, his heart was actually sore and uncomfortable!
"Husband, there really won't be any more!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui who was awkward like this, giggled, and assured her.

"What do you dare to do to him!" Ling Rui's voice turned cold, and he raised Tang Shishi's chin domineeringly, and lowered his head to seal her bright red mouth.

This woman is his!It can only be his!

this life!next life!Next life!Life after life is his!
Tang Shishi felt the surging passion in Ling Rui's chest, and kissed Ling Rui back vigorously in cooperation.

The two lingered in the car for a long time, until they were both out of breath, they reluctantly let go, and then greedily plundered the oxygen around them.

"Remember, I'm only allowed here!" Ling Rui nodded on Tang Shishi's heart and announced domineeringly.

"No! There are many, many people here!" Tang Shishi teased Ling Rui maliciously, deliberately contradicting him!

"You dare!" Ling Rui spit out two words angrily, and bit Tang Shishi's little nose!
"It hurts!" Tang Shishi angrily beat Ling Rui's chest in protest!

This guy loves to bite his own nose, and he's going to see senior Shen He soon. She has two rows of teeth marks on her nose, what's going on?

"Just remember the pain, just pretend to be me!" Ling Rui poked Tang Shishi in the heart domineeringly.

"Aren't people allowed to pretend to be uncles, aunts, grandpas and parents? There will be our children in the future! How can you be so unreasonable!" Tang Shishi pretended to be angry and turned her head to ignore Ling Rui.

Ling Rui was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, he hugged Tang Shishi's small body forcefully, hugged her tightly in his arms, and said: "Speaking of the child, my wife, my hard days are finally coming to an end!"

An unnatural blush crept across Tang Shishi's face, and she couldn't help but think of Ling Rui's account book. Yesterday she took it out of curiosity and counted it, and the number of times in the book reached as many as sixty, that is to say, In less than a month, she actually owed money twice a day!
I really don't know how this guy measures it!
"Old rascal!" Tang Shishi laughed and cursed, "Hurry up and drive to the hospital!"

"No rush! You see, Wang Yueshan and the others haven't moved yet. We need to give them some time to cultivate their relationship. By the way, let's do something else!" Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi's chest with malicious intent.

(End of this chapter)

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