Chapter 361 This is Impossible (1)
Cai Xiaofen saw a pair of sons and daughters bickering in the kitchen, with a cheerful smile on her face all the time, her eyes fell on Tang Yuan's leg from which the cast had been removed, she looked at it carefully, and couldn't help thinking that he was walking too fast just now, Like a gust of wind, don't pay attention.

The food was served soon, and the family of four sat down happily. While eating the dishes made by Tang Shishi, Tang Yuan asked purely for excitement, "Did that guy Ling Rui drive you out?" Did you think of joining us now?"

"Stinky boy! You can't keep your mouth shut even after eating, what are you talking about!" Tang Shishi shot the unrestrained Tang Yuan, remembering that she called Ling Rui before dinner, when he was driving home, Hearing that she would not go back at night and would live in Huibo Garden, she didn't express anything in particular, she just said a few words before hanging up, which made her feel quite lost.

Well, Tang Shishi admits that she is hypocritical, she now wants Ling Rui to give her full freedom, but also doesn't want Ling Rui to let go too much!Just like this time, Ling Rui agreed to her staying out for the night without saying a word and without any objection, which made her suddenly feel that she was not important in his heart at all, which made her panic!
How can there be such a happy promise!At any rate, have a few words with her!Really!

Cai Xiaofen imitated Tang Yuan's look, and said, "How can you not wish your sister well?"

"Auntie, this is Chi Guoguo's jealousy!" Tang Shishi looked at Tang Yuan proudly.

"Who's jealous! Cut!" Tang Yuan chewed a piece of fragile bone resentfully.In fact, he was really jealous!

This smelly Lingrui, it's nothing more than occupying Tang Shishi, and now even his parents are also occupying him, and now he is the most worthless person in the family!
"Tang Yuan, is there any girl in your unit who looks good to you?" Cai Xiaofen tentatively asked while serving Tang Yuan some food.

Why is this kid so hungry?Haven't eaten well recently?There is no daughter-in-law to take care of this, it just won't work!
"Ahem! Mom! You're too impatient. I'm only a little older. You only think about what I have and what I don't have. I'm focusing on my career now, and I won't think about those!" Tang Yuan listened to Cai Xiaofen's words, The brittle bone got stuck in his throat and almost choked himself to death!

"Eat slowly! Slow down! There are plenty of dishes!" Tang Shishi was the closest to Tang Yuan, and immediately slapped Tang Yuan hard on the back, and handed a bowl of soup to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan quickly picked up the soup and gulped it down several times. When he was relieved, he couldn't help complaining to Cai Xiaofen, then pointed his hand and said to Tang Shishi: "What if I find someone like her?" Hag, you beat me to death at some point! Ow! You are so ruthless!"

As soon as Tang Yuan finished speaking, Tang Shishi kicked the uninjured leg, and he let out another miserable howl, complaining to Tang Shishi: "Tang Shishi, my Lord's patience is limited, don't I'm going to touch my father's hands!"

Tang Shishi, Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan couldn't help laughing out loud at that ghostly scream.

One meal, four people, a joy to eat.

After the meal, Cai Xiaofen and Tang Guoduan sat on the sofa and watched TV. Tang Yuan and Tang Shishi were just like before, arguing and bickering in the room, making Tang Guoduan and Cai Xiaofen watch Both happy and headache.

Different from the joyful and relaxed atmosphere of Tang Guoduan's family of four, the study room in the Jun's courtyard is solemn.

Mr. Jun, Jun Aimin, and Ling Rui gathered in the study.

It has been several hours since Ling Rui came back from get off work, and the three of them stayed in the study all the time, not even having dinner.

Mr. Jun looked at Ling Rui solemnly, and asked, "Boy Rui, are you sure this time?"

"Only half the chance of winning." Ling Rui said truthfully.

"Why don't you go with someone else?" Jun Aimin said with a heavy face.

"Switching generals before the battle is a big taboo for military strategists. What's more, we are responsible for this matter from the beginning to the end. No one knows the opponent's way better than us. If we don't change, we still have half the chance of winning. If we change, we will die!" Ling Rui decisively rejected Jun Aimin's idea.

Jun Aimin sighed, and said helplessly: "I know who the other party is, but I still want to..." Isn't this asking him to sacrifice the lives of the soldiers for nothing?
"This is something that can't be helped. In the general election next year, although we remain neutral in City B and don't want to get involved in the circle of right and wrong, we have made these two factions fearful. Although Boy Rui's mission is dangerous this time, he will It may not be a good opportunity to turn a desperate situation into life." Mr. Jun's eyes suddenly brightened.

"But..." Jun Aimin understands what they said, but he is still worried, if something happens to Rui, what will that girl Shishi do?The two children have only been married for less than two months, and so many things have happened one after another, and they have just had two days of peace and stability.

"Uncle, don't worry, I have a big fate!" Ling Rui knew Uncle Jun Aimin's worries, he had to go to the mission, and the military order must not be violated, but for the sake of the little wild cat, he would definitely protect himself well.

"Boy Rui, grandpa will take good care of Shishi girl for you." Mr. Jun patted Ling Rui on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

He is also not willing to let the child go out to take risks, but this time, they are not allowed to escape. As long as they take a step back, they will be cornered step by step, and they will be the first to become the victims of the competition between the two major factions.

"Grandpa, I know!" Ling Rui nodded solemnly.

"Okay, let's go find that girl!" Mr. Jun waved his hand at Ling Rui and said.

"Grandpa!" Was he so obvious?For the first time, Ling Rui showed the embarrassment of being seen through.

"Hmph! You want to hide it from grandpa's eyes. You have secretly checked your watch three times in the past half an hour!" Mr. Jun said with a cold snort.

Jun Aimin also smiled loudly, and said, "It's ten o'clock, go quickly, and talk to girl Shishi well."

Ling Rui blushed slightly, and gave a serious military salute to Mr. Jun and Jun Aimin. Mr. Jun and Jun Aimin also returned the military salute solemnly, and Ling Rui strode out of the study.

Mr. Jun stood by the window and watched Ling Rui leave the yard. He started the car and left for a long time, but he still stood in front of the window in a daze. It was not until Jun Mubei's idle voice sounded that Mr. Jun came back to his senses.

"Stinky boy, where did you go wild again? You know how to come back!" Old Mr. Jun couldn't help scolding Jun Mubei when he saw it.

"It's not that the timing is just right, you just finished the meeting." Jun Mubei looked as if everything was under his control, and he looked very unbearable.

"Oh! Grandpa doesn't know whether it's right or wrong to do this. Tell me, is grandpa too selfish?" Mr. Jun said melancholy looking at the night outside the window.For the sake of the Jun family, he pushed Kid Rui to the forefront.

(End of this chapter)

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