Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 372 Good intentions are not rewarded!

Chapter 372 Good intentions are not rewarded! (3)
"Miss Bai, we are heart-warming friends, so of course we are qualified to speak up!" Jiang Fei looked at Bai Mo displeasedly and said.

"Jun Nuanxin has a friend like you? I just use you as a weapon, don't be naive? I don't even know who you are!" Another woman's voice sounded.

Tang Shishi felt that this voice was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"Jun Nuanxin, do you dare or not?" Bai Mo no longer entangled in other issues, and asked directly at Jun Nuanxin.

"Bai Mo, you really are a wicked person!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin, Liang Yue, and Jiang Fei who were blocked by Bai Mo and others, shouted loudly, and walked over quickly.

"Bai Mo, it seems that the water I drenched that day was not enough ice or enough, you are not awake yet!" Tang Shishi's murderous voice rang out, and several women brought by Bai Mo immediately backed away.They were just brought here by Bai Mo. They didn't know that Bai Mo was going to make trouble in the moonlight before, so of course they don't want to cause trouble now!
"Tang Shishi, this is a matter between me and Jun Nuan, you have nothing to do with it!" Bai Mo didn't expect Tang Shishi to appear suddenly, and her aura suddenly weakened a lot, but when she thought of the backer behind her, Bai Mo immediately felt her back. The pole is straight.

"Tang Shishi, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, I will settle our accounts with you slowly!" Bai Mo said, then turned to Jun Nuanxin, and said, "In a word, do you dare?"

"Bai Mo, I warned you, don't meddle in my affairs!" Before Tang Shishi could speak, another male voice came in, and Quan Shaobai hurried in with big strides, his face extremely stern.

I had already warned this cousin yesterday, but I didn't expect that she would dare to bring someone to the heart-warming bar to make trouble today. It seems that the family really indulged her too much, and she was so ignorant.

"Cousin, I'm doing this for your own good!" Bai Mo heard Quan Shaobai's voice, gouged out Jun Nuan's heart, and turned her head to look at Quan Shaobai with a guilty expression.

"Put away your hypocrisy! Go back!" Quan Shaobai's body was still very weak, he was in a hurry on the road just now, his face was already sweating, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he was spouting anger.

"Quan Shaobai, don't you know what's good or bad!" When Bai Mo heard that Quan Shaobai told her to get out, she became very angry.

"Get out! Otherwise, I'll call and ask the old lady to send someone to take you back in person!" Quan Shaobai stared at Bai Mo coldly and said.

"Huh!" Hearing that Quan Shaobai moved out of Mrs. Bai, Bai Mo snorted guiltily, turned and left, and the women behind her also left.

When Chen Li turned around, she glanced at Tang Shishi with interest.

Tang Shishi just remembered, isn't this Chen Li the new love of Senior Shen He?Why did she get involved with Baimo?Thinking of the way Chen Li looked at Ling Rui that day, Tang Shishi felt very uncomfortable in her heart!
What the hell!Birds of a feather really flock together!
As soon as Bai Mo and the others left, Quan Shaobai leaned on the sofa and sat down. He was hanging the water just now, and when he heard that Bai Mo was making trouble in the moonlight, he removed the needle and ran out. When the moonlight was approaching, There was a bit of a traffic jam again, so he couldn't wait to get out of the taxi and ran over. Now he just feels weak all over.

"Nuanxin, you send Shaobai back to the hospital first." Tang Shishi asked about the smell of blood, and found blood on the back of Quan Shaobai's hand. She roughly guessed what happened, and said to Jun Nuanxin.

"Oh." Jun Nuan agreed heartily, and left with Quan Shaobai first.

"What conditions does that woman Baimo propose? Is it related to the Go tournament?" Tang Shishi asked Liang Yue as soon as Jun Nuanxin left.

"Well, Bai Mo said, if she wins you, Nuan Xin agrees to be Quan Shaobai's woman. If she loses to you, she will run naked twice in Xinglong Square." Liang Yue compared Bai Mo's The condition is told to Tang Shishi.

"Running naked?!" Wang Yueshan, who had been silent all this time, was excited. She grabbed Tang Shishi's arm, shook it vigorously and said, "Shishi, run naked?"

"What? Do you want to go?" Tang Shishi glared at Wang Yueshan angrily. For this woman who likes to draw other people's naked bodies, running naked is the most attractive thing!
Wang Yueshan shut her mouth embarrassingly, but there was still a little spark of excitement in her eyes, flickering.

"Bai Mo is really too confident in herself." Tang Shishi said with a cold snort.

"Not only that, but she probably has other tricks." Jiang Fei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Tang Shishi looked at Jiang Fei in surprise, this man is the driver of her mother-in-law, how could he appear here.

"My ex-husband!" Liang Yue said calmly.

"Wow!" Wang Yueshan was excited again, she smelled the very familiar smell of adultery.

This sound attracted Jiang Fei's kind smile, and in exchange for Liang Yue and Tang Shishi's displeased stares, Wang Yueshan quickly covered her mouth, sat on the sofa, and found the best viewing angle.

"I also don't think her self-confidence has inflated to such an extent." Tang Shishi frowned when she thought of Chen Li's look, and she hesitated whether to call her senior to ask her about Chen Li's background?
Jun Nuanxin sent Quan Shaobai to the hospital and came back with a very bad face.

"Sister-in-law three, are you sure you can win her? You're really deceiving me too much!" Just now, Jun Nuanxin was so angry that Bai Mo was going to die. If it weren't for this matter not only related to herself, but also related to the reputation of the Jun family, she I have already agreed!
When she thought of Bai Mo's arrogant face, she couldn't swallow it anymore.

"You're right that you didn't agree rashly." Tang Shishi patted Jun Nuanxin on the shoulder and said, "Do you know who that Chen Li is?"

"Chen Li? Who is Chen Li?" Jun Nuan asked puzzled.

"It's okay, there is a person named Chen Li who was with Bai Mo just now." Nuan Xin didn't know her, it seems that this Chen Li is not a famous person!
"I don't know." Jun Nuan shook her head and said, "Is there any problem with her?"

"I don't know, I'm just suspicious. Don't you think Bai Mo's behavior is a little abnormal today?".

Jun Nuanxin was silent and calmed down.

Although Bai Mo had always been arrogant, it was the first time she confronted the Jun family so blatantly.Besides, because of the siege of Jun's compound, the old man Bai in City A was shocked. He called his grandfather yesterday and said that after returning to City B, he would come to apologize in person. After Bai Mo returned home, the Bai family It's impossible to still protect her. Bai Fengju said that Mrs. Bai had already severely reprimanded Bai Mo and ordered her not to mess around. So what is Bai Mo relying on to provoke her today?
"Sister-in-law three, do you think they will play tricks in the Go tournament?" Jun Nuanxin was a little scared now, but fortunately she held back just now and did not fall into Baimo's trap impulsively.

(End of this chapter)

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