Chapter 374
She has already checked many of the world's top-ranked mechanical design masters, and has kept their appearance and works in mind, and is waiting for them to be able to tell when they meet later, so that the masters will not think that she has nothing. known.

Finally, Yunmo's phone rang, and Tang Shishi, who had just been pulled to sit down by Yunmo, almost jumped up excitedly.

Yun Mo answered the phone, and then walked towards the east gate of the airport hall with Tang Shishi.


Because Tang Shishi kept looking left and right and kept searching for the people around her, trying to find a shadow that overlapped with the portrait in her mind, she accidentally bumped into a person's head.

"Hoo hoo!" Tang Shishi was a little dizzy, and couldn't help but breathe out from the headache.

"Tang Shishi! What are you doing!" Just before Tang Shishi regained her composure, she was suddenly pushed, causing her to be almost pushed to the ground.

What's so special is that Yuanjia Road is narrow!Haunted!

Tang Shishi cursed in her heart, if she came to pick up someone at the airport by herself, she would also meet Bai Mo.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention just now." Tang Shishi glanced at the puffy Bai Mo displeasedly, and then looked at the middle-aged woman who was being supported by Bai Mo, and saw that she was also covering her chest. His head and face were throbbing with pain, and he quickly apologized.

"What's the matter, Shishi?" Bai Mo, who was walking in front, heard the movement, turned back and asked again.

"I accidentally bumped into someone." Tang Shishi glanced at the middle-aged woman apologetically, and explained to Yunmo angrily.

I am really too nervous today!
"Tang Shishi, you bumped into my mother, an apology is enough? How can such a cheap thing happen?" Bai Mo said aggressively.

"Then what are you going to do?" Tang Shishi glanced at the middle-aged woman supported by Bai Mo, and found that she looked very similar to Bai Mo's aunt, Sun Xiaotong, but her face was a little pale at the moment, and she seemed to be in a bad condition. Did you get knocked out by yourself?
Sun Xiaofen was already airsick, and she was not concentrating when she was walking just now, and she bumped into Tang Shishi again, and her mind was buzzing for a long time, but when she heard the other party apologized one after another, her attitude was sincere, and her daughter was still so unforgiving, so she rubbed her Forehead, immediately opened his mouth to drink: "Momo!"

Sun Xiaofen opened her eyes, and saw Tang Shishi's beautiful big eyes, staring at herself without avoiding, she inexplicably had a good impression of the person in front of her, and said with a weak smile: "It's nothing , I’m actually a little airsick, and I didn’t pay attention to the road just now.”

"Mom! It's obvious that she hit you!" Bai Mo vigorously shook Sun Xiaofen's arm, acting coquettishly.

Sun Xiaofen felt her stomach churning again, and her uncomfortable face turned pale again.

"Stop!" Tang Shishi suddenly pushed Bai Mo away, supported Sun Xiaofen, then quickly opened the mineral water she hadn't drunk all morning, and handed it to Sun Xiaofen, saying: "Drink some water, it will be better .”

"Tang Shishi! What kindness are you showing? That's my mother!" Bai Mo didn't expect that Tang Shishi would dare to push her away. After a moment of surprise, she rushed forward, grabbed Sun Xiaofen's other arm, and forced her towards her. pull.

Sun Xiaofen had just received Tang Shishi's water, before she had time to say thank you, when Bai Mo pulled her so hard, she couldn't hold back that overwhelming feeling anymore, and vomited on Bai Mo's clothes all at once.

Baimo's face is brilliant now!
"Mom, what are you doing!" A sharp accusation sounded, causing many people to look sideways.

"Momo, Mom didn't do it on purpose." Sun Xiaofen looked at the stains on her daughter's white dress and said apologetically.I spit out some, rinsed my mouth again, and felt much better.

"Thank you for the water!" Sun Xiaofen turned to Tang Shishi to thank her.

"It's nothing." Tang Shishi didn't expect that she just couldn't see it, and she kindly offered to help, and she would be like this. Seeing Bai Mo's dirty body, she felt really unkind in her heart.

"Mom! Why are you still facing outsiders at this moment? Look at me like this? What do you want me to do?" Bai Mo became angry when she saw that Sun Xiaofen and Tang Shishi were having a happy conversation. eyes, shouted loudly.

"Take off your coat first, and wear mother's." Sun Xiaofen rubbed her head with a headache, and found Yun Mo standing aside in a blink of an eye, and said in surprise, "Madam Jun, why are you here?"

"Sorry, it was my niece and daughter-in-law who bumped into you just now." Yunmo said with a smile, not caring about the other party's neglect.

Nephew and daughter-in-law?Ling Rui's daughter-in-law?Sun Xiaofen suddenly realized!Just now Bai Mo called this woman Tang Shishi, but she didn't notice it, no wonder her daughter reacted so violently to the woman in front of her, it turned out to be like this!

Regarding the entanglement between Yun Mo and Tang Shishi, Sun Xiaofen heard some of it when talking to Bai Mo these days. It is conceivable that when Bai Mo said these things to Sun Xiaofen, most of them seriously deviated from the facts. Sun Xiaofen this time The reason why she didn't go with her husband and came back early by herself was because she wanted to cheer for Bai Mo to participate in the Go competition.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got off the plane, he met the person Bai Mo was talking about in this way.

Sun Xiaofen looked around Tang Shishi's body, and recalled the incident when they bumped into each other just now, her face gradually turned cold.

"Speaking of which, what a coincidence!" Sun Xiaofen smiled officially, without a trace of warmth in her smile, then pulled Bai Mo and said, "Let's go!"

Bai Mo hastily turned her head and glared at Tang Shishi, then followed Sun Xiaofen's footsteps.

Tang Shishi was a little dazed by Sun Xiaofen's sudden coldness, and just as she came to her senses, she heard a bang not far away!
It was the sound of Sun Xiaofen throwing that bottle of mineral water into the trash can!

It really is!Tang Shishi looked at the backs of Bai Mo and Sun Xiaofen, and rolled her eyes skyward!

No return on a good deed!
Tang Shishi never dreamed that the master in the mouth of the second aunt would be such a "character" with fiery red hair, dazzling red eyes, exquisite facial features, and classic blue-eyed eagle nose. Wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and a work vest, the lower body is the work pants of the same color, short boots, like a car washer, completely different from the portraits of masters in my mind!

Tang Shishi looked at Yunmo in disbelief, and signaled with her eyes: Second Aunt, is this the little assistant next to Master?Not as old as me!

In fact, it's no wonder that Tang Shishi judges people by their appearance. It's really that the person in front of him is too far away from the image of the master in his mind, too far away!It was really hard for her to accept it for a while!

Yunmo smiled and gave Tang Shishi a warning look.

(End of this chapter)

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