Chapter 412 Panda Blood! (1)
Jun Mubei sneered, and said, "Chen Shi, I didn't expect you to dare to hide the real product and trade a fake one, you're really daring!" Jun Mubei looked at the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, although he also doubted Mo Youyou's words, Because Mo Youyou hardly got close to that Nine Dragons Jade Cup, she said it was a fake, but in the current situation, no matter whether this Nine Dragons Jade Cup is real or not, it can only be a fake at this moment!

"Major General Ling, don't spit blood!" Chen Shi was in a hurry. He couldn't bear the crime of hiding antiques.

"Whether it's bloody or not, you'll know if you test it!" Jun Mubei said indifferently.

At this moment, Ivan also heard the translator translate the conversations of several people to him. He looked at the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, and then at Chen Shi, with anger on his face. Finally, he turned to Mo Youyou who was beside Jun Mubei. Russian asked: "You say it is a fake, what evidence do you have?"

Mo Youyou also said in Russian: "You can tell whether a genuine product is a fake or not!"

Iwan looked at Mo Youyou's confident look, lowered his head and pondered for a while, and said, "How to test?"

"It's very simple. Pour a glass of wine into it. The real Nine Dragons Jade Cup is so rare that as long as it is filled with wine, you can see nine overturned dragons from the cup, as if chasing and frolicking in the churning sea. You can’t see such a scene with the fake Nine Dragons Jade Cup." Mo Youyou gave Ivan a wow in Russian.

Ivan nodded knowingly, and then told Chen Shi that he asked for a re-examination.

Chen Shi naturally nodded in agreement.Of course he would not obstruct the other party at this time, and he also wanted to pass this test to clear himself of unnecessary charges!
Ivan ordered someone to bring a bottle of white wine, and then he opened it and poured it into the Nine Dragons Jade Cup. Everyone came forward to watch it curiously. Sure enough, the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, as Mo Youyou said, did not have the grand scene of Nine Dragons playing.

Ivan's face turned black!
Chen Shi quickly explained, and with a scarred face, he said, "Mr. Iwan, don't you believe your own subordinates, and instead believe the words of a yellow-haired girl who doesn't understand anything? This yellow-haired girl clearly has ulterior motives and wants to destroy us. The friendly and cooperative relationship between them!"

Because of Chen Shi's words, Ivan fell into deep thought again.

When Mo Youyou heard Chen Shi's words, she became furious!She is an honest and reliable beauty, not some yellow-haired girl with ulterior motives!

"Hmph! I really don't know who is the one with ulterior motives!" Mo Youyou said angrily.

"Ivan, this Nine Dragons game is just a rumor, not credible, and this Nine Dragons Jade Cup, no matter in terms of jade quality, year, or carving, is in line with the legendary Nine Dragons Jade Cup." Scarface said to Yi in Russian. Wan said.

Ivan's face turned pale, but he still had doubts. After all, this transaction is small, but this transaction is mainly to visit the sincerity of both parties. If the other party's Nine Dragons Jade Cup is a fake, it is obvious that the other party does not intend to Sincerely establish a long-term cooperative relationship with them!

"Ivan, don't listen to him, they must be in the same group, don't be fooled!" Mo Youyou said to Ivan in Russian: "Although this Nine Dragons jade cup is from the Kangxi period, it is definitely not the real Nine Dragons cup." The jade cup, the real Nine Dragons Jade Cup is not from the Kangxi period at all, it is much older than this one, and the real Nine Dragons Jade Cup is not made by the government, it is from the people."

Mo Youyou said a lot, and didn't care if Ivan could understand the official system and the folks.

Scarface's complexion became very ugly, he pointed to the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, and said to Mo Youyou: "What evidence do you have to say that this is a fake, Nine Dragons Play is just a legend, since you firmly insist that it is fake , then come up with some convincing evidence!"

"Of course I do!" Mo Youyou said seriously.As she spoke, she unconsciously slid her gaze towards the direction of the stage, but Jun Mubei turned sideways calmly, blocking Mo Youyou's gaze.

Damn girl!Want to make trouble again at a critical moment!
Mo Youyou glanced at Jun Mubei with a guilty look, and stuck out her tongue mischievously. She was just curious, and wanted to see if those two people were out of trouble!
"It's fine if they don't believe it, this deal has nothing to do with us anyway!" Jun Mubei said indifferently.

"Well, anyway, even if I show evidence, it won't do me any good. They might get angry and kill me first!" Mo Youyou stretched his hand across his neck and said with gestures.He even made a frightened expression on his face.

"Hmph! Major General Ling, please take your female companion and stand aside. Don't talk nonsense here, preventing me from discussing business with Mr. Iwan." Chen Shi thought that Mo Youyou was talking nonsense when he heard what Ling Rui and Mo Youyou said. Nonsense, I couldn't produce evidence, so I retreated, and my confidence was immediately enough.

Yiwan heard that Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou were planning to negotiate terms with him, and felt that the Nine Dragons Jade Cup was a fake. He stopped Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei and said, "As long as you show evidence, I can guarantee you personal safety."

"Yes!" Jun Mubei readily agreed, and then gestured to Mo Youyou.

Mo Youyou walked to the table, and was about to pick up the Nine Dragons Jade Cup when she was stopped by the bodyguard beside Chen Shi.

The Nine Dragons Jade Cup is not an ordinary object. Of course, they cannot allow Mo Youyou to touch it at will. In their eyes, it is a coincidence and a great honor for an unknown person like Mo Youyou to witness the true appearance of the Nine Dragons Jade Cup with their own eyes!
"Let her see that I am responsible for the accident," Ivan said.It doesn't matter if he can't bring back the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, if he brings back a fake one, it will be ridiculous!
Chen Shi forced people to back away helplessly, and looked at Mo Youyou with a gloomy expression.

Mo Youyou picked up the Nine Dragons Jade Cup and casually weighed it in his hand.

Everyone at the scene set their eyes on the Nine Dragon Jade Cup in Mo Youyou's hand. Seeing Mo Youyou playing with the Nine Dragon Jade Cup so casually, their hearts followed her movements up and down.

"You—you stop!" Chen Shi pointed at Mo Youyou, startled and angry, and stuttered.

"A fake is a fake, it's half a tad lighter than the real one!" Mo Youyou curled her lips, and before everyone could react, she held the Nine Dragons Jade Cup, squinted her eyes, and looked at the light. While turning the jade cup.

All the things she was carrying were searched away before she came in, so I could only wrong my eyes.

Scarface watched Mo Youyou's movements and remained silent.On the other hand, Chen Li couldn't see it, and couldn't help but sneered: "Playing around!"

As a layman, she knows the common sense of inspecting the quality of jade against the light. Does the material of this jade cup need to be inspected?

(End of this chapter)

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