Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 453: Mr. Bai's Invitation

Chapter 453: Mr. Bai's Invitation (3)
"It seems that we came a little early." As soon as Old Man Bai entered the yard, he heard the laughter of the Jun family. When he entered the house, he saw the whole family of the Jun family gathered around the dining table, happily, He opened his mouth with a smile.

"Old man Bai, when did you learn to talk nonsense with your eyes open? It's already night, not morning! You can't be confused because of the thing you sent a few days ago, right?" Mr. Jun said loudly. It sounded.

He and old man Bai both fought in the same trench, so they didn't speak so foreignly, and they didn't have any taboos about old man Bai coming uninvited.

"Hmph! You black hearted one, I knew you missed my baby! I wanted to change it with me a few years ago, but I refused. Who knows, it will still fall into your hands in the end!" When I mentioned myself The treasure of his heart, old man Bai spoke angrily, and it seemed that he had a lot of resentment towards old man Jun.

"It's not because you're late!" Mrs. Bai took Mr. Jun's words, tugged at Mr. Bai's sleeve secretly, and said with a smile. She looked at Tang Shishi who had already got up to pack the dishes, and said: "Girl Shishi, my old lady is here specially for you this time, come sit and talk."

Tang Shishi didn't expect Mrs. Bai to be so direct, so she didn't understand, so she muttered in her heart, could it be that Mrs. Bai also came to apologize?
She didn't think that Mrs. Bai would tell the truth about Bai Mo in front of so many people. Although everyone was like a mirror in their hearts, once it was revealed, the nature would change completely.

Ling Rui took the soup bowl in Tang Shishi's hand and said, "Go over, I'll clean it up."

Tang Shishi nodded and left the table.

Mo Youyou saw that Ling Rui was so gentle and considerate to Tang Shishi, and he really started to clean up the table. He looked like a good man at home, his eyes flashed like stars, and Jun Mubei who was on the side saw Mo Youyou's expression, suddenly said: "Don't think about things you shouldn't think about!"

"What do you mean?" Mo Youyou asked puzzled.What should not be thought?She didn't think about anything she shouldn't think about!

"What I mean is, my third brother won't like you, you should get rid of those thoughts you shouldn't have!" Jun Mubei reminded coldly.

Mo Youyou blinked her eyes, suddenly recalled, and cursed at Jun Mubei bitterly: "You dirty uncle!" Then he left the table angrily.

She worships Ling Rui, okay?Not admiration at all!

Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou's back, his eyes were even colder, a wretched uncle with dirty thoughts? !This girl's skin is loose again!

Seeing the appearance of Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou, the rest of them felt that these two children were really a good match. If they could be together, the family would be so lively.

Tang Shishi walked up to Mrs. Bai, said hello to Mrs. Bai and Mr. Bai politely, and then sat down.

This is the first time for Mr. Bai to see Tang Shishi. Although he has heard a lot of rumors about Tang Shishi these days, he has always been a very rational person. He is not a person who misunderstands and misbelieves. girl.

Mr. Bai's first impression of Tang Shishi was very good. This may be the eye contact between people. He saw Tang Shishi's posture calmly and gracefully, sitting beside Mr. Jun neither humble nor overbearing, without saying a word He picked up the teapot, washed and made tea, and then poured tea for him and his wife first, and then for Mrs. Ling and Mrs. Jun. Her demure appearance made people feel pleasing to look at.

"Grandpa Bai, Grandma Bai, please drink tea." Tang Shishi greeted politely.

"Good! Today is the right time to taste the tea made by Rui's daughter-in-law." The old man Bai said with a smile on his face.Looking at Tang Shishi, there was admiration in his eyes.

This kid Rui has a picky eye, really great!
"This girl's craftsmanship is extraordinary." Mrs. Bai is also a tea lover. From Tang Shishi's smooth and beautiful movements, it can be seen that Tang Shishi has received a good education.

"My granddaughter-in-law, how can it be mediocre! It's cheaper than you two!" Mr. Jun has always been proud of his granddaughter-in-law, and when he heard Mrs. Bai praise Tang Shishi, he immediately accepted it politely!
"You have taken up all the good things! Such a good grand-daughter-in-law makes people happy just looking at them!" Mr. Bai took a sip of tea, and then praised: "Good tea!"

"That's true!" Mr. Jun laughed.

"Girl Shishi, I brought you this tonight." Mrs. Bai said, pushing a box in front of Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi looked at the box on the table, and then looked up at Mrs. Bai, thinking, Sun Xiaofen's mouth is fast enough, and she was so angry during the day, so if she said it casually, the words immediately reached Mrs. Bai's ears.

"This is a prize from the Go competition. I wanted to hand it over to you, so I just delivered it today." The old lady Bai said, opened the box, and said, "Look, see if you like it."

Inside the box are two pieces of imperial green jade plaques, the jade is full of quality and round in color, it looks like an excellent jade at first sight.

Of these two pieces of jade, one is engraved with the image of Avalokitesvara, which means many children and more blessings; the other is engraved with the image of Maitreya Buddha, which means that the smile is always open.And what's rare is that these two jade tablets are carved on both sides, and the images on the front and back are exactly the same. The carving work alone is amazing.

Tang Shishi smiled slightly, and said: "Grandma Bai is really generous, she is willing to use such a good object as a prize in the Go competition."

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Mrs. Bai couldn't help laughing and cursing: "You girl!" Then she sighed and said, "My old woman will not hide it from you. When Bai Mo wanted to hold a Go competition, my old woman She also took a deep breath and wanted to save some face for the banquet. Originally, she would not use such a pair of objects as prizes, but my old woman was too confident at the time, thinking of that girl Bai Mo who played chess since she was a child , I should be able to win you with a certainty, but I didn't expect that I lost so badly!"

When Mrs. Bai thought of the Go Tournament, she couldn't help sighing in her heart.

"Old lady Bai, there are people beyond people, and heaven beyond the sky!" Old Master Ling interjected beside him.

"You old guy, you've been a bad chess player all your life, and you didn't expect to get such a precious granddaughter-in-law, but you've shown your face!" Mrs. Bai couldn't help but spit at Mrs. Ling: "You knew that Bai Mo would stumble, and you can Don't remind me, you are so black-hearted!"

"Who's to blame for this? You guys changed the date yourself!" Old Master Ling reminded in a deep voice, looking at the pair of jade plaques, feeling a little gloating in his heart.

This jade token is a rare and good thing, probably old lady Bai wants to leave it to Bai Mo as a dowry!

(End of this chapter)

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