Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 468: The One Who Tricks People

Chapter 468: The One Who Tricks People (3)
Panting for a while, Bai Mo got up in a hurry, rummaged through the small study room connected to her room, and took out the document that the detective agency had given her that she hid!She kept it so secretive, she didn't expect to be seen by someone!Angrily and frantically, Bai Mo tore that document into small pieces, not even noticing that the nails she had just made were broken.

After eliminating the evidence, Bai Mo finally calmed down a bit, and began to think about what she should do!
She is the eldest lady of the Bai family, and there is no doubt about her status. She is one day, and she will be for the rest of her life!She doesn't allow anyone to threaten her status!

If someone threatened her, then she would - a bloodthirsty glint appeared in Bai Mo's eyes.

The diamond wedding banquet between Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai was held at the mansion of the Bai family, and most of the people present were some of Mr. Bai's former comrades in arms.The entire Bai family mansion is brightly lit and decorated in a warm and solemn way, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling arrived first. When Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai saw them, they couldn't help joking: "Aren't you at home and can't wait to drink my 60-year-old wine?"

Mr. Jun was also unambiguous, and said straightforwardly: "Otherwise, what do you think I'm here for?"

"You old man, you still have this temper!" Mr. Bai said with a smile, not annoyed.

"Where are Shishi girl and Rui boy? Didn't you agree to come together?" Mrs. Bai couldn't help but asked without seeing the juniors of Jun's family.

"It will take a while to come. Old man Ling and I came first because we smelled the wine!" Mr. Jun said.

"Look at you two greedy! It looks like girl Shishi is very strict at home!" Mrs. Bai joked with a smile.

"I can't help it, my body is not up to the mark. It's not when I was young, I can drink two bottles at once and I'm still fine!" Grandpa Ling sighed.

"We're all getting old! Alas!" Hearing Old Master Ling's words, old man Bai said with a little unforgiving emotion in his eyes.

"Now it's all the grandchildren's world, how can we not grow old! It's impossible for people to refuse to accept old age!" Mr. Jun also expressed his emotion.

"Follow the old! Can you still refuse to obey the old at this age?" Mrs. Bai said with a smile: "Maybe one day, it will be gone!"

"On a happy day, don't say such unlucky words!" Mr. Bai lightly scolded Mrs. Bai.

"That's right, today is your day of great joy, so don't talk nonsense!" Mr. Jun asked Xiao Li to present gifts from him and Mrs. Ling with a smile, and said, "I have carefully selected these, so I don't need you to give them gifts." Something bad!"

"Hmph! You're a good boy when you get a bargain!" Old Master Bai couldn't help scolding Mr. Jun when he heard Mr. Jun mentioning his beloved one again.

"Okay, how old are you, and you still fancy that little dead thing! Come in!" Mrs. Bai was afraid that Mr. Bai would be sad again, so she hurriedly greeted Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling inside.

Sun Xiaofen, her husband Bai Ziyu, Sun Xiaotong and her husband Bai Zizhao were also busy greeting guests. Seeing Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling coming in, Sun Xiaofen looked behind the two elders for a while, but did not see the younger generation of Jun's family. , I feel relieved and uneasy, and I feel a little out of my mind.

"What are you looking at?" Bai Ziqi couldn't help asking, seeing Sun Xiaofen's absent-minded look.

"Nothing!" Sun Xiaofen shook her head at her husband, then looked around the banquet scene, but did not find Bai Mo's figure, and immediately asked nervously: "Where is Momo? She was still there just now, why is there no one here?"

These days, Sun Xiaofen watched Bai Mo very closely.

"Maybe I went to the bathroom, you are too nervous for her!" Ever since Sun Xiaofen slapped Bai Mo that day, Bai Mo seemed to have changed a lot, she became more sensible and obedient, Bai Ziyu felt in her heart Very satisfied, Sun Xiaofen was relieved a lot, but she still kept a close eye on Bai Mo, she was afraid that Bai Mo would cause something uncontrollable at today's banquet!
"I'm not doing it for her own good!" Sun Xiaofen glanced at her husband resentfully, saying that her daughter was her father's lover in the previous life, which was not false at all. For a few days, after being coaxed by Bai Mo, he was so dizzy that he didn't know where to go, and he said good things for Bai Mo in front of him more than once!The angry Sun Xiaofen almost couldn't help telling the good things Bai Mo did.

"I know you're doing it for her own good, but you can't take care of a child right away, you have to do it step by step, don't you?" Bai Ziqi said, pointing at Sun Xiaofen's back, and said, "Look, Momo Isn't that over there? I can see that she has really learned to behave these days!"

Sun Xiaofen followed her husband Bai Ziyu's fingers and turned around to look, and she found that Bai Mo was talking to a group of young female guests. She finally let go of her worries just now, and meditated in her heart, hoping that as her husband said, Bai Mo Mo really behaved this time!
Just as Sun Xiaofen let go of her heart, she immediately picked it up again, because the juniors from the Jun family are here!

Tang Shishi took Ling Rui's arm, and walked in gracefully and gracefully. Walking beside her were Jun Nuanxin and Jun Mubei.

I have to say that the juniors of the Jun family are indeed different, not to mention their good looks. Their temperament and aura are not comparable to those of other families' children. As soon as they enter the banquet, these people will attract It caught everyone's attention and became the highlight of the banquet.

"Grandpa Bai, Grandma Bai, I wish you good health and a long life." Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Jun Nuanxin and Jun Mubei sent their blessings in unison.

When Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai heard this, they were so happy from ear to ear, they praised the Jun family's child for being sensible, and then sighed with envy.

Seeing Tang Shishi's eyes drifting inside, old man Bai joked as if looking for someone, "Girl Shishi, don't worry! Those two grandpas of yours didn't steal the wine!"

When Tang Shishi heard Mr. Bai's words, she smiled embarrassedly, with a little shyness, thinking, this old man's eyes are really sharp!She didn't say anything, and he saw through her thoughts!
As soon as Quan Shaobai saw Jun Nuanxin coming, he immediately walked over, Baba stepped forward to say hello, he heard that Jun Nuanxin was back, so he came here early in the morning to wait.

When Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai saw Quan Shaobai coming, they quickly let Tang Shishi and Ling Rui in, and said, "You young people have fun together!"

Ling Rui nodded and took Tang Shishi in.Jun Mubei looked at Quan Shaobai eagerly, and led Jun Nuanxin in.

Quan Shaobai is like an abandoned puppy, looking at Jun Nuanxin's back pitifully.

"What are you looking at stupidly? Hurry up and chase after him!" Mrs. Bai reminded her bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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