Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 471: The Death of Mrs. Bai!

Chapter 471: The Death of Mrs. Bai! (1)
Old man Bai sat in the study for a while, and sighed.He has already won a chance for Bai Mo, if she doesn't know how to go out and cause trouble in the future, he will not come forward to protect her again!

After all, if you can keep it for a while, you can't keep it for a lifetime!

When Tang Shishi came downstairs, she saw Ling Rui waving at her. It turned out that they were all seated.Tang Shishi happily walked towards Ling Rui, but bumped into a maid who was carrying wine.

"Ah——" When the maid saw that the crooked red wine on the plate splashed onto Tang Shishi's dress, she let out a low exclamation in fright, nervously at a loss, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm not On purpose! I'm really sorry!"

"What's going on?" Ling Rui walked over anxiously, looked at the maid and asked coldly.Bai Hexuan also hurriedly followed, seeing Tang Shishi's gown was stained with wine, and scolded the maid in displeasure: "What's the matter with you? You don't even look carefully when you walk!"

"I'm sorry! I—I'm sorry!" The maid looked at Ling Rui, and couldn't help shivering in fright. In addition, Bai Hexuan, who usually doesn't talk much, spoke harshly at her, and she was so scared that she couldn't speak coherently. !

"It's okay. It's my fault for leaving in a hurry! Go get busy!" Tang Shishi didn't want to be the focus of everyone, she tugged Ling Rui's sleeve and said to the maid.

"I'm sorry!" The maid bowed again, and then hurriedly left with the plate.

"Shishi, I'm sorry!" Bai Hexuan looked at the wine stains on Tang Shishi's dress and said apologetically.

"Lieutenant Colonel Bai, it's okay!" Tang Shishi smiled indifferently, and then said, "Please help me find a room and change my clothes." Fortunately, she had the foresight to bring two sets of clothes, originally to guard against Bai Mo Yes, unexpectedly, I bumped into a little maid.

"Okay! Please come with me, both of you!" Seeing Tang Shishi's understanding and understanding, Bai Hexuan couldn't help feeling more fond of her, and quickly led her and Ling Rui to the guest room to change clothes.

Sun Xiaofen saw Tang Shishi go to the guest room to change into a new dress and come out, it was the pink little dress she gave Bai Mo in the boutique that day.

The little pink dress set off Tang Shishi's fat and white jade face, which made people feel like a peach blossom on a human face. It was very beautiful, and the lively design made Tang Shishi look pretty, like The sweetness of the girl next door, compared with the glamorous and noble feeling of wearing the lake blue dress just now, this one makes people feel more intimate, and I can't help but want to get close.

Bai Mo also saw Tang Shishi's clothes sharply. It was the one that Sun Xiaofen introduced to her that day. Just for this rustic color!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Sun Xiaofen gave her a displeased look, then thought of what happened in the boutique that day, and asked, "Did you instigate that maid just now?"

"Mom! Who do you think I am?" Bai Mo roared angrily, her voice was sharp!
Sun Xiaofen didn't expect Bai Mo's reaction to be so extreme, and was taken aback by her. Sensing the scrutinizing gazes around her, Sun Xiaofen couldn't help scolding in a deep voice: "What are you calling? What is the occasion here? Remember your own identity! Is this room for you to yell?"

Bai Mo shut her mouth sullenly.

It's true that she shouldn't get too excited at this time, but she just can't understand Sun Xiaofen's appearance. She didn't treat her like this before, and she always responded to her requests.Thinking of the two slaps Sun Xiaofen gave her, Bai Mo still felt that her face was burned, and she couldn't help but feel even more resentful.

What is her identity?She is the eldest lady of the Bai family!But why did Sun Xiaofen regard her as the eldest lady of the Bai family?In her eyes, Tang Shishi, a slut, has a much higher status than herself, right?Bai Mo could clearly see the way Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi just now. She hadn't seen the softness in Sun Xiaofen's eyes for a long time!Thinking of this, Bai Mo couldn't help biting her lips tightly.

Seeing that Bai Mo didn't make any excuses, Sun Xiaofen lowered her head, her expression was not good, and she bit her lip aggrieved, feeling a little regretful in her heart, it seemed that she really wronged Bai Mo this time.

"Come and sit with me. I'll toast your grandparents later. Be good! Don't lose your status!" Sun Xiaofen reminded Bai Mo carefully, after all, she was worried about her.

"Got it!" Bai Mo was a little displeased with Sun Xiaofen's repeated mention of her identity, thinking that Sun Xiaofen was deliberately reminding her that she already knew her secret!

At the beginning of the banquet, Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai came to the stage to talk about some of the most memorable things in these years. The hands that had never held a hoe, grinded countless blood bubbles and still clenched their teeth. When it came to the emotional part, Mr. Bai's voice was a little choked up, and Mrs. Bai shed tears on the spot. Many of the grandparents present were deeply moved.

Tang Shishi listened very carefully, and found that Mr. Jun's eye circles were a little red. He remembered that Grandma Jun, whom he had never met, was the same as Mrs. Bai. It's not easy, I can't hold back my emotions.

Sitting under the stage, Bai Mo lowered her head, and sneered at the words of old master Bai and Mrs. Bai on the stage.

They are all old-fashioned stories, and they are still clichéd every day, so I don’t get tired of crooked people!
Sun Xiaofen watched Bai Mo lower her head, thinking that Bai Mo was moved, and said to Mrs. Xiao who was sitting beside her, "My child, I'm sorry!"

This Mrs. Xiao is the wife of Senior Colonel Xiao Changfeng Xiao in Bai Ziyu's army, and her son Xiao Zhixiao is also in the army. Sun Xiaofen inquired about it. A promising and excellent military officer, if Bai Mo can marry into Xiao's family, he won't suffer any grievances, and he will be rich and happy for the rest of his life.

"I know, you young people have similar preferences. You talk to Miss Bai." Mrs. Xiao also likes Bai Mo, although she has heard some bad rumors about Bai Mo, but the Bai family's reputation in City B She has always been very good, so she feels that rumors are not credible. They are all exaggerations made by people with a heart. She also saw Bai Mo talking to Tang Shishi before, and standing and chatting with members of Jun's family. She didn't tell anyone else at all. It's like fire and water!

Bai Mo raised her head sensitively, and happened to meet Xiao Zhixiao's gaze, looking over with apprehension and admiration. Bai Mo was transparent in this regard, and could understand what these people were thinking with just one glance.

(End of this chapter)

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