Chapter 514 Expose your identity! (3)
"Hmm." Thinking of Liang Yue's situation just before she was sent away, Tang Shishi sighed worriedly.

"Don't worry, Liang Yue is fine. It's just that she was frightened and bleeding a little. She will be fine after a period of maintenance." Ling Rui knew that Tang Shishi must be most worried about the child's problem, so he took the first-hand information he had just received, Tell Tang Shishi.

"It's okay! It's okay!" Tang Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, and then a thick layer of frost and snow hung on her face, and said, "Let's go to Bai's house!"

Ling Rui nodded.

"Jun Mubei, why don't you go with me in my car? I have something nice to show you!" Mo Youyou invited Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou arrogantly, but ignored him.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other tacitly, then quickly threw Jun Mubei away, got into the car, and locked it inside.

"Asshole! You two open the door for me!" Jun Mubei didn't expect that he would be "rejected" just a moment later, and kicked Ling Rui's car hard angrily.

Tang Shishi saw Jun Mubei abuse Ling Rui's "love horse", and glared at Jun Mubei angrily through the glass. Although Ling Rui's car was covered with film, people outside could not see what was going on inside. But Jun Mubei was keenly aware of Tang Shishi's stare, like a falcon, locked tightly on Tang Shishi's face through the car window.

Tang Shishi stuck out her tongue guiltily, and then said to Ling Rui, "Husband, drive quickly!"

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's naughty look, smiled helplessly, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car flew out.

Tang Shishi saw Jun Mubei jumping angrily in the back from the rearview mirror, and laughed unkindly, Ling Rui mourned for Jun Mubei in his heart: It's not good for the second brother to provoke anyone, he insists on messing with his little wild cat , he can't help him this time!

"Jun Mubei, I'll take you to chase them!" Mo Youyou watched Ling Rui and Tang Shishi drive away, walked to his car, and greeted Jun Mubei friendly.

Jun Mubei glanced at Mo Youyou's dusty yellow sports car with a stinky face, and did not hide the disgust in his eyes at all: Why did you buy a yellow car and make it so dirty, it looks like poop!

Seeing the look in Jun Mubei's eyes, Mo Youyou knew that her car was rejected, and said with a smile, "I just arrived in City B, and I haven't had time to wash the car yet!"

Jun Mubei snorted coldly, like an uncle, walked to the back of Mo Youyou's car, opened the door, and was about to sit in, when he met a pair of cold eyes full of hostility!

"Ah——Mo Youyou! You idiot! How did you get this thing into the car?" The car door was slammed shut, and Jun Mubei's out-of-control roar sounded from the sky above the abandoned factory!
Mo Youyou scratched her hair innocently, she just wanted to invite Jun Mubei to sit in the front, but he was too impatient, and ran to the back to open the car door before she could speak, how could she be blamed for this!

"Big Mao is very good! Don't make such a fuss, okay? It will scare it!" Mo Youyou glared at Jun Mubei angrily, and complained.

"I scared it? Mo Youyou, you stupid woman! Obviously it scared me!" Jun Mubei said angrily, staring at Mo Youyou.

"How come, Da Mao is so cute!" Mo Youyou pouts to defend.

"..." Jun Mubei felt unable to speak, and could only look at Mo Youyou as if he were looking at a visitor from Mars.

How did this woman's brain grow?To use the word cute to describe a ferocious golden python?


"You sit in the front, Da Mao will never do anything to you!" Mo Youyou said awkwardly when Jun Mubei's eyes made him uncomfortable.

"You drive away by yourself, I won't get in the car with you!" Jun Mubei resolutely rejected Mo Youyou's kindness, he didn't want to be with a golden python.

"But there's no car here!" Mo Youyou glanced at the dilapidated factory with lights like beans, and felt that leaving Jun Mubei alone in this desolate place was a bit inhumane. What should I do if I am robbed?
"You go! I'll call someone to pick me up myself!" Jun Mubei glared angrily at the nosy Mo Youyou.If he knew what Mo Youyou was thinking at this moment, his lungs would explode with anger!

"Oh!" Mo Youyou couldn't hide her disappointment when she heard Jun Mubei's words, but she leaned against the car door and didn't leave immediately. She wanted to see Jun Mubei call the car before leaving.

Jun Mubei didn't bother to pay attention to Mo Youyou at all. He reached out and habitually took out his mobile phone from his pocket, but when he touched the empty pocket, he felt a chill in his heart. I touched them all over, and finally gritted my teeth angrily!

When people are unlucky, it is really stuffy to drink cold water!His cell phone was gone!Jun Mubei thought about it carefully, he seemed to have left his mobile phone in Ling Rui's car!

"Lost your phone? Do you want to use mine?" Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei with a gloomy face, and said enthusiastically, those big flickering eyes were full of sincerity.

Jun Mubei gritted his teeth, and suddenly angrily walked to the co-pilot's seat, opened the door and sat in!

Mo Youyou didn't understand, so she looked at Jun Mubei, thinking that didn't he just show a loyal look of refusing to obey her own car just now?Why didn't you take the initiative to sit in after a while?
"Stupid! What are you still doing in a daze? Drive!" Jun Mubei gritted his teeth and shouted at Mo Youyou who was completely out of shape.

"Oh! Oh!" Hearing Jun Mubei's words, Mo Youyou didn't worry about why Jun Mubei had changed like this, and obediently sat in the driver's seat and closed the car door.

"Da Mao, you have to be good, let's go!" Mo Youyou greeted "Da Mao" behind the seat, and then stepped on the accelerator and flew out.

Neuropathy!When Jun Mubei heard Mo Youyou talking to the golden python, he couldn't help complaining in his heart!

An ugly thing with no hair on its body, but it is called a big hair!This name is just like the owner of this ugly thing, it has no IQ content!

Da Mao seemed to feel Jun Mubei's contempt, and made a threatening gesture towards Jun Mubei, spitting out a fiery core, and staring at Jun Mubei with a pair of eyes.

Jun Mubei snorted coldly, sat in the passenger seat with his limbs stretched out, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Mo Youyou shyly took a peek at Jun Mubei's handsome side face, made a hissing gesture towards Da Mao, calmed down Da Mao who was on guard, and then happily drove the car towards the Bai family compound .

Because of what Quan Shaobai said before he left, the people in the Bai family compound were sleepless all night.

(End of this chapter)

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