Chapter 516 Expose your identity! (5)
"Old Chief, Young Master Ling is coming." The guard at the door called to announce.

The Bai family in the living room, when they heard the guard saying that Ling Rui had come, their expressions varied, and they fell silent for a while. In the end, Mr. Bai was the first to react, and ordered, "Please come in quickly!"

After the old man Bai finished speaking, he took a look at Bai Ziyu, and a heavy look quickly flashed across the eyes of both of them.

Ling Rui and Tang Shishi looked at the brightly lit Bai family compound for a moment, and saw the huge welcome ceremony at the gate of the Bai family. They were surprised. It was only around 03:30 in the morning, and the Bai family got up. It's really early!

In addition to Mr. Bai, Bai Fengju, Quan Xusheng, Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziyu were all stuck at the door to welcome Ling Rui and Tang Shishi. These people are elders after all, and now they are "flattered" by putting on such a formation.

Tang Shishi glanced at the four people at the door in surprise, then looked at Ling Rui's calm side face, and thought: It seems that everyone from the Bai family is here, this is the best way, and it will save her from wasting words.

"Uncle Bai, Aunt Sun, Aunt Bai, Uncle Quan." Ling Rui and Tang Shishi called out politely, seeing the awkward smiles on the faces of the four of them, Ling Rui basically had a plan in mind.

Bai Ziyu, Sun Xiaofen, Bai Fengju and Quan Xusheng all nodded in agreement in a hurry, and then their eyes fell on Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin who were behind Ling Rui and Tang Hui, no!To be precise, it fell on the "ugly girl" dragged by Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin.

With a wave of Ling Rui's hand, Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin already understood Ling Rui's meaning. The two of them dragged the "unrecognizable" and still unconscious Bai Mo to the Bai family's room without mercy. One fell to the ground.

Old man Bai looked at Bai Mo as if he had eaten cartilage powder, and was thrown in front of him like garbage, his nose was almost crooked in anger.

"Boy Rui, what's going on?" Old Master Bai yelled at Ling Rui who had just entered the door.

Although Mr. Bai had an agreement with Tang Shishi, he did decide not to take care of Bai Mo's affairs anymore, but he didn't expect Ling Rui and Tang Shishi to beat him like this without even informing him .

Even if Bai Mo deserves what he deserves, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi shouldn't use lynching behind the back of the Bai family.

"Grandpa Bai, you have wronged us. Bai Mo's appearance was not caused by Ling Rui and I!" Tang Shishi saw through what old man Bai was unhappy with at a glance, and said first.

After listening to Tang Shishi's words, old man Bai's expression softened, and he knew that these two children were well-mannered.

"What happened tonight? Why did Nuanxin decide not to go with Shaobai to get the certificate?" Sun Xiaofen glanced at Baimo who could no longer see her true colors on the ground, strangely she didn't feel any pity. Now he doesn't even have any sympathy, probably because Bai Mo wanted to poison her to death that time, which completely chilled Sun Xiaofen.

"Nuan Xin doesn't plan to marry Shaobai anymore?" Tang Shishi was startled when she heard Sun Xiaofen's words, but later she figured it out. Nuan Xin probably lost her anger because Liang Yue almost had a miscarriage.Tang Shishi glanced at Bai Mo who was still unconscious on the ground, thinking that Quan Shaobai was really wronged this time.

"Shishi, you must persuade Nuan Xin, Shaobai is devoted to her, this white jasmine is white jasmine, and Shaobai is Shaobai, they cannot be confused." Bai Fengju anxiously stepped forward and grabbed Tang Shishi's arm, Ask for help.

"Auntie Bai, Nuan Xin also likes Shaobai. I will persuade you about this. You are right. Baimo is Baimo, and Shaobai is Shaobai. They cannot be confused! It's just that today is not a good day. Since Nuan Xin and Shao Bai have decided to postpone the good times for a few days, let them do it." Tang Shishi comforted Bai Fengju and said.

"But—" Bai Fengju wanted to say something else, and asked Tang Shishi to persuade Jun Nuanxin, but she checked the almanac for today's day, and said it was auspicious, suitable for marriage, how could it not be a good day!
"Fengju, let the children make up their own minds about the marriage. First, listen to what girl Shishi is here at this time, and she has something to say." Old Master Bai interrupted Bai Fengju's words, and turned the topic around to Baimo.

"Grandpa Bai! Originally, I didn't want to disturb everyone's rest at this time, but this matter is really important." Tang Shishi said, frowning and looking at Sun Xiaofen and Bai Ziyu.

Sun Xiaofen felt uneasy at Tang Shishi's glance, and she asked anxiously, "Girl Shishi, just tell me if you have anything, is it related to me?"

Tang Shishi didn't expect Sun Xiaofen to be so sensitive, she nodded solemnly, she didn't know what Sun Xiaofen's expression would be when she told the truth later, and whether she could bear it, she suddenly felt a little worried.

"Has Bai Mo's identity been exposed?" Before everyone could speak, eager footsteps came from the door, and there was a refreshing female voice.

The living room was already quiet, and everyone in the Bai family was guessing what the purpose of Tang Shishi's trip was. At this moment, when they heard someone say something to expose Bai Mo's identity, they all craned their necks curiously, and looked at the door.

As soon as Mo Youyou entered the door, she received the attention of the Bai family. She looked at everyone with some embarrassment, and then moved her body to the side to make way for Jun Mubei who was behind her.

Jun Mubei glanced at the people in the living room, and glanced at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui with displeasure. After politely greeting the Bai family one by one, he sat down on the sofa in the corner, and Mo Youyou hurriedly followed Jun Mubei sat down.

"Shishi? What identity?" Sun Xiaofen's heart was hooked by Mo Youyou's words, hanging in her throat, feeling uneasy.

"Aunt Sun, I only found out about this by accident tonight." Tang Shishi organized her words and said, "Bai Mo is most likely not a child of the Bai family. I heard that the real eldest lady of the Bai family was He was replaced by someone else, as for the truth, I think Bai Mo should know."

"You—what did you say?!" Bai Ziqi shouted excitedly when he heard Tang Shishi's words, and the old man Bai, Bai Fengju, and Quan Xusheng in the living room all showed five-pointed expressions when they heard Tang Shishi's words. Shocked three points confused and two points unbelievable!

To Tang Shishi's surprise, when Sun Xiaofen heard the news, she was extraordinarily calm, she didn't show any doubts, but she was slightly relieved, feeling that these days have never been easier.

"Girl Shishi, who did you listen to about this matter?" This matter is a big one, and Mr. Bai was not sure for a while, so he asked worriedly.

"Grandpa Bai, I have a video here, you can watch it first." Tang Shishi said, took out her hand, fiddled with it for a while, and handed the phone to old man Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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