Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 519 How unbearable this Baimo is!

Chapter 519 How unbearable this Baimo is! (3)
The more Bai Ziyu thought about it, the more chilling he felt, and the colder his eyes when looking at Bai Mo!
Even if you raise a dog, you know how to repay it with kindness, but Baimo is not as good as a beast, not as good as a pig or a dog!
"I can't believe it!" Bai Fengju murmured as she looked at everything in front of her.The person whom their Bai family loved so much all these years turned out to be a counterfeit, while their real relative was swapped and passed away not long ago!
What have they done all these years? !

"How did she die?" Elder Bai looked at Bai Xiaolan, and asked as if there was no emotion in his voice.

"Frustrated in feelings, I couldn't think about it, so I jumped off the hospital upstairs!" Bai Xiaolan looked at old man Bai with some timidity, and said honestly.

Jumped off a building? !

Tang Shishi, Ling Rui and Jun Mubei looked at each other with serious expressions on their faces. Unexpectedly, Mo Xiaohui turned out to be the real Miss Bai family!

"Shishi, boy Rui, do you know?" Mr. Bai sensitively sensed that the emotions of Tang Shishi and the others were not right, and asked.

"Grandpa Bai, her name is Mo Xiaohui! She is a little nurse next to Bai Xiaolan." Tang Shishi said, then looked at Bai Xiaolan and asked, "Doctor Bai, am I right?"

Bai Xiaolan nodded silently.

"How did you know each other?" Bai Ziyu couldn't help asking.It's just a little nurse, how can Tang Shishi and Ling Rui remember it?Bai Zizhen guessed that there must be something hidden in it.

"Let me tell the story!" Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi who looked embarrassed, held her in his arms, and said, "I believe that Grandpa and Aunt Bai should have heard about the time when Shishi just married me, and they didn't Didn't get my grandpa Ling's approval?"

Old man Bai nodded. Old man Jun often used this incident to tease the old man in front of him.Naturally, Bai Fengju had heard of it, so she said eagerly: "I've heard of it, but what does it have to do with Xiao Hui?"

The Bai family looked at Ling Rui puzzled, including Sun Xiaofen, who had recovered and woke up, also looked puzzled and anxious when he heard Ling Rui's words.

"The reason why my Grandpa Ling disapproved of Shishi's admission was because Shishi and I wanted to have a child and went for a pre-pregnancy examination, and the result of the pre-pregnancy examination showed that Shishi had uterine cancer, and the doctor said that the entire uterus would be removed. "Ling Rui recalled the past, and there was some coldness in his voice.

"You mean, Xiaohui has tampered with it?" Bai Ziyu had the quickest brain reaction, and quickly figured out the connection.

Ling Rui nodded, and said, "She took 20 from Ling Susu, and gave up Shishi's report. Shishi, who was harmed, thought she was infertile and ran away from home."

"How could it be? She wouldn't be that kind of person!" Sun Xiaofen shouted impulsively after hearing Ling Rui's words!How could her daughter be such a person who earns black-hearted money against her conscience? !impossible!impossible!
"That's the truth! It's not the first time she colluded with Ling Susu. Before that, she took Ling Susu's one million yuan to help Ling Susu conceal the fact that the child in her belly was stunted and deformed." Ling Rui simply told what Mo Xiaohui had done. They all said it.

As for how he found out that Ling Susu was involved in this matter, it was thanks to the help of Chris' friends in the United States.

"No!" Sun Xiaofen sat on the sofa weakly and said in disbelief.

Ling Rui glanced at Sun Xiaofen, who was looking a little out of order, and didn't say anything else. Anyway, he had already said what he wanted to say. As for Mo Xiaohui's matter, the Bai family would naturally investigate thoroughly, believing that facts speak louder than words.

"Then why did she commit suicide by jumping off the building? Did you—" force her?Bai Zizhen didn't say what she said later, but Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, and Jun Mubei could all understand the meaning of those words.

"If you do too many bad things, you will naturally have retribution. I know something about the cause of Mo Xiaohui's death. I don't know if Uncle Bai is interested in hearing about it." Jun Mubei pinched a bunch of crystal grapes from the coffee table and said casually.

About Mo Xiaohui, he had heard Xiao Qi tell the full version, and he believed that there would be no one else who knew the reason of Mo Xiaohui's suicide better than him.

"Say it quickly!" Sun Xiaofen said ahead of Bai Ziqi.

"Mo Xiaohui made a boyfriend of a gambler. That man was on two boats, and at the same time he was hanging out with a woman named Bo Nana who was a gambler. He cheated Mo Xiaohui of money, and bought money that Mo Xiaohui earned out of conscience. He also lied to his house, and then beat Mo Xiaohui violently and drove him out. Mo Xiaohui couldn't stand the blow, so he committed suicide by jumping off the building." Jun Mubei finished speaking slowly, and began to eat grapes again.

Seeing the delicious grapes in Jun Mubei's hand, Mo Youyou couldn't help reaching out, wanting to pick one to taste, but was slapped off by Jun Mubei's unceremonious slap.

Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei accusingly, scolding the cheapskate in her heart!
Under Mo Youyou's gaze, Jun Mubei felt that the bunch of grapes was even more delicious. He had already seen that Mo Youyou, an idiot, had bad intentions for the grapes on the coffee table!

"How could it be like this?" Sun Xiaofen said grumblingly, her eyes were empty and lifeless.

"Aunt Sun doesn't believe it, so you can check it carefully." Jun Mubei said nonchalantly, his eyes never leaving the grapes in his hand.

Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou staring at the grapes in Jun Mubei's hand, and her saliva was about to drip out. She was ashamed in the Bai family, and said first: "It's getting late, let's take our leave first!"

How to deal with Bai Mo's matter in the end is a matter of the Bai family, and it has nothing to do with them. I believe that the Bai family does not intend to deal with Bai Mo in front of them. In addition, Tang Shishi still misses Liang Yue in the hospital, so at this time There is no better time to propose to leave.

"Well, it's almost dawn! Thank you for your hard work this night!" Mr. Bai looked at the sky outside the window and said polite words.

"I'll see you off!" Bai Fengju stood up, and tugged Quan Xusheng who was sitting on the sofa who was breathing heavily, signaling him to come out too.

Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou were sent off by Bai Fengju and Quan Xusheng to the Bai family's courtyard.

"Shishi, Nuanxin, help your uncle and aunt to persuade her!" What Bai Fengju never forgets is the marriage between Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin. Shaobai strives for it.

"Aunt Bai, Nuanxin is not a capricious person. There is a reason for this incident, so you don't have to worry too much." The marriage between Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin is already a certainty. Tang Shishi comforted Bai Fengju and let her relax .

At the same time, Tang Shishi also sighed in her heart, she is so happy to be a child of the Bai family!All the parents of the Bai family are so protective of their children and put their children first in everything.

(End of this chapter)

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