Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 521 How unbearable this Baimo is!

Chapter 521 How unbearable this Baimo is! (5)
She cannot be sent to prison!Compared with losing her identity as the eldest lady of the Bai family, she is more afraid of going to prison. If she really goes there, her life will be over!

Bai Xiaolan glanced at Bai Mo's frightened expression, patted Bai Mo's back reassuringly, and then said to Sun Xiaofen, "The Bai family will not pursue this matter anymore, this is the meaning of old man Bai!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Sun Xiaofen and Bai Fengju yelled in unison.

"Let them go! From now on, Baimo will have nothing to do with our family!" Mr. Bai suddenly appeared at the door of the study, looked at the people who were arguing downstairs, and said.

"Dad! What's the matter with you? They are—" Sun Xiaofen looked at Mr. Bai in disbelief and asked.

It's just that before Sun Xiaofen finished speaking, Bai Ziyu pulled her arm. She turned her eyes to her husband in puzzlement, and suddenly saw a trace of pleading from the complicated look in Bai Ziyu's eyes. Sun Xiaofen was unwilling I suppressed all my dissatisfaction in my heart, and felt that my heart was extremely heavy and dull.

Bai Xiaolan led Bai Mo away.

The living room of the Bai family became silent, and the atmosphere became extremely dull.

"Dad! Why did you..." Bai Fengju couldn't help asking after looking back and forth between the people upstairs and downstairs.

Old man Bai stood upstairs and heaved a long sigh.

After a long time, old man Bai finally said in a heavy voice, "You've committed a crime! You've committed a crime!"

Sun Xiaofen and Bai Fengju looked at old man Bai in confusion, expecting him to continue, but they didn't expect that old man Bai just sighed "Sin" twice, and then went back to his room without saying a word.

Sun Xiaofen and Bai Fengju stared blankly at the door of Mr. Bai's room for a while, then met each other again, and sat listlessly on the sofa.

It was already bright outside, Bai Fengju looked at the bright colors outside the window, and felt inexplicably relieved!

This night is finally over!

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui rushed to the hospital, Liang Yue was already asleep.

Tang Shishi looked at Liang Yue's previous pale face with some blush, and finally felt relieved.

Seeing Tang Shishi, Ling Rui and others coming to the hospital, Jiang Fei was so excited that he didn't know what to say. The eyes of the seven-foot-tall man turned red.

Tang Shishi asked Xia Liangyue's condition in a low voice, and Jiang Fei answered them one by one.

After confirming that Liang Yue was really fine, Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi and said, "Now I can finally go home with peace of mind, right?" After this night of tossing, the little wild cat was drunk and suohuan, worried and running around. How can I stand it?It's time to go back and get a good night's sleep.

"Where are they Nuanxin?" Tang Shishi rolled her eyes at Ling Rui like an old lady, and asked with an embarrassed smile at Jiang Fei.

"I asked her to go back and get some clothes for Liang Yue, and Shaobai sent her back. They need to say hello to the police station for the matter at the bar." After Jiang Fei finished speaking, he said to Tang Shishi : "You go back first, there is nothing wrong here, I am enough alone, this night caused you to run around a lot."

Ling Rui was very satisfied with Jiang Fei's sense of taste, and pulled Tang Shishi to leave.

"Brother Jiang, if Sister Liang wakes up, call me!" Tang Shishi said worriedly while walking while being half-embraced by Ling Rui.

"Understood! Thank you tonight!" Jiang Fei said gratefully.

"That's out of the question!" Tang Shishi frowned a little unhappy.

Jiang Fei smiled awkwardly.

Tang Shishi probably also knew Jiang Fei's temperament, so she stopped embarrassing him and left the ward with Ling Rui.

After tossing and tossing all night, Tang Shishi did feel a little tired, but when thinking about Bai Mo, Tang Shishi was a little excited and couldn't fall asleep.

"Old rascal, tell me, what will the Bai family do with Bai Mo and Bai Xiaolan?" Thinking of the fact that Bai Mo's proud Miss Bai was a fake, Tang Shishi was looking forward to Bai Mo's end. Evil thoughts kept popping up in my mind.

Ling Rui knew what was going on in Tang Shishi's little head with just one glance. He ruffled Tang Shishi's hair in a funny way, and when Tang Shishi wrinkled her nose in protest, tugged Tang Shishi lovingly. Ling Rui didn't open his mouth until Tang Shishi patted his hand away, covering his nose and staring at him with big moist eyes.

"The Bai family won't do anything to Bai Mo and Bai Xiaofen's mother and daughter!"

"How could it be?!" Tang Shishi couldn't help but raise her voice in disbelief: "Auntie Sun hates Bai Mo and Bai Xiaolan so much, how could she let them go so easily?"

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui's disapproving expression, pondered for a while, and then asked uncertainly: "Does Bai Xiaolan have any relationship with the Bai family?"

The surname is Bai, and they belonged to the same family 500 years ago. It can't be such a ridiculous reason, can it?For the murderer who indirectly killed their daughter, the Bai family would not be so mediocre.

"It's just what you think!" Ling Rui took Tang Shishi's look back into his eyes, and said with a sigh.

"How come? Look at Aunt Sun, I don't know her at all! And Aunt Bai doesn't know her either!" Tang Shishi expressed the doubt in her heart.

Since Bai Xiaolan is from the Bai family, it doesn't make sense that Sun Xiaofen and Bai Fengju are strangers when they see Bai Xiaolan, as if they don't know each other or have never seen her before!
"Bai Xiaolan is the illegitimate daughter of a side branch of the Bai family!" Ling Rui said indifferently.

"An illegitimate daughter?!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui in surprise, and found that there was no hint of a joke on Ling Rui's face, so she couldn't help but said, "So, Bai Mo is still from the Bai family?"

"Well, it's just that in this life, except for Bai Xiaolan, no one will accept Bai Mo and admit that Bai Mo is from the Bai family." Ling Rui said here, with a mocking arc on the corner of his mouth.

"Why?" Tang Shishi turned into a curious baby, pulling Ling Rui's arm, and asked.

She used to think that Jun Mubei was enough to gossip, but now she knows that Ling Rui is more gossip than Jun Mubei, and knows so many inside stories that others don't know.

"Kiss, I'll tell you!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's lively little face.Can't help but take the opportunity to ask for it.

Tang Shishi simply kissed Ling Rui's side face, and after finishing the work, she eagerly urged Ling Rui: "Tell me!"

"I haven't said where to kiss yet!" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows and looked at Tang Shishi, playing a rogue.

"Where can I kiss if I don't kiss the face?" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look, and found that Ling Rui had been staring at her thigh after listening to her words, and followed Ling Rui's gaze curiously After seeing Ling Rui's bulging bag, Tang Shishi gritted her teeth angrily: "Are you going to tell me or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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