Chapter 528 Doubt (2)
"That's what you said!" Ling Rui looked at the stubborn Jun Mubei with a calculating smile on his face.

"Hey, hey! What are you going to do again? Let me tell you, I won't call with that idiot, so don't make a fuss about it, mess around!" Jun Mubei was burned by the smile on the corner of Ling Rui's mouth, Putting away the long legs resting on the table, sat up straight, and screamed strangely.That appearance is definitely serious.

"Second brother, you're overthinking." Ling Rui said with a sideways glance at Jun Mubei.

How long has it been since he saw Jun Mubei talking about a woman in such a serious manner, a few years ago?Still don't admit that Mo Youyou is special!Ling Rui scoffed coldly in his heart.

"Hey! Then what do you want? Let me tell you, that idiot is very stupid, but she is Uncle Mo's daughter after all, so don't make any foolish plans!" Jun Mubei reminded Ling Rui worriedly.

Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei who was becoming more and more superfluous, and said lightly: "I don't think Shen He would mind Yoyo being his girlfriend, after all, based on Yoyo's relationship with Shishi, he will be more in the future. There are a lot of opportunities to meet Shishi and Shishi.”

"Stinky boy! You want that idiot to do such a dangerous thing!" Jun Mubei roared angrily: "No! I don't agree! That idiot is already stupid enough, if there is a chance , How can we explain to Uncle Mo! I disagree!"

"Second brother, it doesn't matter if you disagree, as long as Yoyo agrees. After all, you are not someone from Yoyo, are you?" Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei who stood up impulsively, with a smile in his eyes.

"You—" Jun Mubei suddenly met Ling Rui's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, only to realize that he had been tricked by this guy, and angrily scolded Ling Rui: "Stinky boy!" Then he sat on his buttocks. Sulk in the chair!

what happened to him?He is a majestic young master of the Jun family, handsome and unparalleled, rich in talent and wealth, the talented young master of the Jun family, his life will be messed up by an idiot!

It is simply unreasonable!

"Second brother, there are some things, the more you refuse, the more difficult it is to resist, just let go and let nature take its course!" Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei who had serious eyes, and advised.

"It's far away!" Jun Mubei waved his hands irritably, and then said to Ling Rui: "The wedding you just said can't go smoothly, what's going on?"

Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei and changed the subject again, and sighed helplessly.

"What are you going to do again?" Jun Mubei became interested, seeing Ling Rui's sighing expression, there must be fun at the wedding, tricks and the like, he loves it the most!

"It's not what I'm going to do, but what are they going to do?" Ling Rui rubbed his eyebrows and said, since the second brother doesn't want to bother to feel it, then he won't force him, I believe that one day, he will come out .

"What are they doing?" Jun Mubei's eyes flashed with intense interest.

"I definitely won't just watch my wedding with Shishi go smoothly." Ling Rui's black eyes were deep and cold, and the corner of his mouth made a mocking hook.

"Cut!, I thought you were a prophet!" Jun Mubei said disappointedly after hearing Ling Rui's words.

"Although I don't know exactly what method they will use, I already know where they will attack." Ling Rui said with certainty.

"Really?" Jun Mubei swept away the disappointment just now, and looked at Ling Rui eagerly again.As long as he has something to play that day, he doesn't mind doing some "manual work", running around or something.

"Yes." Ling Rui nodded solemnly.Then he told Jun Mubei his thoughts.

"Are you sure?" After listening to Ling Rui's words, Jun Mubei's face became serious.

"Am I the one who jokes about this kind of thing?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows and squinted at Jun Mubei.

"But—" Jun Mubei still didn't want to believe it. At this moment, he preferred that Ling Rui's intuition and judgment were wrong.

"No but!" Ling Rui said decisively.

Jun Mubei fell into a long silence.

"I hope what you said is true." After a long time, Jun Mubei said helplessly as if he had finally figured it out.

"Wait and see, these two days, everything will be as usual, and the drama can't be too much!" After Ling Rui finished speaking, he put the stack of photos in an envelope, picked it up and left the study.

These real evidences must be kept in the archives, and when the little wild cat becomes dishonest, these are all naked evidences!
After Ling Rui left the study for a while, Jun Mubei lit a cigarette, took a sharp puff, and spit out long circles. The smoke was lingering, and there was a cold light in those slightly closed eyes.

When Tang Shishi woke up, she found herself nestled in Ling Rui's familiar embrace. She raised her hand and pinched Ling Rui's bearded chin, and then used her fingertips to swim back and forth on the green beard, I feel the same feeling in my heart as on my fingers, crisp and itchy.

What happened last night, she thought it was a gorgeous and charming spring dream, but she didn't expect to wake up in the arms of a man early in the morning, which made her feel at ease and beautiful in her heart.

"Sleep for a while." Ling Rui pulled down Tang Shishi's little hand, put it on his own stiff sponge, and muttered, "Touch here, this thing has the function of free stretching, it can be big or small, it can be long It’s short, and it also comes with a smart fountain, which is the most amazing and fun place on Grandpa.”

"Old hooligan, you are getting more and more shameless!" Tang Shishi was burned by Ling Rui's words, her face was smoky, and the heat in her palm burned her blood vessels, causing the blood inside to boil. .

"Hmm!" Ling Rui hummed casually as an answer.

Tang Shishi was so angry that she just wanted to withdraw her hand, but suddenly her mind moved, her little hand moved restlessly, with a calculating smirk on her face.

"Hmm—" Ling Rui didn't expect Tang Shishi to be so active, so she relaxed her body and enjoyed it.

It's rare that the little wild cat is so knowledgeable about current affairs and has a sense of humor. He finally knows how to cater to his preferences. How could he waste the little wild cat's painstaking efforts.

Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi's body, and his chin began to rub against Tang Shishi's face continuously. The green stubble made Tang Shishi's face itchy.

Tang Shishi heard that Ling Rui's breathing was out of rhythm, and her eyes showed success. She suddenly raised her head and gnawed Ling Rui's chin, and said, "Husband, let's have a baby."

Ling Rui, who was intoxicated by Tang Shishi's caring and gentle service, suddenly opened his eyes when he heard Tang Shishi's words. A pair of bright black eyes met Tang Shishi's expectant little face, and glanced at the hopes in her eyes. no more.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi like this for a while, his eyes turned around, he picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table to check the time, then quickly got up from the bed and said, "Get up and do morning exercises."

(End of this chapter)

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