Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 540 Ling Rui, we are finished!

Chapter 540 Ling Rui, we are finished! (5)
What kind of fox friends and dog friends are you!
Feeling Tang Shishi's resistance, Ling Rui gave Fang Ziming a sideways glance: You really don't know?
The day after he was slept as a cowherd, the clothes were still given to him by the bastard!

Fang Ziming was so oppressed by Ling Rui's aura that he couldn't help touching his nose, but after being married for three days, he quickly regained his combat effectiveness. He glanced back at Ling Rui with a wicked smile: I know that doesn't mean everyone knows!
Du Haoyang laughed secretly, he sees what Ling Rui will do this time!If he lied, they would expose him unceremoniously, if he told the truth—hehe!Let's see if he can lose this man!

When I think of the majestic major general of Huaxia Kingdom openly telling the story of being slept with by a woman as a cowherd here, I can't help but feel agitated in my heart.


Jun Mubei and Quan Shaobai couldn't help lowering their heads and laughing when they heard Fang Ziming and Du Haoyang's words.

Ling Rui understood the thoughts of these malicious guys on the stage, and scolded the two bastards Du Haoyang and Fang Ziming thousands of times in his heart!
Sure enough, it was careless in making friends!
"Actually, my encounter with Shishi originated from a beautiful misunderstanding. That day I was set up by a traitor and almost ruined my fame for the rest of my life. Fortunately, I met Shishi and sacrificed myself to save him. Even a smile left a deep impression on me, it was she who allowed me to escape from the clutches of the villain, how can I not love such a woman?" Ling Rui said seriously.

People in the audience who didn't know the truth, after hearing Ling Rui's words, thought of Tang Shishi's extraordinary skills, and thought that Tang Shishi had staged a scene of a beautiful woman saving a hero, and they all sighed.

When Fang Ziming and Du Haoyang heard Ling Rui's words, they all scolded Ling Rui for being cunning in their hearts, and they even muddied up the cowherd incident so lightly.

Tang Shishi laughed heartily after hearing Ling Rui's words.She knew that it was not easy to get cheap from this man.

"Then Ling Shaojie, would you mind explaining to us about the 1000 million check?" Du Haoyang didn't intend to let go of Ling Rui's opportunity, and continued to dig deeper.

When Lu Tao in the audience heard about the 1000 million check, he pricked up his ears sensitively and stared intently at the people on the stage.

"Of course it's because I'm handsome, and Shishi fell in love with me at first sight, so she took the most valuable possessions she had at that time as our token of love." Ling Rui opened his eyes and spoke nonsense without shame.

Fang Ziming listened to Ling Rui's words, and a wretched smile appeared on his face. Just as he was about to expose Ling Rui, he heard an angry shout from the door of the hall: "Ling Rui, you hypocrite! You are talking nonsense!"

Everyone was shaken by the sudden angry voice, and their eyes flicked to the door.

When Ling Rui heard Tang Yuan's voice, he squeezed Tang Shishi's big hand tightly.

Tang Shishi's little hand hurt a little from Ling Rui's grip. She looked up at Ling Rui, the two of them looked at each other, then quickly moved their eyes away in tacit understanding, and looked at the door together.

"Ling Rui, you're lying!" Tang Yuan saw Tang Shishi standing on the stage with a glance of shocking beauty. He took a short breath, then turned his eyes to Ling Rui, and said with fire, "You are a complete liar!"

"Tang Yuan, you bastard! What are you talking about? Come here and sit down!" Tang Guoduan yelled at Tang Yuan angrily, his deep voice was very deterrent and full of aura.

"Dad, I can't just watch Shishi jump into the fire pit and be burned to death and ignore her! She's not living a happy life!" Tang Yuan ignored Tang Guoduan and stood stubbornly at one end of the red carpet.

"Tang Yuan, don't talk nonsense! I'm doing well!" Tang Shishi said to Tang Yuan.

"Tang Shishi, how long are you going to help him hide it? You fool, why do you become so humble and selfless when you love someone? I was with Lu Tao before, and after three years of being wronged Human life, don’t tell me that now, you still have to live a life of humiliation?” Tang Yuan’s eyes burned even more when he heard Tang Shishi’s words, and he shouted: “I’m not allowed! I’m not allowed! Did you hear that!”

Mr. Jun and Mrs. Ling were baffled by Tang Yuan's sudden commotion. They had thought that this wedding might be a little hindered, and they had already thought of a countermeasure, but they didn't expect to bring obstacles The person turned out to be Tang Yuan!

Sitting in the audience, Lu Tao's mind was turbulent at the moment Tang Yuan appeared, but when he heard Tang Yuan say that Tang Shishi loves the mighty pursuit of perfection and loses himself humblely, he looked at Ling Rui with hatred meaning!
Even Tang Yuan said so, there is really a problem between Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, not like what they saw!
For a moment, Lu Tao looked at Tang Shishi with love and pain, begging and blaming himself, it was all because of him that Tang Shishi was unhappy!
"I don't know what you're going to say! It's inexplicable!" Tang Shishi looked at Tang Yuan with anger on her face.

"Tang Shishi, how long are you going to deceive yourself and others? The man next to you has been deceiving you! He is deceiving you, do you know that?!" Tang Yuan was stunned by Tang Shishi's seven orifices!
But when he thought that Tang Shishi did this for himself, he was filled with deep guilt!
"Who told you this? Where's the evidence?" Tang Shishi became angry, her voice became sharper.

"Evidence? Tang Shishi, you want evidence, right? I'll give you evidence!" Tang Yuan looked at Tang Shishi angrily, and suddenly shouted behind him, "Come out!"

Everyone's curious eyes moved to Tang Yuan's back, and soon, the eyes were as big as copper bells.

Especially the Jun family and Old Master Ling couldn't help standing up excitedly when they saw the small figure behind Tang Yuan, and when they saw the face of that little man.

"This is—" Old Master Ling supported the chair behind him after eating, wiped his eyes again in disbelief, and looked at the little man again, suddenly he didn't know what it was like, he Looking at Tang Shishi on the stage whose face lost all color in an instant, then at Ling Rui whose face was ashen, and then turned his head to look at the small ball, all kinds of feelings gathered in his heart, but there was nothing—joy!
"Hey, what's going on here?" Ling Yue pointed at the kid on the red carpet with big eyes blinking timidly, and exclaimed, "Where did this kid come from? Whose family? Whose family? "

"Hmph!" Tang Yuan sneered after hearing Ling Yue's words, and said, "Aunt Ling, no! Maybe I should call you aunt, I don't believe that, as the child's grandmother, after so many years, you don't know the child exist!"

"Grandma!" As soon as Tang Yuan finished speaking, a childish voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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