Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 573 "The Lost Star" Han Jing came to the door!

Chapter 573 "The Lost Star" Han Jing came to the door! (3)
The word "Sangmenxing" is a nightmare that has accompanied Han Jing since she was born!

Rumor has it that Han Jing's mother was the third child, and Han Jing's father abandoned his wife and children in order to be with Han Jing's mother. Later, on the day Han Jing's mother gave birth to Han Jing, Han Jing's father died in a car accident. The Han family pushed all this on Han Jing and her mother, thinking that they were unlucky people, so although the Han family finally recognized Han Jing because of Han Jing's father's last wish, everyone in the Han family felt that their mother The daughter is "Sangmenxing", and the word "Sangmenxing" has been accompanied by Han Jing's growth since then, and it is the pain she least wants to be mentioned in her life!

"My mommy is not a Sangmen star! My mommy is not a Sangmen star! You are not allowed to say that about my Mummy!" Ling Baobao heard the word "Sangmen star", like a little beast roaring wildly!

Mr. Jun has naturally heard about some things about the Han family. Although he only heard some rumors, he still knows about Han Jing's life experience. Some feel sorry.

But when he thought of what Han Jing had done, Mr. Jun became angry again, and the guilt just now dissipated. He said to Baby Ling and Han Jing in a low voice, "You go! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Miss Han, you heard what my grandpa said, are you leaving by yourself, or should I have someone drive you away?" Ling Rui comforted Mr. Jun, then turned around, looked at Han Jing's mother and son, and spoke calmly asked.

Han Jing looked at Ling Rui. This man obviously only asked a question in a bland manner, but he gave her a sense of oppression. This feeling of oppression does not come from height, status, or momentum, but from a person's heart !
Realizing that standing in front of her was the most promising man of this generation of the Jun family, and also the most decisive man of the Jun family, Han Jing felt a little guilty for a while, but when she remembered the purpose of her visit this time, Han Jing bit the bullet He opened his mouth: "Ling Rui, even though it happened without your knowledge that time, don't you have the courage to admit what you have done?"

"Han Jing, do you think every man is a fool? I'm not Jun Mubei!" Ling Rui looked at the still stubborn Han Jing, his voice turned cold.

Jun Mubei deserves to be a "two"!Why did you fall in love with such a woman so blindly back then?
Jun Mubei, who was giving orders in the gold powder, suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He touched his chin to cover up his gaffe.

There are so many people thinking about him recently!
"Ling Rui, I know, it's hard for you to accept, and I'm the same as you, but the mistake has already been made, and now in front of the child, how can you make him feel so embarrassed?" Han Jing looked at Ling Rui with a face The face was full of humiliation and pain, and tears kept falling.

"What's so embarrassing?" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows, and repeated the four words, with a smile of unknown meaning hanging on the corner of his mouth.

When Han Jing heard Ling Rui's words, she looked up at him in confusion. When she saw the smile on Ling Rui's face, her heart was shocked. All the men in the Jun family were handsome and extraordinary, especially Ling Rui. Rui, who has worked in the army for many years and made military achievements repeatedly, has a kind of fortitude that Jun Haodong and Jun Mubei don't have, and is more masculine.

Being able to live with such a man should be the most secure feeling, right?At this moment, Han Jing was extremely jealous of Tang Shishi!
Why is that woman so lucky!
Ling Rui looked at Han Jing staring at him, lost his mind, frowned in disgust, and snorted coldly!
Shallow and dirty woman!
Hearing Ling Rui's cold snort, Han Jing quickly came to her senses, lowered her head in a panic to cover up her gaffe just now, then wrapped her arms around Ling Baobao's big hand, and secretly pinched his ass.

"Woo..." Baby Ling cried heartbreakingly. He ran up to Ling Rui, wanting to hug Ling Rui's thigh like he did on the wedding day, but ran to Ling Rui who was only half a meter away. In the place, he stopped abruptly, looked at the straight military uniform on Ling Rui, and didn't dare to pounce on it again, sobbing and said: "Dad, the baby will be very obedient, please don't drive me and mother away , we want to be with Dad! Huh..."

"Baby Ling, don't think that your name is Baobao, you really are a baby!" Ling Rui looked at the little one in front of him, and the mockery at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Baby Ling's sobs froze for a moment, and he clenched his fists tightly, and then he began to cry louder: "Father, please don't leave me and mother behind! Huh..."

"Get out! The children of our Jun family bleed and don't shed tears. This is not the seed of the Jun family! Who made the crooked melon and cracked dates!" Mr. Jun couldn't hold back again, stood up with a groan, and jumped into a rage roared.

A counterfeit is a counterfeit!Even with that face, he doesn't have the backbone that the Jun family should have!
"Mummy! Huh..." Baby Ling was startled by Mr. Jun's sudden standing up, and ran back to Han Jing, lying in her arms, crying even more sadly.

"Grandpa, why do you embarrass a child? What's wrong with the child? It's the adults who are wrong! It's God's will tricking people!" Han Jing comforted Ling Baobao in her arms, and said softly to Mr. Jun.

"Han Jing, it's useless to me to cry, make trouble and hang himself three times. Go back and tell your master that this move doesn't work!" Ling Rui looked at Han Jing's mother and son, and his voice became colder and colder: "Besides, you The person behind him may not be able to protect himself now, are you sure he can protect you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! Ling Rui, I know, you don't believe it, but what happened back then is true. I have the DNA test reports of you and Baby Ling here. If you don't believe it, you can go to the hospital for another test !" After Han Jing finished speaking, she lowered her head and pushed the report in front of Ling Rui.

Thinking of the inspection report in black and white, Han Jing's heart was settled again.

"What can a report explain? If you want, I can issue you thousands of reports that I have nothing to do with this child. Han Jing, with just a few pieces of paper, you dare to make trouble with Jun's family. What are you doing?" Is it so naive? Or are you desperate and cornered now?" Ling Rui looked at Han Jing mockingly and asked.

"Ling Rui, why don't you believe me? The baby is really your child. We were all drunk that night. After waking up, I was afraid that others would find out. I didn't have the courage to bear the truth, and I didn't want to hurt Haodong, so I I ran away! But who knew, I was pregnant! I—" Hearing Ling Rui's words, Han Jing cried so hard that she couldn't help herself. The pain on her face didn't look like a fake!

On that day, Ling Rui found Jun Haodong who had run away from home. The two brothers were drunk, and Ling Rui slept in Jun Haodong's residence. After waking up the next day, Ling Rui noticed that his clothes were disheveled , but he can be very sure that he and Han Jing have never done anything!However, I didn't expect Han Jing to lurk beside them, buried so deep, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity, and when it saw the right time, it would kill someone.

(End of this chapter)

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