Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 575 "The Lost Star" Han Jing came to the door!

Chapter 575 "The Lost Star" Han Jing came to the door! (5)
"Boy Rui, do you doubt Xiao Li?" Mr. Jun suddenly asked in surprise.

Rui boy and Bei boy didn't even hide it from their family this time, and let him and old man Ling toss, unless there were unreliable factors in the family.In the family, only Xiao Li has a foreign surname!
Moreover, Mr. Jun remembered that Ling Rui had tried his best to repair the relationship between Tang Guoduan and Old Man Ling these days, and asked Tang Guoduan to pick up Old Man Ling the day before yesterday, probably in order to prevent Old Man Ling from being with him and being held hostage by Xiao Li, right?

"Grandpa, Xiao Li is from the Shen family." Ling Rui looked at Mr. Jun with a solemn expression and said.

"Sure enough!" Grandpa Jun sighed, "It's a shame that I saved their Li family back then!"

Mr. Jun was a little sad. He never thought that such a kindness of saving his life would not be worth the drive of profit. Over the years, he was completely unaware that he was raising a tiger.

"How do you know?" Mr. Jun asked curiously.

"The Han family said it." Ling Rui said lightly.

"Han family? Rui boy, what the hell are you doing?" When Mr. Jun heard Ling Rui mentioning the Han family, his anger rose again. He glared at Ling Rui angrily and said, "Don't tell me Old man, you Han Baobao is really your seed!"

"Grandpa, your imagination is too rich!" Ling Rui looked at the angry old man Jun from the rearview mirror, and said with a helpless smile.

"Hmph! If it's really your seed, grandpa will strangle him to death without you doing it!" Han Jing, how is that woman worthy of bearing their Jun family's child? His old man refuses to obey!
Besides, that baby Han, with that cartilaginous appearance, doesn't look like the kind of their Jun family. The children of their Jun family are not so spineless. They tremble with fright when they speak loudly, and they tremble with fright when they look at them. Crying and wiping away his tears, look at how promising he is!

"Ahem! Grandpa, don't talk about such nonsense!" Ling Rui felt panicked when he thought of Han Baobao's face!

"Then you let go of the mother and son so easily today, did you do it on purpose?" Mr. Jun asked after him.

"Grandpa, we two elders, it's really embarrassing for a woman and a child to spread the word, how ugly!" Ling Rui said with a playful smile.

"Don't fight with me, what's the matter with the women and children? They're bullying to the door, and my old man doesn't care so much!" Mr. Jun is obviously still angry, and his words are full of gunpowder.

In the eyes of his old man, there are only enemies, no women or children!Is it because they are women and children that he can't fight back if they beat them, or let them be slaughtered if they don't fight back?

"Grandpa is mighty! I've been taught!" Ling Rui said with an unscrupulous smile.

"Stinky boy, don't think that you can get away with it!" Mr. Jun's face softened a little, and he glared at Ling Rui.

"I don't know anything else, but I heard people say that Han Jing's mother disappeared earlier." After Ling Rui finished speaking, he didn't say anything more. He believed that his grandfather could understand.

"Oh! Forget it! My old man, the prime minister, can punt a boat in his stomach, and he is not as knowledgeable as a junior!" After hearing Ling Rui's words, Mr. Jun said with a sigh.

Ling Rui smiled but said nothing.

Han Jing, Ling Rui recited the name silently, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened. He has never had any compassion for those who hurt his family. The reason why he didn't move Han Jing was not because he forgave her, but because he thought it was not enough. It's only time to move her!This woman survived under the heavy oppression of the Han family, how could it be so simple?
"Stinky boy, drive faster!" When Mr. Jun thought of seeing Tang Shishi, he felt anxious like something, wishing to spread his wings and fly to his destination.

"It's already too soon!" Ling Rui looked at the eager old man Jun and said with a smile.

"Boy Rui, my old man left his words here this time. I don't care what you guys do next time. If you let girl Shishi be wronged again and go take risks, I will break your leg!" Mr. Jun murderously Tenten said.

"Grandpa, it's not my problem this time. It's all about that bastard Jun Mubei's instigated Shishi, who just messed up my original plan. Don't even think about it. How can I be willing to take Shishi to take risks?" Ling When Rui heard what Mr. Jun said, he couldn't help but sue behind him.

"This stinky boy, he knows how to make trouble every day when he doesn't do business. This time, I have to clean him up!" Mr. Jun couldn't help saying bitterly when he heard Ling Rui's words.

Jun Mubei, who was hooking the rope to climb upstairs, couldn't help taking a deep breath, his nose was still itchy and numb, but he was in mid-air now, and he didn't dare to sneeze Come out, forbearance is extremely hard!
This crappy nose!When is it bad to want to sneeze, but this is the time to feel it!If a sneeze is released and the target is exposed, the person will die!
Junmu Beibei tried his best to endure it, and finally couldn't help it anymore, so he had to let go of the hand that had been holding on to the rope, and pinched his nose vigorously.

Mo Youyou was on the other rope, climbing up quickly like a monkey. After seeing Jun Mubei's body fall a lot, he thought he had fallen, and was so frightened that he hurried to catch him , but after seeing Jun Mu Beiteng pinch and knead his nose with his hand, he frowned angrily.

Jun Mubei stopped when he saw Mo Youyou who was a little taller than him, looking at him, he immediately put on a straight face.

Ever since he had a "deep talk" with Du Haoyang that day, he has become more and more repulsive to Mo Youyou now. If it wasn't for the mission, he had no choice but to not team up with this idiot, lest he be caught She is contagious!
Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei with a dead face, as if someone owed him money, and felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't know how she offended this bastard these days!
The tricks Tang Shishi taught her were very effective at the beginning, but after a long time, they seemed to no longer work, so now she is eager to see Tang Shishi as soon as possible, so that she can give her a hand. A few more tricks for yourself!

She must subdue Jun Mubei, an old man!
Jun Mubei noticed that Mo Youyou's rope hadn't moved for a long time, and looked at Mo Youyou in surprise, but found that Mo Youyou was in a daze, so angry that he really wanted to slap her on the forehead.

Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei who had climbed up, with a vicious look, raised his chin arrogantly, and glanced at Jun Mubei, when Jun Mubei looked at her in surprise, Mo Youyou stretched out his thumb , with his fingertips down, he shook Jun Mubei, and before Jun Mubei could react, he grabbed the rope and quickly climbed up.

Stinky man!Why look down on people!She climbed much faster than him!
(End of this chapter)

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