Chapter 577 The Last Tenderness! (2)
What Tang Shishi didn't know was that Shen He asked someone to press the camera in the dormitory. Although Shen He was not in the dormitory, he knew everything about Tang Shishi's activities in the dormitory.

Seeing Tang Shishi nestled on the sofa in the living room watching the military world, watching it with great interest, Shen He felt melancholy, Tang Shishi, is it because of Ling Rui that you pay special attention to these things?

Ling Rui, you really make me envious and jealous!
Seeing Tang Shishi yawned several times in a row, looking drowsy, but still waiting in the living room, Shen He felt soft in his heart, feeling that Tang Shishi at this time was like a little wife waiting for her husband, So delicate and cute.

Finally, when Tang Shishi yawned again, Shen He got up impatiently and left the laboratory.

Tang Shishi is his poison!The more he gets along with her, the more he yearns for the feeling of her being by his side!
Tomorrow, all this will come to an end, no matter what, he must take Tang Shishi away and keep all the good things by his side!

Even if she will never fall in love with herself in her life!
Early the next morning, when Tang Shishi woke up, she found that Shen He had woken up early and was making breakfast in the kitchen. Tang Shishi stretched her waist and looked in surprise at Shen He who was wearing an apron and was busy in the kitchen. , I feel that there is a sense of violation no matter how you look at it.

It's not surprising that Ling Rui can cook breakfast, but senior Shen He... Tang Shishi finds it very unacceptable.

During breakfast, Tang Shishi looked at the four dishes and one soup in front of her, and looked at Shen He suspiciously.

It's just breakfast, is it necessary to eat so much?
"Eat quickly, try my cooking." Shen He said, putting a chopstick of food into Tang Shishi's bowl, and urged.

"Oh!" Tang Shishi stared at the dishes in the bowl for a long time, until she found that Shen He had eaten a lot, then picked up the chopsticks and tried to take a bite, then Tang Shishi blinked suspiciously: the taste is indeed delicious. - not bad!

"How is it?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, waiting for her to judge with some anxiety.

"Not bad! It's delicious! I didn't expect senior Shen He to cook, it's really impressive!" Tang Shishi was not stingy with her praise.

"That's right, let me tell you quietly, I know a lot of things, I don't tell ordinary people, I'm afraid they will love me so much that they will die to death!" Shen He listened to Tang Shishi's words, The stinky fart is like a peacock spreading its tail!
Tang poetry is cold!It is finally confirmed that the person in front of him is without a doubt Senior Shen He!Otherwise, which man is so narcissistic after being dumped so many times!
"Shishi, eat more today, this is the first time I cook in so many years, you must give me face!" Shen He said while serving Tang Shishi some food.

"Well. Senior Shen He, is there something happy for you?" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He's face showing joy, and thought that it might be what she thought, and couldn't help but elated in her heart, but On the face, he still maintained a calm face.

Does this mean that she can go home to see her grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts soon?Except for Jun Mubei, Tang Shishi thought about everyone in the family many times, even Ah Hua twice.

"What do you think?" Shen He raised his chin arrogantly, looked at Tang Shishi, and asked stinkingly.

"Did your research succeed?" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He's confident and smug look, her voice still trembled uncontrollably because of excitement, did she finally make it?
Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's little face full of surprises, and his heart slowly seeped into sadness. He knew that Tang Shishi was so happy at the moment, it was definitely not because her research was successful, but because she would leave him soon. Back to Jun's house, back to Ling Rui's arms!
Thinking of this, a hint of hatred flashed across Shen He's original gentle face, so fast that he couldn't even see Tang Shishi who was by his side clearly, thinking it was his eyes dazzled!

"Of course!" Shen He admitted generously, laughing heartily.

"Senior, you are amazing!" Only then did Tang Shishi show her due excitement.

"It's just average." Shen He suddenly thought of the sketch that Tang Shishi drew when he was in the bottleneck period, and now he feels that Tang Shishi must have drawn it like that on purpose at that time, in order to let him quickly make a finished product Come on, because her goal is not just as simple as the blueprint, what she cares most about is the launch chip in the clip!
"Senior, I admire you so much!" Tang Shishi said happily, "I knew there was nothing you couldn't do. You are amazing!"

"It's all thanks to the bread and crispy shrimp!" Shen He smiled nonchalantly, and gave Tang Shishi a dish with chopsticks.

"Then, in order to repay my bread and crispy shrimp, can senior take me to worship your masterpiece?" Tang Shishi said flatteringly, but she was extremely nervous in her heart, for fear that Shen He would use the words "military secret" , and reject her.

"Of course, I have nothing against you!" Shen He confessed seriously.

"Senior, let's eat quickly, I can't wait to see it!" Tang Shishi frowned when she heard Shen He agreed to her request, and quickly drank the soup in her bowl , I can't wait to go to the scientific research building immediately.

Shen He looked at Tang Shishi's radiant little face, and his heart ached uncontrollably, Tang Shishi, you really can't wait!

"Eat slowly, as long as you like, I will make it for you every day in the future!" Shen He took out a tissue and wiped the rice grains from the corner of Tang Shishi's mouth calmly.

Ga! ?Tang Shishi looked at Shen He, her body stiffened for a moment.

"Why don't you eat?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi who suddenly stopped chopsticks, and asked without knowing why.

"I'm full." Tang Shishi stood up and said, "I'm going to change my clothes."

Tang Shishi dropped a sentence, and left in a hurry.

Shen He's eyes followed Tang Shishi's back, his face was gloomy, and the hand holding the chopsticks was forced hard, and the pair of chopsticks broke into four pieces in his hand.He looked down at the meals on the table that he had worked so hard to prepare early in the morning, and suddenly felt that he was a joke!
Tang Shishi, even if your heart is made of stone, I will definitely warm you up!

It doesn't matter, let's take our time, anyway, in the future, we have plenty of time!

Tang Shishi changed into the female soldier's clothes and followed Shen He to the scientific research building. She didn't know why, but she was sensitive to the strange atmosphere in the entire scientific research building today. Although she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong, Tang Shishi Shi believed in her intuition, so she secretly paid attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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