Chapter 581 Go Home (2)
When Tang Shishi thought about what Shen Kui said just now, the purpose of Shen He's plan this time was to not only make Ling Rui feel miserable, but also discredit Jun's family, Tang Shishi hated Shen He very much!
Senior Shen He clearly knows that he is... Still treating Ling Rui and the Jun family like this is really too much!

As for what Shen He said, "If you want to kill her, kill me first.", Tang Shishi was a little moved in her heart, but when she thought of the price of this touch, Tang Shishi finally only had hatred in her heart!

"Tang Shishi! Why? Why did you fall in love with Ling Rui? Why did you treat me like this? Is there anything I am inferior to Ling Rui?" Shen He finally heard Tang Shishi mention her "favorite person" Unable to restrain the jealousy and resentment in my heart, I went crazy!

"Senior, thanks to your playing Huacong for so many years, do you still need a reason to love someone? I love Ling Rui, just because he is Ling Rui, that's all!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He coldly and said, she was dreaming I didn't expect that one day I would be able to say such a literary and vulgar [-] o'clock dialogue: Do you need a reason to love someone?Don't need a reason?do you need?Don't you need it?

If it was heard by that woman Wang Yueshan, it would be no wonder if she didn't laugh to death!
But now, seeing Shen He's battered appearance, Tang Shishi felt that she was vulgar and stylish!

At this moment, Tang Shishi even felt that Senior Shen He's feelings for her were not love at all, but a paranoid possessiveness. It was only because he fell in love with Ling Rui that he felt aggrieved and started to fight for her. Heart.It's like a toy of his own, which was taken by his enemy, so he tried his best to get this toy back, but in fact, he might not really care about this toy.

"Tang Shishi, I won't let you and Ling Rui be together!" Shen He raised his head, looked at the determined look in Tang Shishi's eyes, his face was full of madness!
"Senior Shen He, you can't stop it!" Seeing the killing intent flashing across Shen He's face, Tang Shishi put on high alert, but there was no trace of panic on her face.

"What if I said I stopped it?" Shen He looked at Tang Shishi, his pair of phoenix eyes were deep like ink that couldn't be melted, and there were dark storms churning inside, which made people feel extremely dangerous.

"Very good!" Standing next to Shen He, Shen Kui, who had never spoken, saw Shen He's murderous look, and his eyes showed admiration: "Shen He, kill her! The one who killed Ling Rui Woman! Not only is your plan perfect, but you will never have any weaknesses in the future! A man without weaknesses is a truly powerful man!"

While speaking, Shen Kui stuffed a pistol into Shen He's hand, and when he saw Shen He staring at the pistol in his hand with a trace of confusion on his face, he continued to say seductively: "Shen He, kill me!" She! This woman has been using you and deceiving your feelings from the beginning to the end. She has never loved you! She only loves Ling Rui. If you kill her, Ling Rui will be in pain, and the Jun family will take the blame for this incident. , Isn't this exactly what you want? Kill her!" Shen Kui looked at Shen He's bewildered phoenix eyes, which gradually revealed a gleam of light, and looked at Tang Shishi with a vicious smile on his face!

The purpose of his secret visit this time is to have Shen He kill Tang Shishi with his own hands. Only in this way can he feel happy!

"Senior Shen He!" Tang Shishi looked at Shen He who was slowly raising the gun towards her, with a hint of despair in her eyes. Her despair was not because of the fear of facing life and death, but because she knew that she had a friendship with Senior Shen He. , at the moment when Senior Shen He chose to raise his gun to face him, he was completely shattered and nothing remained!
fair enough!
A resolute smile appeared on the corner of Tang Shishi's mouth!

Since this is the case, then she doesn't need to be scruples, and show mercy to Senior Shen He!

When Shen He saw the smile on the corner of Tang Shishi's mouth, his body trembled almost imperceptibly, but then he clenched the gun more firmly.

"Tang Shishi, I'll give you one last chance, choose me or Ling Rui?" Shen He's phoenix eyes revealed a bloodthirsty madness, which made people have no doubt that he would shoot the next moment!
"Shen He, I, Tang Shishi, will be Ling Rui's woman no matter whether I live or die in my life!" Tang Shishi stood in front of Shen He with a firm tone, without even a second of hesitation!
"Tang Shishi, why are you forcing me?! Why are you forcing me?! Why?!" After Shen He heard what Tang Shishi said, the despair in his phoenix eyes was even worse than Tang Shishi's. and.

"Shen He, between you and me, we are just enemies from now on!" Tang Shishi calmly watched the crazy Shen He, her tone was cold and unfeeling.

"Tang Shishi, go to hell!" Shen He roared, closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger on Tang Shishi.

A tear slowly rolled down from the corner of Shen He's eye, that crystal teardrop reflected Shen He's ashes-like desolation and despair at the moment, falling into the dust.

Tang Shishi stared blankly at the tear rolling down from the corner of Shen He's eyes, and pulled the trigger reflexively when she heard the gunshot.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There were three gunshots in a row.

The moment Shen Kui saw Shen He shooting Tang Shishi, a relieved smile appeared on his face, but when he heard three gunshots, the smile on his face froze instantly. He was the closest to Shen He , it is very clear that Shen He only fired one shot just now, so the two extra shots...

"Young Master!" Just when Shen Kui was suspicious, a hidden guard beside Shen He suddenly screamed, and stretched out his hand to catch Shen He's crumbling body.

"Shen He!" Only then did Shen Kui realize that Shen He beside him was pale, covered his chest with one hand, and fell into the arms of the dark guard.

Shen Kui quickly looked at Tang Shishi, and found that Tang Shishi had a small silver pistol in his hand at some point, and the muzzle was pointing in Shen He's direction!
Slap!The silver nightingale in Tang Shishi's hand fell to the ground.A hidden guard of the Shen family drew his gun without hesitation, and pulled the trigger on Tang Shishi.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There were three more gunshots, and the guard of the Shen family who shot at Tang Shishi fell to the ground with his eyes wide open. There was a hole between his eyebrows, and he was completely dead!
And Tang Shishi still stood there in the original posture, with a dazed look on her face, but she was unscathed.

Shen Kui looked around warily, but found that there was no one else around except Tang Shishi. He snatched the pistol from Shen He's hand angrily, and wanted to shoot Tang Shishi, but heard a voice. : "Shen Kui, it seems that you also want to have multiple holes in your head!"

"Second Lord! You can aim, don't hit the kidney, then he really has kidney deficiency!" Another voice, full of disdain and banter.

(End of this chapter)

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