Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 599 Ling Rui Was Proposed in Public!

Chapter 599 Ling Rui Was Proposed in Public! (2)
As Tang Shishi said, she happily took Ling Rui's little hand, walked to the old man's booth where she bought cotton candy, and asked for a large cotton candy.

After Ling Rui paid the money, she saw Tang Shishi holding a bunch of cloud-like marshmallows and small pink stones in her hands, licking them mischievously, and unconsciously swallowed her saliva.

"Buy a bunch of marshmallows, and get a kiss from a handsome guy, do you want?"

Tang Shishi didn't speak, but gave Ling Rui a blank look, and continued to eat cotton candy.

"It's really that delicious?" Ling Rui asked with a frown as he looked at the string of marshmallows.He didn't believe that this thing could compare to his sweet kiss.

"Try it!" Tang Shishi lifted the string of marshmallows to Ling Rui's mouth, saw Ling Rui frowned, and seduced, "It's really delicious!"

Tang Shishi once ate all the snacks in City B in order to learn cooking skills. She can guarantee that the cotton candy in this restaurant is definitely the best.

"It's very sweet!" Ling Rui frowned and swallowed the marshmallow cooperatively, his eyebrows furrowed even deeper, except for the sweetness, he couldn't taste any difference.

When Tang Shishi saw Ling Rui's expression, she knew it was disgusting!But Ling Rui can't be blamed, he grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, so he should dislike such things that are not on the stage.

Tang Shishi ignored Ling Rui, and took a large cotton candy by herself, eating with relish.

Ling Rui looked at the convoy that was still stuck in front of him. He expected that the traffic jam would last for a long time, so he suggested walking to the clothing store, which was not far away anyway.

Tang Shishi nodded without objection, and continued to fight with the big string of marshmallows!
Ling Rui held Tang Shishi's hand, a warm and powerful big hand intertwined with a soft and boneless little hand, this look really looks like a young couple shopping, his face can't help but overflowing with tenderness .

When Tang Shishi ate more than half of the marshmallow, she suddenly stopped, with vigilance in her eyes, just about to look around, when Ling Rui hugged her in her arms and pressed her head affectionately: "Don't look around! "

"Have you noticed it long ago?" Tang Shishi asked after taking a bite of the marshmallow.

"Yeah." Ling Rui took the opportunity to kiss Tang Shishi and said casually.

"Who is it?" Tang Shishi asked puzzled, they had only come out for a while, and they were followed!
"I don't know, maybe it's the paparazzi!" The other party didn't look murderous, Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and said.Hearing what Ling Rui said, Tang Shishi felt relieved, but she had lost her previous relaxed mood of shopping, and even eating cotton candy didn't feel much interest.

"Don't worry, it's okay! You continue to eat!" Ling Rui persuaded Tang Shishi, looking at Tang Shishi's lack of interest.

Tang Shishi sighed sadly, and said: "Old hooligan, what I regret is not the cotton candy, but the state of mind! The two of us are carefree and carefree, wandering in the street like ordinary young couples! Destroyed by this annoying person!" When Tang Shishi spoke, she only felt something like a flashlight flashing, and her tone became angry.

"It's all my fault." Hearing what Tang Shishi said, Ling Rui felt guilty.Since the little wild cat married him, so many things happened one after another in just a few months, and it didn't take a few days to settle down.

"I hate it! What are you talking about!" Tang Shishi couldn't help poking Ling Rui's chest when she heard Ling Rui blame herself, and said, "I'll punish you for eating the rest of the marshmallow!" After speaking, she threw the marshmallow into Ling Rui's chest Tuck it in your hand.

"This, don't you want it?" So sweet!Ling Rui frowned.

"It must be eaten!" Tang Shishi's tone was non-committal.

Ling Rui held the string of marshmallows bitterly, and swallowed with his eyes closed, as if he was taking poison.

"Isn't it sweet? Old hooligan, this is how I feel when I'm with you. No matter what I've experienced, no matter what outsiders think, my heart is always sweet!" Tang Shishi said solemnly.

After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Ling Rui's eyes shone brightly. He didn't expect to hear Little Wild Cat's confession after taking a bite of cotton candy?Ling Rui felt that the marshmallow tasted delicious immediately, more delicious than anything he had ever eaten!
Ling Rui gulped down the marshmallows a few times, and felt that the marshmallows were not as bad as he imagined, and felt sweet in his heart. He looked at the marshmallows in a big circle, which were white, soft, and soft. Like a cloud, swinging in the wind, I couldn't help biting a few more bites on it, and then put the remaining cotton candy in front of Tang Shishi, saying: "Honey, look, does this look like you?" It's—" Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi's chest!

Tang Shishi glanced at the string of marshmallows "processed" by Ling Rui, her little face flushed with anger, and she reached out to beat Ling Rui!

The old rascal!Bad ruffian!
Ling Rui dexterously dodged Tang Shishi's fist, Tang Shishi was unwilling to give up, and chased to fight again. The two of them shuttled back and forth on the street with people coming and going, chasing and playing. The laughter was scattered and carried away by the wind.

When Ling Rui and Tang Shishi arrived at Jane's clothing store, they were already sweating.

The master is not here, and the people in the store say that he has gone abroad.

Tang Shishi handed the order to Linda, the supervisor in the store, and then sat on the rest chair, waiting for them to pick up the clothes.

Linda carefully delivered tissues and juice to Tang Shishi and Ling Rui. Tang Shishi happened to be a little thirsty. After thanking them politely, she drank.

Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, but there are fewer people in Jane's store than usual, because most of the clothes here are custom-made and limited edition, those who want to buy clothes have to start early, and they will never delay coming until this time.

Tang Shishi was bored and leaned on Ling Rui's shoulder to drink juice, enjoying the shopping environment very much.

After a while, two clerks walked over pushing a large hanger. When Tang Shishi saw so many clothes, she couldn't help but sigh: "Grandma always spends so much money. These clothes are enough for her." During the seven-day long holiday, I changed two sets every day!

"Why are there no men's clothes?" Tang Shishi couldn't help asking curiously after picking through the pile of clothes, but she didn't see Ling Rui's.

"Madam Jun didn't order men's models this time." The clerk replied with a standard smile.

"It seems that you really made mom very angry this time!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui sympathetically and said.

Ling Rui thought of his "dire and torrid" days a few days ago, chuckled, tugged at Tang Shishi's nose, and said, "I'll punish you to buy me New Year's clothes later!"

Tang Shishi touched her nose in embarrassment, and nodded cheerfully: "Okay! I'll accompany you later!" Speaking of which, she hasn't bought clothes for Ling Rui yet!With such a good opportunity, she must seize it and perform well.

(End of this chapter)

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